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Aquaria - if you like metroidvania type games...

polycounter lvl 11
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Yozora polycounter lvl 11
Aquaria is a awesome metroidvania style indie game. I recently bought it off steam and I just finished completing it, I liked everything about it, the art, sound, story and most importantly gameplay.

If you cant be bothered reading my thoughts, then go check it out yourself!: http://www.bit-blot.com/aquaria/

The world map is much like any classic metroidvania game, massive and gives you a sense of non linearity. Only difference is since this game is based underwater, the maps are designed to allow 360 degrees movement instead of the classic side scrolling formula, which results in much bigger zones.

The controls are quite unique, theres controller support or you could use the mouse alone if you wish. Of course theres some hotkeys as well and you can even use WASD. Its also fully customizable so it accommodates everyone.

There are a bunch of forms and a couple of spells you use by inputting a certain combo of notes to play a tune, much like the ocarina in zelda: ocarina of time. I actually played through 90% of the game before realizing these spells can be hotkeyed... so each time I used them I had to remember the tune and quickly spam it out while im being chased by multiple mobs or have 10 projectiles behind me - this actually made it really challenging and fun (but I guess only if you like that kinda stuff, it reminded me of playing street fighter with the hadouken and timing the uppercuts/flash kicks etc).

Biggest difference in gameplay feel from other metroidvania games is that this is very fast and fluid. Its like putting Sonic into the genre!

Its moddable too, I havent played around with the editor myself but to think that people will make mods using it so I can download and extend my play time even more is a great thing :p

The only thing I didnt like so much was at first it was quite annoying to distinguish what objects were in the background and which ones were in the foreground but you get used to it after a while and just know (well, foreground objects are slightly brighter too).
Oh I also didnt like how some of the monsters/bosses encouraged me to spam fireballs constantly... I hate it when games do that. But at least while spamming the fire button you also have to swim around and dodge things constantly.

Anyway if you like this genre of game you won't regret buying this!


  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Woah the overall presentation and singing mechanic are totally goosebump inducing. I'm loving that since it's so rare this days.
    However after 5 minutes of swimming around I still have no idea what the game is about? I did not feel challenged or rewarded in any way through progression...
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Did you skip the intro? Naija narrates the story as you play. At the start she said she felt lonely and wanted to explore the world/find some meaning to her existence. Thats how it starts anyway, it later evolves into a much more interesting story. So its an adventure game, go explore until something cool happens.

    And first 5 mins is not meant to be challenging, its just the introductory area so you can get used to the controls. And 5 mins is hardly any progression either... As you progress more she narrates more of the story and her thoughts/feelings, you're supposed to put yourself in her position and be amazed when you discover the huge world outside of the little cave you've been hiding in since forever :p
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Sure I've been through all that, the narration was indeed very nicely put together.
    Yet that does not make it a fun game - I don't need 10 minutes of nonexistent gameplay to get used to a control scheme!

    In Metroid you blast through stuff within the first 5 *seconds* :P And that's fun, and sharp.

    I'm not saying this should be a shooter. It's just that I did not get the point of the gamplay.
  • Ninjas
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    yea you're right the start is kinda slow, but still very pretty :p
    I duno I think the nonexistent gameplay helps build the illusion that this is indeed a massive world and it feels like you can explore forever... it gives a "omg this place is huge" feeling.

    If it put you straight into combat-mode then you'll just be focusing mainly on killing everything that moves while swimming along and in this mindset you are just looking for things to kill - it doesnt help build the story up.

    But many games do this; ocarina of time, okami, fallout 3, well actually, pretty much every RPG or adventure game. I guess I was wrong to put it completely into the metroidvania genre since those games tends to involve a lot of action from the beginning. But in my defense I was mainly referring to the non-linear style of the world map :p

    Later it does become very shooter-like, kinda feels like geometry wars at times.

    @ ninjas; The level editor talk bit is quite interesting with the overlapping layered images and stuff. And omg you can use map markers... had no idea :/ Luckily I have good memory to make up for it though!
    lol @ the flower bit at the end... I spent 5 mins doing that as well -.- But still I thought all the challenging puzzles in the game were really good, figuring them out myself was one of my favourite parts of the game (but then again most parts of the game were one of my favourites).
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    I played it long time ago, and i must say it's an excellent game!

    metroidvania XDD what a word hehehe

    Eco the dolphin is very similar too, and it's like all 2d games from the old consoles.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    You do have to be patient with Aquaria. In the beginning you will find yourself doing a lot of aimless zipping around trying to find the correct path and will likely do so until you have a feel for the layout of the world and have a few songs under your belt. Even once you're able to lay waste to your enemys and know more or less where you're going, it's quite a difficult game. If you persevere you'll be well rewarded though.
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