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Steam/western remake of the Gemini Twins

Hi everyone havnt posted a new thread for a bit, mostly because of the holidays. what i am currently working on is a steampunk western version of the Gemini twins Castor and Pollux. I am starting out with Pollux( the pugalist).

According to greek mythology Pollux was the immortal twin. who possessed incredible boxing and hand to hand fighting abilities. This earned him the nickname Pollux of 1000 fingers because his punches were so fast that they would appear as a blur of fingers. Castor was a horsemaster, and i will upload more story on him once i get around to working on his model.

For my version of the twins i was going for a steampunk western theme that i feel can lend itself to either of the twins. pollux has these giant pistons on his forearms that full of steam pistons. he had these crafted for the purpose of slowing his blows and absorbing some of his tremendous hitting power so that his opponents are not killed in one blow( as that would get boring) I still have some tweaking to do but his torso right now is going to be bare and heavily tattooed, im very loosely basing the style of his skin and character off of Brad Pitt's character Mickey from Snatch.

Enough story for now, these shots are of the retoped body and gear, no high frequency detail yet, and no work done on his pistons yet that is the cage for them in the shots, i included that incomplete to give the idea of scale. first two highpoly with persp second 2 without.


oh he will have hair in the final, i was going to do goggles around his neck, but i think its cliche? input would help on this thanks!



  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    The overall design is pretty cool, I really dig the steam powered gloves, and I love Greek Myths, although I think the name you chose was from the Roman version of the brothers, same difference.

    While the overall design is nice, you've got a lot of problems going on in terms of anatomy. For one you gave him an extra set of abs, this could be solved by just lowering his pecs which seem high up anyway, and getting rid of the huge gap between the first set abs and the pecs. There is no muscle between the two anyway, just tendon and bone. You also gave him an extra string of muscles in between his obliques and serratus anterior, there is only one set zig-zags of the muscles meeting at the side of the torso. Also it would seem as though his trapezius has collapsed in at the neck. Get rid of the concavities as well, there are very few parts of the human body that have them Most of the parts where things look like they're going in, are actually where two or more muscles meet and form a small space or line on the body. The best way to put it, think about the human form as a balloon animal - the muscles, blood, viscera and what not are the air, and the skin and fascia are the rubber, the inside stuff is always pushing out, not sucking in.

    His head positioning is also strangely set back it looks like he's cringing away from something, e human head naturally rests slightly leaned forward.

    I would definitely look at the human anatomy and its muscular structure, what you have is sculpted nicely...just not correct, unless of course him being an immortal entitles him to having physical anomalies, haha.

    The cloth in his pants have a pretty wonky flow to them as well, I would look at some refs of that too.

    So yeah, good design, good sculpt, bad/off structure.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    think about the human form as a balloon animal - the muscles, blood, viscera and what not are the air, and the skin and fascia are the rubber, the inside stuff is always pushing out, not sucking in.
    lol, that was a strange visual image Neo god, never the less, that was a spot on crit. I hope you tear into my work one of these days like that.

    some bits I noticed from a more less anatomy standpoint is the cowboy boots seem a bit flat, usually the toes get turned up a bit:

    boot (the image is ceramic but you get the gist)

    also his hands might seem a bit large> although I could see that being a style thing, you def see large hands alot these days. also check that weird bend in the forearm.

    good stuff man, look forward to seeing more
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Haha, Konstruct, that's the best analogy I could come up with. It's interesting with hands, people usually seem to accept hands as more realistic when they're portrayed larger, even more so if they're in proportion with larger feet too. Most of Rodin's sculptures have larger hands and feet, and people always associate him with realism.
  • woogity
    thanks alot for your replys guys the pants look strange, thats my fault they need a bit more attention, i used diffrent refs of chaps in google images unfortunately i failed to take into account leather grain so its a combo of high grain and low quality leather makes it confusing i think. also they had suprisingly energetic folds for leather.

    Neo: Thanks so much! i over exaggerated the curvature of the spine a bit since i typically have the flat as a board problem with human characters. this i think has resulted in the chest being a bit high and the neck being set back abit. The chest bothers me a little as well ill go ahead and pull down the bottom of the pecs. also on the serratis i believe i have the proper number of iterations, i belive its two horizontal and one that feeds vertically behind the abs tho i could be wrong on this as far as how it looks covered with skin and fat the only refs i used for musculature on the front were from skinless medical images. also great pic on the traps i handnt noticed, definatly looks bad tho. Ballon animal Lolz! that gives me disturbing mental images of someone trying to excape a latex baloon...shudder.

    Kon: The boots were driving me crazy i couldnt figureout for a bit what was off but your image helped me a good bit i will redo them cowboy boots seem to have a overexaggerated curvature to the sole of the boot i was missing this.

    thanks for the extremely constructive crits, i will redo the boots and try and even out some more of his neck/chest structure before high frequency sculpting, prehaps ill just adjust the retop based on the new mesh instead of redoing it.
  • woogity
    sorry for the non-sequitur post, this sculpt was just for fun yesterday from the same basemesh used for Pollux took about 20 mins. ok im gonna go get back to working on the gemini more updates coming tonight. this is kinda a flavor of the high frequency level of detail i want on this one, but of course he isnt old so not soo wrinkly.


  • woogity
    revisions to the body, boots curved more shoulder issue addressed, chest ppulled down a bit and the frequency of the detail in the pants was lessened to remove some "wonk" <btw im keeping that word now haha. also a pre high-frequency bust of the guy for comparison later.


    and the bust

    as always C&C much appriciated.

  • ru4it
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    ru4it polygon
    it seems that there is to much arch in the back that could possible cause the inflated chest
  • woogity
    srry for the long break between the posts on this guy a friend who is a phenomenal animator asked me to rig it for her since as of now all her work is cinematic, with no game res characters. soooo this is what ive been working on, basics, normals and ao applied as color, 7k faces atm and rig is still a little wip, need to do floaters for his belt/ buckles and have a little to do for the face still as well.


    textures soon!

  • woogity
    ok texture update, no spec on this just diffuse and normal, almost done with the hair im quite pleased with it, not liking the normals on the air hammers so its gonna get redone, but this is all gonna be on pause for dominance war so hopefully it will be done before then. anyways texture crits are welcome!


  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    Your concept has my approval
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    I`m guessing you haven't done a spec map yet and just have an amped up spec setting on your view port shader right? turn that down 90-100% so we can get a better picture of whats going down in your diff
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    busybusybusy busy busy busy busy

    it's very visually busy. simplify! and turn off that spec! use spec where appropriate.


    You are making awesome progress on this.
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