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Ripping Geo out of a corrupted max 2008 scene?

polycounter lvl 18
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John Warner polycounter lvl 18
edit: er... sorry, max 8. i'm getting my software mixed up. ANYWAY.

any ideas on how to do this? i've tried merging.

i think something went wrong with my material. i need a way of reading the geometry.. but i don't care if i lose the material information.

is there some sort of 3d file viewer program out there that might work?

god dammit.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    No backups? Autoback? Previous saves?
  • Mark Dygert
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    If you knew the name of the material, you could create a standard material with the same name, merge the object into your new scene and when it asks what material to use, tell it to use the one in the scene.

    If you need to find out the name, you can go into the material editor > get material > from Mtl Library > Open... > Switch the file type to .max and point it at your corrupt file. It will give you a list of the materials, and what they are applied to.

    But who knows what actually went corrupt in the file and if it will let you do that worth a shot anyway...
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    MoP - no, the Autobacks are all corrupt as well. i think it happened when i copied over a new version of the .fx file i was using for my viewport shader while max was open or something. the new FX file isn't corrupt, because i can load it into a new scene and everything is fine... but i think that something is going wrong when it's trying to access that .fx file.. because i CAN merge in objects from that scene that are just use standard max materials.

    Vig -- FANTASTIC idea. i'll give it a shot right now.
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