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Resident Evil 5 Demo on XBox Live

polycounter lvl 17
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Uly polycounter lvl 17
Just played through both segments with a pal on live. Delicious! : )


  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Sheva kept getting in my damn way and ninja'd all the ammo.

  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    honestly was a little disappointed in what I got to play.

    i'll try co op tonight though and see if my opinion changes.

    still fun, just hyped myself up too much I guess.
  • Spug
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    Spug polycounter lvl 12
    yeah, i was a lil disappointed and wanted to move while I aim. Plus the lack of ammo makes the game no fun...at least in the demo :(
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    Oh what a great time to be stricken with the dreaded RROD :(
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I'm on the disappointment side. It felt like a rehashed RE4. I feel like when I was playing MGS3. Maybe the full game will be awesomer. But so far I'm not interested in it.
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    This is what games are in 2009? It's shit, move on.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    FINALLY a taste of the game I bought my 360 for! :D
    Loved it! Feels like a cross between RE4 and Re0.

    Took a couple of tries to get used to the RE4 controls again.
    PFFT! No need for move and shoot (10 RE games and you still are disappointed when it's not there?). Fire off a few shots, move to another vantage point. Upping the aim speed in the options helped quite a lot. Chris moves a little slower than Leon did, that threw me off a little.

    Ammo drops were just under what I needed, which is good. Helped to limit random shots and concentrate more on upper body/head shots.

    The quick inventory will take some getting used to. Makes me wonder if they are leaving out more puzzles this time, or if key items are in a separate list. I do like the quick weapon switching.

    Those first two levels seem much less forgiving than RE4. There's a certain Survive or Die attitude that I hope carries through the rest of the game. No baby steps into this game.
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    Played this in co-op with a mate and loved it. Another mate said he would have preferred it if the zombies moved the same as in left4dead. I tried to explain that it wouldn't be a Resi Evil game then.

    I kinda like the lack of ammo in these games as it makes the whole situation you're in more feel tense. You have to make every bullet count. I ended up shooting them in the legs while my mate ran over and performed a special move on them.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Makes my japanese demo disc all obsolete now!
    I was cool while it lasted :P
    Didn't finish any of the levels yet. It looks fantastic, and yeah I'm pretty sure that the slight feeling of disappointment will vanish with the whole game.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
  • illadam
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    illadam polycounter lvl 14
    Played it last night with a buddy and I liked it a lot! I like how it had elements of teamwork like in army of two. It did suck however that both our headsets were broke so we old schooled it and speaker phoned that shit.
  • Quokimbo
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    Oh what a great time to be stricken with the dreaded RROD :(


    LOL The repair center in mesquite just received mine...I cannot wait to play this demo!
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    jeffro wrote: »
    It felt like a rehashed RE4

    Which was goddamn near perfect!!! Holy shit, if it is anywhere near as good as RE4 it is a mother-fucking masterpiece. What the fuck is up with the gamer attitude of "goddamn I came hard last time, but if I don't come 2x harder this time it's a fucking major disappointment"?!!?!?

    Sometimes rehashing is a GOOD thing, is all I'm sayin'
    Irreal wrote: »
    Another mate said he would have preferred it if the zombies moved the same as in left4dead. I tried to explain that it wouldn't be a Resi Evil game then.

    Show him this
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Oh what a great time to be stricken with the dreaded RROD :(

    come on over, we'll play some coop!
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Show him this

    Awesome link! I wholeheartedly agree with Mr Pegg. :)

    Re-hashed RE4... lol... and yet people buy the same FPS over and over.. :P
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Irreal wrote: »
    Another mate said he would have preferred it if the zombies moved the same as in left4dead. I tried to explain that it wouldn't be a Resi Evil game then.

    It would be closer to being a Resi game than what 4 and 5 are. I really don't like how the 'zombies' in these games aren't really zombies. I'm an old school Resi fan, I prefer the old ones, and the ones on Gamecube. Zombies have more character than half dead spanish/haitians!
    jeffro wrote: »
    It felt like a rehashed RE4.

    Never seen any RE5 footage before you played it huh? :D

    I might pick this game up if it goes on sale in GAME or whatever...but I am not rushing out to pre-book it. I already own the game, in the form of RE4.
  • Quokimbo
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    snemmy wrote: »
    Awesome link! I wholeheartedly agree with Mr Pegg. :)

    I cannot quote Astro because you did, and that would make me uncool lol, but I will quote you because I agree with you! :P

    I like that Pegg guy...
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i like it :) thank the brains for the quickmenu inventory... ohhhh jesus i love that person. I hated bringing up the menu to select & equip a grenade, throw it, pause it, switch back to my gun, un pause and watch the grenade explode fiasco.

    I couldnt get past the first freakin gate since id get trapped and stuck, and the chick would get her face chopped off in a hurry. Looks amazing though, cant wait for more.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Quokimbo wrote: »
    I cannot quote Astro because you did, and that would make me uncool lol, but I will quote you because I agree with you! :P

    I like that Pegg guy...

    Hm...no offense, but I find his argument silly--it's like saying superheroes have to wear spandex because, dammit, all Gill Kane and Jack Kirby's superheroes had spandex, so without it you obviously can't have a superhero.

    The "essence" of a zombie isn't how fast they move anymore than the essence of a super hero is their wardrobe...

    Fast or slow, I like the zombie exploration that's been happening over the past couple of years--give me the zombie runners, the mutants, the zombies with chainsaws or the zombie mafia. It's not a true genre until creators start testing how far they can push it.

    Anyway, back on topic--I really enjoyed the demo in all aspects except for the controls...I understand that not moving while shooting is supposed to 'keep the pacing tense' but all it really does is 'keep my frustration with Capcom high'..after 5 R.E.s I'd kind of hoped they'd adopt something that felt more intuitive/comfortable. Otherwise I got a real kick out of it. The quick inventory is a welcome addition! Some of the art was phenomenal, and it felt a lot like RE 4 in terms of tone/style, which is a good thing!
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    illadam wrote: »
    Played it last night with a buddy and I liked it a lot! I like how it had elements of teamwork like in army of two. It did suck however that both our headsets were broke so we old schooled it and speaker phoned that shit.

    LOLOLOL. I did this back in the day with counterstrike
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Definately up there with Gears as some of the best art I'd ever seen in a game. Kinda crazy to think this was first shown at the PS3 launch.

    Anyways, I still hate how you turn into a lamp post if you want to shoot (I hated them in RE4, and couldn't ever get used to it. Thank GOD for the wii). They really need to use western control scheme. There's something that feels dated about making each encounter feel like a mini-shooting gallery.

    Otherwise wonderful demo, and a reason to buy the game.
  • anoon
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    I loved RE4, but now... come on. The genre has moved on. Once again, Japanese developers show their stubborn nature by refusing to adapt. Dead Space is the new king of survival horror.
  • [Deleted User]
    snemmy wrote: »
    PFFT! No need for move and shoot (10 RE games and you still are disappointed when it's not there?).
    Um, yes? Even more so for that exact reason?
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    I think the point people are trying to say is that if you were able to move and shoot it wouldn't feel like Resident Evil anymore. The series was built on a certain way of working and even with the refresh in the series of RE4 they kept some of those elements. It's about staying true to the series. And of course the designs tailor this game to that type of setup. If you were able to run and gun everyone a lot of tension would be lost in some of these battles and bosses. Just my two cents. To me asking to make Resident Evil characters run and gun would be like asking Mario to double jump in mid-air or something.

    On topic of the demo. I haven't had much time with it, I will try and get a mate over to play it up this weekend :D. It's a demo so I am trying to take it as such and stay super excited for the full game =D.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah I've seen RE4 footage before. I was just hoping that the broken inventory system, the horrible running, the sluggish controls would be fixed. But I'm a dreamer I guess. People bought the same MGS gameplay for 3 games so they'll probably stick with it for a while unfortunately. I was just hoping they would try to innovate the series a bit more. I guess That's only in Odd numbers in the series though. Oh well!
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Eclipse wrote: »
    . To me asking to make Resident Evil characters run and gun would be like asking Mario to double jump in mid-air or something.

    Well, I agree: running and shooting might break the RE feel--they aren't supposed to be 'fast' games.. but just being able to reposition yourself with a slow aimed-walk would be nice and wouldn't break the R.E. feel, since you'd still leave aim-mode to run.

    OR, if they DO want to keep their archaic game design of "moving = defenseless" then they should put less emphasis on mobs of bad guys and make each one more powerful. Right now they're sending mixed signals by swamping a level with a dozen zombies--and then keeping you from maneuvering around them. Given how well they do the 'mobs of slow zombies' thing, I'd say they should make it more fun to fight them.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    jeffro wrote: »
    I was just hoping that the broken inventory system, the horrible running, the sluggish controls would be fixed.

    What's broken about the inventory system? I haven't played RE5, but I loved RE4.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Eclipse wrote: »
    I think the point people are trying to say is that if you were able to move and shoot it wouldn't feel like Resident Evil anymore.

    RE4 didn't feel a thing like Resident Evil, never mind 5.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    trying to find a control setup I like. I think Type C but I'm finding I want to use the right stick to aim.

    as for aiming and moving I think it wouldn't change too much if you could walk while aiming.

    can't wait for the full game.
  • mLichy
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    I just tried playing the demo again... I can't stand it.. the AI partner was pissing me off so bad, she kept running up to me and blocking me and kept getting in the way. Also the enemy AI was just sitting there in front of me running into each other trying to kill me. Idk.... I played prob. half of RE4 and thought it was ok, but I just can't play this type of game anymore. It looks very nice though.
  • flow3d
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    flow3d polycounter lvl 18
    my PS3 hungers ...

    should put it to sleep and get an xbox tbh ..
  • System
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    System admin
    It would be closer to being a Resi game than what 4 and 5 are. I really don't like how the 'zombies' in these games aren't really zombies. I'm an old school Resi fan, I prefer the old ones

    Totally agreed, since Capcom changed the style of gameplay I stopped being a fan, I mean whatever happened to the likes of RE2, that game was awesome on so many levels.
  • Quokimbo
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    I just played, and enjoyed the demo...But I do miss Zombies...
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    What I am confused about is all the fuss about the controls. The aiming while walking or no walking. In the demo, I didn't really like it and found it ridiculously slow. But XBL has a RE5 video spotlight where they talked to some dude that said there are options to have the controls like Gears of War? Where you could aim and walk/run at the same time? What's the deal? Can you or can you not run 'n gun? I hear no, but then I hear yea..

    I didn't like the controls but at the same time, I did get used to it quickly. It wasn't the same type of feel as Left 4 Dead zombies coming after you but the RE zombies are MUCH harder to kill.. hence the slow ass zombie movement. I hope the game doesn't always take place outside. I'll miss the dark indoor "close quarters" combat.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Finally played it, First area I got killed by the giant axe wielding dude, second area I got killed by the chainsaw wielding dude! Haha! Otherwise its fun, great art, fun gameplay.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Maybe it would be fun playing multiplayer, but i don't think it would help make its game mechanics any more fun for me. 50 vs 2 with 15 ammo and no ability to run a and gun with the occasional bullet sponge is not what i call fun. It could be but running out of ammo means slice and dice but you cant move at the same time so you become a rotating stabbing statue until a "zombie" jumps you, then you get them off and you do it again until you die. Wow thats so much fun!!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    GCMP wrote: »
    Totally agreed, since Capcom changed the style of gameplay I stopped being a fan, I mean whatever happened to the likes of RE2, that game was awesome on so many levels.

    Agreed GCMP and Quokimbo. Zombies just have so much more character to them. We are in the minority though...Resi 4 is easily the most popular Resi generally. Personally I love 2, 3 and the remake of 1 on the gamecube.


    New trailer. So it seems Claire is the one in the beak mask? Still doesn't interest me. The only part of that trailer that was awesome was that sea creature segment that was shown for a few seconds.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I agree with Thegodzero, the stabbing attack should at least let you move when you do it. You pretty much have to exchange blows, turn slowly, and the controls become plain frustrating.
    Not being able to run and gun though is okay with me. I just run away, stop shoot, and repeat. Therefore, I kind of like the fact that you can't run and gun because I don't want the gameplay to turn into something like halo when its Resident Evil. But again, you should be able to run while stabbing I think.
    I did however like playing the demo, and will probably buy the game when it comes out. I think they did an incredible job with the art, and that alone is worth it to me.
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