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Corrupted max file woes

polycounter lvl 11
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LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
Had a blackout while working on one of my models, which resulted in corruption of the max file (file open failed). Nothing usable in the autoback folder, merging with a clean file doesn't work.

Any ideas? :(

/e There are only spaces when opening the file in notepad.


  • Rob Galanakis
    Nope. I have a replacement autobak script that works much better, I will update it tonight or tomorrow with some bug fixes and post the link. But nothing to help you, sorry :(
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    6+ hours of work down the drain.

    *rages a bit*

  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    its a good experience, at least now you'll save in iterations (right?)
  • Rob Galanakis
    Here you go:
    (right click and do a save link as to save the file)

    Needs Max9 or higher.

    It should tell you what you need to know when you run the script. It'll need to be evaluated whenever you start Max (it isn't a macro), so stick it into scripts/startup. If you need any other info or find any bugs, just ask, I'll be online most of the weekend. The only known issue right now is it will autoback when an animation is playing, that is something I'm going to work on soon (shouldn't be difficult).

    And here is the messagebox you'll get when you start, for anyone who just wants to know what it does:
    "Thank you for using tech-artists.org Autobak. This is the only time you will see this message.

    Autobak is a replacement to Max's Autobackup, and disables it (make sure to re-enable it if you uninstall).
    Autobak runs seperate autoback 'threads' for different files (they are named accordingly and multiple open files will all backup correctly).
    Autobak also interpolates between a 'min backup time' and 'max backup time' based on the filesize, all defined in the ini.
    When the filesize is the minBackupSize or smaller, the backup time will be minBackupTime (in minutes).
    The reverse is true for maxBackupSize/maxBackupTime.
    maxAutobackFiles determines the maximum number of autoback files for ALL files (not just the current file), so set it high.
    The ini file and all autobacks are located in your current max autoback folder (where your usual max autobacks go).
    Alternatively, you can type 'autoback.editini()' to edi the ini, and 'autoback.openfolder()' to open the autoback folder.
    You can launch this documentation by typing 'autoback.doc()' in the Listener.

    Please report any bugs to robg@robg3d.com.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    max autoback ! .. it saved my life for so many times
  • scourgewarper
    That's happened to me and always confused me, you save the last iteration, crash, and then can't load the last iteration you saved? Why is this, surely when you 'save' then this file is completely separate from the file/scene your now working with until you save again no?

    Cheers for your script Rob.
  • Rob Galanakis
    BTW let me just mention, the script's been tested for a couple weeks by about half a dozen people, so other than the known issue of autoback while you're working/playing animation, it should be good. But please tell me right away if you notice anything strange- the script works completely behind the scenes so I'm always wary of screwing something up and people don't find out until too late! Also one previous known issue was increased frequency of Max 'trashing' your undos (you know, when you are working and suddenly undo doesn't do anything and the queue is empty)- this should have been fixed but since I don't make art in Max I have only been able to go on the word of a few people to verify.
  • anoon
    Sometimes, it is only one or a couple of objects that are corrupting your scene. Trying mergining in the file, object by object. You might get lucky and be able to salvage most of the scene.

    Also, if you are in the habit of using "hold" then you can try loading Maxhold.bak or Maxhold.mx (may have to rename extension to .max)
  • animax
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    animax polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks Rob for the script. i couldn't get it working tho.I am getting the following error in my listener.

    -- Error occurred in doSave(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\scripts\startup\autobak.ms; position: 5186
    -- Frame:
    -- strops: undefined
    -- suffix: 0
    -- targetPath: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\autoback\autoback_LAN_Delta_92_44"
    -- called in doTick(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\scripts\startup\autobak.ms; position: 5458
    -- Frame:
    >> MAXScript dotNet event handler Exception: -- Unknown property: "zfill" in undefined <<

    Note: emoticons??? didn't mean to b there.:)Pls ignore.

    and it keeps on coming in every 5 min or so.
  • Rob Galanakis
    Ah fuck, I forgot to distribute the library it goes with (duh!).

    Please download this file and also place it in startup: http://tech-artists.org/hg/tao_official/tao_function_library/raw-file/tip/fn_strOps.ms
    Also redownload the autoback file.

    Sorry the distribution is cluttering your startup folder, this will be worked out when the core library has a proper distribution mechanism.

    If there are any more problems, please tell me, I'll be online.
  • animax
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    animax polycounter lvl 15
    hey Rob,It seems to working now, as there is no error showing in the Listener.

    Thanks a lot :)

    Will update u if anything is wrong.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    yep autobak saved my ass many times when contracting and at the office.

    Try having an unreal map get corrupted on ya. NOW THAT'S A BITCH!
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    No working .bak file either 'eh?

    Are you working on Vista? If you are, right-click on your file and attempt to "Restore previous versions". Maybe there is a version in there that can work.
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    system restore ;P
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