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Halo Wars Demo

polycounter lvl 18
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Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
demo is out on xbox live, check it out if you get the chance.


  • Cheez
    Did you work on it, Foehammer ?
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, but I can't take too much credit, I was in Q/A at Ensemble
  • Cheez
    Grats on the game ! Looks like a ton of fun :)
    I'll be playing this fo sho when I get home from the salt mines....

    Sorry about the Ensemble closure :( Hopefully everyone landed on their feet.
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    yeah I think most have or will soon, I havent found anything yet, I've just been working on my LD portfolio
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Finally get to see what the final demo was like, worked on this for over a year, but left for Id about 6 months ago. Congrats to you guy's as I am sure this is going to be one to get.

  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Pretty sweet demo. Really want the full game now.
    .... and the collector's edition for the Halo3 maps. ;)

  • Cheez
    Finally got a chance to play through this late last night. Very well done ! Hats off to all the Polycounters that worked on it. The Blur cinematics were bad ass.
  • MattW
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    MattW polycounter lvl 10
    i enjoyed the demo a lot. a few concerns i had in terms of game play relate back to what is always a concern with console RTS games. Is there a way to select multiple units without select all/select visible? say i just want to grab one set of marines and a warthog and issue them a command, or is that level of micro management really not intended?
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    downloading it now, looking forward to playing it :D
  • Rens
    i still need to download it,
    but since i mostly start up halo3 first, and the host is so insane these days (yes you american pricks)
    i get frustrated and dont want anything to do with it.

    also i got the halo art book today, and it was a bit disappointing, 5% characters, 5%weapons, 80% level, 10% awesome pics. i think there were 2 whole 3d renders in there!

    but as you know, after an hour i come crying back for more, so ill start it up in a bit :)
  • Cheez
    Rens wrote: »
    i still need to download it,
    but since i mostly start up halo3 first, and the host is so insane these days (yes you american pricks)
    i get frustrated and dont want anything to do with it.

    also i got the halo art book today, and it was a bit disappointing, 5% characters, 5%weapons, 80% level, 10% awesome pics. i think there were 2 whole 3d renders in there!

    but as you know, after an hour i come crying back for more, so ill start it up in a bit :)

    Yeah, I wish we had more character renders, but the book was made waaaaay after the fact, most of the team was on to....other projects, and it was a bit of a headache to find old assets. If you are interested at all, if you go to my photobucket link under my sig and hit the halo 3 portfolio, there's a few pics in there. Old stuffz....
  • Rens
    Thanks cheez!!

    eventhough it are just a couple, it did cheer me up ;)
    you know where i can find some more of these shots by chance?

    im realy looking for some ODST drawings/renders, im starting a big sculpt but i have no idea what the back looks like.
  • Cheez
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    Cheez wrote: »
    Finally got a chance to play through this late last night. Very well done ! Hats off to all the Polycounters that worked on it. The Blur cinematics were bad ass.

    Someone please confirm if you can. The cinematics in Halo Wars, was it done by Ensemble or Blur? Either way, they were the best of the Halo universe I have seen yet. Really, really well done. I liked it even more than the Live action series.

    This was my first RTS game I have played. Not sure if I liked it or not. I'm going to give it another go tonight. One thing I know I didn't like for sure and I hope it was just a feature on the demo, but it looks like there is one spotlight shining down on the squad and then the area outside of that light is dark, or blackened (I'm sure there is a reason for this). In the game, will this still be there? Or will I be able to see the entire terrain lit, like all the screenshots I have seen of the game?
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    that's called the fog of war and is to keep you from knowing where the enemy is as soon as you start.
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Gobee, they were made for Ensemble by Blur Studios. And the full game has about 22 minutes of cinematic goodness, of course along with the goodness of the game itself:)

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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    Asherr wrote: »
    that's called the fog of war and is to keep you from knowing where the enemy is as soon as you start.

    I kinda got that as I was searching areas to place the squad, not seeing any enemies of course, but then they would pop up once the squad gets to a certain distance from them. So is that part of the full game? I wasn't sure if it was part of learning how to play the game. Please excuse my noobness when it comes to RTS. I'm trying to stay open minded with this since I mostly play FPS. I'm confused because I didn't see that kind of lighting in the early screenshots of HW.

    Spark- Thanks for answering the Blur question! They did an excellent job. Curious question you might be able to answer.. why didn't Ensemble do the cinematics? Is it more efficient or less expensive to outsource to another studio? Just curious to know how this all works.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    when I first read about an RTS on 360 I was a little skeptical but known that ensemble was making it the game was in good hands. Very enjoyable demo! Really impressed with how the controls are laid out, everything is easy to navigate with the controller. I wish that I could zoom in closer to see those models :(

    what would of been amazing is implementing End War voice commands with Halo Wars slick interface.
  • danpants
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    danpants polycounter lvl 14
    I am also downloading the 1.2 something GBs. I am not too into these games I rather like first person shooters. Going to try it anyways. Looks awesome though.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Fog of war has been a part of strategy games for ever... aaaaaaall the way back to Civilization 1 (not the first, but the first I remember).. almost 20 years ago. It wasn't in the early stuff simply because they were showing off the engine and the cool things they've added rather than gameplay.

    I do hope the Covenant do not have the UNSC announcer for their actions in the full version.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    yeah even C&C back in the dos days had fog of war. It's a balance thing. I don't mind it.

    Great demo. Had a lot of fun. This is a pick up for me now. :)
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    Foehammer wrote: »
    yeah, but I can't take too much credit, I was in Q/A at Ensemble

    I imagine that QA plays a HUGE role on an RTS, possibly much more so than other game genres. If the game is fun and relatively bug free, you deserve quite a bit of credit :)

    Yet another demo I am missing out on because of the RROD ...
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Yet another demo I am missing out on because of the RROD ...

    That's no excuse, just use the 360 on the 12th floor at gbx :D
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    Lee3dee wrote: »
    That's no excuse, just use the 360 on the 12th floor at gbx :D

    Ummmm ... where is that? :poly137:
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    MattW wrote: »
    i enjoyed the demo a lot. a few concerns i had in terms of game play relate back to what is always a concern with console RTS games. Is there a way to select multiple units without select all/select visible? say i just want to grab one set of marines and a warthog and issue them a command, or is that level of micro management really not intended?

    you can hit and hold "A" to bring up a paintbrush to select units or hit "A" twice on a unit to select all of that unit type. you can also set waypoints by holding down the "X" button when you issue commands. hell all that is probably in the tutorial on the demo, i havent checked out the tutorial in the demo though
  • MattW
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    MattW polycounter lvl 10
    Foehammer wrote: »
    you can hit and hold "A" to bring up a paintbrush to select units or hit "A" twice on a unit to select all of that unit type. you can also set waypoints by holding down the "X" button when you issue commands. hell all that is probably in the tutorial on the demo, i havent checked out the tutorial in the demo though

    Thanks, no they don't mention it in the tutorial. I've played the hell out of the demo.
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