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Gears of War 2 Art

So I've decided (thanks to the encouragement of the amazing Kevin Johnstone) to post some of the work I did for Gears of War 2 here. I've been lurking here for quite some time, but never had the courage to post anything.

I hope you like it :)



  • bounchfx
    Took ya long enough!

    Looks great, thanks for sharing!
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    If talent was tangible, you would have none right now ... because I would have stolen it from you long ago :D Great stuff!!
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Heck of a Update for you Blog dude (considering its been 2 YEARS!)

    Love it all.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Great stuff. I really dig the old rusted out vehicles.
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Awesome! glad you made it to the boards sir! you guys have a ton of fans here. thanks for sharing your work with us.
  • Stubbs
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    Stubbs polycounter lvl 17
    Very cool, great for inspiration. Thanks for sharing this stuff.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    who has the guts to criticise a gears2 artist? :D

    really solid modelling work, very awesome =). I think the textures can use some more love though, on some of the props the diffuse, dirt details seem like an afterthought after making the hipoly.
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Hot damn!, Nice stuff!

    But I have a question; what's going on with the ammo belt here? It appears like the geometry is merging together (path deform), but it could just be an illusion caused by the render? Was this intentional?


    Please post more work ;)
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Nice first post. =)

    Great work.
  • intolerant
    thanks guys! The ammo belt thing is just turned there - it's just an illusion, unless you think it's cool, then it's totally intentional :)
  • X-Convict
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    X-Convict polycounter lvl 18
    Good work man, the turret is my favorite! Nice vehicles too. I agree with Peris some of the textures could have been a little better, but the game looks great so congrats on a badass title and nice work!
  • misterboogie
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    misterboogie polycounter lvl 11
    Great stuff Intolerant! Your website is packed full of Environmental glory!!
  • intolerant
    thanks guys!

    Peris and X-Convict - yeah I'm not really a texture artist, I just really enjoy doing it - I think most of that stuff actually got redone by Mike Buck for the final game anyway, so the ones in game look much better :)

    thanks again guys :)
  • ArtsyFartsy
    X-Convict wrote: »
    Good work man, the turret is my favorite! Nice vehicles too. I agree with Peris some of the textures could have been a little better, but the game looks great so congrats on a badass title and nice work!

    Oh? And what would make the textures better pray tell?

    Gears art direction is for all intents and purposes flawless. Sure you can find little spots here and there that can be improved on (very few), but when you look at everything as a whole it is really about as good as this generation can get.

    Of course you could debate on weather or not you like the art direction as a whole, as compared to ....oh....let's say Lego Star Wars. But in terms of technical flaws, there really aren't any (and I've looked really hard).

    I remember seeing your Epic art test some time ago and then looking at the art tests I was doing and it was two different universes. I would totally give up my virginity to you guys.
  • Mark Dygert
    Hey, cool stuff thanks for posting =)
  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    Some nice work there thanks for sharing
  • stoofoo
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    stoofoo polycounter lvl 18
    Intolerant--dope stuff, man. If you could go tell jordan to shave off that damned stubble, that'd be great. THANKS. =O

    ArtsyFartsy--what the shit? Sit down, son. You a little too loud. I don't know where your little tyraid came from, but this one two fancy fanaticism will not stand. No one in this thread was talking any amount of shit. I'm pretty sure that anyone who makes assets EVER can agree that there is room for improvement--that's not going to change. There was no vitriol in any single post. Kindly take yours out of this thread.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 18
    ArtsyFartsy, are you serious or is that some super thick internet sarcasm that's going over my head?

    Overall good stuff, though I think that your older UT3 stuff actually has stronger textures than the Gears 2 work; it seems like your style changed a lot for Gears 2. The newer stuff seems to have too much high-frequency lumpy bump detail that starts to muddy up the textures. The constant color scheme of "grey + heavily oxidized copper" makes the colors seem very flat over all of the assets too. This might just be because all of these props are from one area, but it really stood out to me.

    Overall though it's all good quality stuff, I really like your UT3 textures especially and those environment shots are hot.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Cool beans Mikey, glad to see you finally posted.

    btw folks, Mikey spent most of his time on Gears2 cranking out awesome levels while trying to find time inbetween his scheduled work to still make cool art too!

    Oh and Sandbag, most of those assets were from the Hospital section, so continuity of art style did play its part.
  • intolerant
    Thanks guys!

    Yeah, I wrote a longer post that didn't show up for some reason explaining my role here; but since Kevin mentioned it, I'll just clarify.

    I'm really more of a Level designer around here - Most of my tasks include populating the levels with meshes, and lighting; and I'll even do scripting from time to time (like the part where you ride the reaver and fight the giant Hydra). So most of this stuff was just done whenever I found the time.

    I appreciate all the positive feedback, and I'll be sure to push harder on textures next time :)

    thanks again guys!
  • intolerant
    stoofoo wrote: »
    Intolerant--dope stuff, man. If you could go tell jordan to shave off that damned stubble, that'd be great. THANKS. =O

    haha, you'll be happy to know that Jordan's face is as smooth as a baby's butt now :)
  • intolerant
    Oh? And what would make the textures better pray tell?

    Gears art direction is for all intents and purposes flawless. Sure you can find little spots here and there that can be improved on (very few), but when you look at everything as a whole it is really about as good as this generation can get.

    Of course you could debate on weather or not you like the art direction as a whole, as compared to ....oh....let's say Lego Star Wars. But in terms of technical flaws, there really aren't any (and I've looked really hard).

    I remember seeing your Epic art test some time ago and then looking at the art tests I was doing and it was two different universes. I would totally give up my virginity to you guys.

    I appreciate the positive encouragement and the defense :) The first time I saw the UE3 demo that would eventually become Gears, I felt the same way (I think it was GDC 2005?) - it was one of those eye opening moments that showed me that my career was headed down the wrong path, and that I needed to amp things up a bit :) I think the industry as a whole has pretty much caught up now, and I would certainly be proud to work at most studios these days :)

    thanks again for the encouragement
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    even though i dont think its gears two work - for the sand bag wall you did - could you please explain your workflow/wireframes because these are the most awesome sandbags ive seen (lol) and ive been trying to make them in the past with little success
  • ArtsyFartsy
    stoofoo wrote: »
    ArtsyFartsy--what the shit? Sit down, son. You a little too loud. I don't know where your little tyraid came from, but this one two fancy fanaticism will not stand. No one in this thread was talking any amount of shit. I'm pretty sure that anyone who makes assets EVER can agree that there is room for improvement--that's not going to change. There was no vitriol in any single post. Kindly take yours out of this thread.


    I think there's a misunderstanding of tone here. If Level 1 is Stephen hawking enthusiasm, and Level 10 enthusiasm is a 13 year old girl who just got a asked on a date by the Jonas brothers (whichever one, they're all hideous), then my level of enthusiasm is about a 4. So i don't know what you're talking about.

    I didn't even play the gears games, though I own both of them and UT3. My brother played them and I explored them a bit more for my own artistic interest than anything else. My observations are not those of a !!* #1 fan *!!, but those of a student looking at an artwork of pristine quality and accepting it as such, and trying to learn from it.

    Looking for flaws in Epic games with teach you nothing. Instead of trying to find things that are wrong with their designs, the correct questions would be - What is it about this asset that makes it work? What is it about their level design that makes it pull together so well? What is it about their props that even when they appear to be very simple, they have a quality about them that is impossible to replicate, and that enhances their presence so greatly? Art is not just polygons and high res textures.

    And please don't call me "son".
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    dude just shut the fuck up or think 2 seconds before typing. Great work man , the gears art test is really good too ! , also yeah teh bullets kinda seem melted together, and the sandbags are really cool , i dig the texturing on the trucks, share more !
  • intolerant
    alright alright, leave him alone :)

    thanks guys!
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Sexah. :)

    The internets demand MORE!
  • intolerant
    sampson wrote: »
    even though i dont think its gears two work - for the sand bag wall you did - could you please explain your workflow/wireframes because these are the most awesome sandbags ive seen (lol) and ive been trying to make them in the past with little success

    wow, thanks dude!

    hmm, I'll have to dig to find that stuff :)

    in terms of workflow, I just made some chamfer boxes and stacked them on each other and pushed and pulled verts til I was happy enough to do a Zbrush pass, then I took the lowest Zbrush level and started manually wrapping polys around it until I had a decent low poly - then I made sure to minimize the seams as much as humanly possible in my UVs. I think the thing that makes them stand out might be the detail texture I put on, but I'm not sure :)

  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    really impressive to see this quality of work especially from someone who works multiple positions when needed at a studio.

    love the work from all your epic projects =)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Great work and welcome to polycount Mikey. Glad to see ya posting here. Been a fan of your stuff for a while you know that and you have helped me many a times with my work and understanding of unreal 3 on top of all that your work has really made me push mine to be even better. So a big thanks from me and I can't wait to see more.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Mikey amazing work as always. Your stuff was a huge inspiration to me when rebuilding my portfolio a little over a year ago. Thanks for sharing and welcome!
  • g0th
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    g0th triangle
    Great stuff, directly to my inspiration folder. But seriously don't anyone over at Epic make some mortal stuff or maybe the ones who did got hunted out of the office with a 3d printed high poly hammer
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    awesome and inspiring work! Looking at all the games you worked on, I played them all except R6 Lock Down

    did you start working at epic as a level designer? or as an artist?
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Its funny for me to hear that someone working at epic is nervous about posting here, but I guess polycount can see harsh at times.
    I'm glad you did post though, you have some really impressive work. And, I have another inspiration folder now :)
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    yeaah Mikey my first high poly hero :D i've learned a lot by only looking your Portfolio for hours hehe
  • 00Zero
    ...you....you made the blue crystal? zomg....... my favorite asset. seriously....the refractions are so mesmerizing. mmm

    good portfolio.
  • Ancient-Pig
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    Ancient-Pig polycounter lvl 18
    Great work, man! You should be proud :)
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for sharing dude. ;)
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome work as always. I've been looking at your site FOREVER hoping that one day I'd be that good and that maybe just maybe you'd update it. And you have! :)

    Post more stuff man! I'm sure the vast majority of us on polycount could learn or be inspired by it.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Lee3dee wrote: »
    awesome and inspiring work! Looking at all the games you worked on, I played them all except R6 Lock Down

    Totally missed the 'about' page on your site, Mikey. Extra kudos for being a former RSE'er :D
  • psychoticprankster
    Awesome. Great stuff! thanks for sharing. :)
  • intolerant
    goth - I think it was actually a blow gun (seriously, someone here got in trouble at some point for shooting a blow gun in the office).

    Lee3dee - I actually interviewed here as a level guy and didn't get the job, so I turned around and applied as a modeler and got the job. Once I got started, it became obvious that they needed me as a level designer as well, so ironically enough, I ended up doing that more than modeling :)

    TeriyakiStyle - those vehicles were actually a personal proof of concept that sort of failed for me :) They ended up in the game anyway, but I wasn't happy with the high poly at all. The test was to see if I could create a hard surface vehicle using only Zbrush - I ended up using grab doc on a few techy models to make alphas and used those to make most of the details, and hand sculpted the rest. It failed because I didn't plan enough and I rushed through it (those vehicles took about 2 days start-finish with textures and shaders :) ). I think next time I will do it the old fashioned way and model the in game model before I do anything else - make sure the silhouettes are nice and all that, then go from there.

    00Zero - glad you liked the crystal, that was a fun little project :)

    Geezus - Yeah, I really enjoyed my time at Red Storm; but it was good to get away - I was there for 5 years! It felt like leaving home really, and I think I left a few people a little peeved at me :) Oh well, live and learn :)

    and to everyone else, thanks!!
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    Cool work! Thanks for sharing.
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
    you made the blue crystal? i've riddled many rooms with that asset while making levels in UT3:poly142:

    that is some great work! Would love to see some wireframes.
  • Talbot
    Even thought the game came out a couple months ago...

    Congrats on gears of war 2! I thought that you guys did a great job with gameplay, art and story. Everything was top notch! The art you guys from epic share is truly an inspiration.

    Thank you for sharing!
  • BuCC
    Mental stuff man. I love Gears and your work is really 1337!!11oneone.
    I'm inspired:D
  • oldmanrude
    This is some truly inspirational work here. Thank you for posting this!!!!:)

  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    whats a gears of war?

    jk. Incredible work dude. Very inspirational stuff. :thumbup:
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