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[Portfolio]- Patrick Estrame

Hello everyone, this is my first post here at plycount, Im a recent graduate, looking for job as a character modeler. I was told that this is a great place to share my work, and get great feedback.

Comments and critiques are more than welcome.

More of my work can be seen at my blogspot.













  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Okay, well there are a few things that are pretty obvious that needs to be worked on, especially if you are going for a character art position (which is a really difficult way to go by the way).

    I see basic anatomy, form, and proportion issues in all of these. But least so with the magneto sculpt, which looks pretty good.

    The very first model you show is your weakest (ninja dude), and you probably don't want to show your weakest point first. Particularly with the first model, the chest to shoulder to bicep separation isn't right; and the shoulders are way too high and blobby. Also the calve to knee to quad parts aren't right and the quad muscles themselves aren't fitting together properly and the calves look blobby.

    The other main part that is hurting you is the texturing.

    For example, your magneto sculpt looks pretty good as I said earlier, but it looks like you simply used it for normal map generation and didn't even bake AO. Therefore, you have all this detail that you put into the high poly, being completely unused, and a ultimately destroyed. Also, it is quite clear that you pretty much just painted in solid colors for the texture and nothing else, which doesn't yield good results. Its certainly not what you would see in a released video game, and remember this is the level of quality that you need to show you can reproduce.

    Also, the specularity on the female is too high all around and makes her look like she is made of plastic.. The face also looks like a projection of a picture, so its not looking like a good fit or of very high quality.

    Overall all, much of it looks rushed; particularly with the texturing. Oh, and don't use pure white, or pure black backgrounds to show your stuff either. Always use mid tones or greys, the gradients look pretty nice though.

    I am sorry if this seems harsh at all, I just think that you are definitely capable of improving these, and I want to be very specific as to where. These look like school projects ATM and I understand how students have such little time to commit to these projects. So, now that your done and graduated, get in there and start really cranking at them. Personally, I graduated 6 months ago, and I feel that I didn't really start making any really personal progress until after I graduated and was able to work on my portfolio full time.

    Some more advice... Look at other members work who actually have jobs (not me) and try to get it to that caliber. I think your at a great starting point, now the real work begins. I would also suggest you start some WIP's here on polycount to get critiques as you go. This will help you a ton. And study that anatomy man, and get plenty of references! You can never have too many.
    Good luck man!

    Dont forget to show your wireframes.
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    Keep working on your anatomy, crank out some environment pieces, it will probably be your way to get your foot in the door while you keep working on characters in your spare time (if that's really what you're after). If you're going for a character artist position, toss out all but magneto and crank out a few more.
  • cashfire
    Offline / Send Message

    Well I some actual feed back, most of the time I hardly get any. [BradMyers82] Thanks for pointing out key facts. i know that the biggest thing I do need to work on is my anatamoy and texturing. The magneto would have to be the one that I did put in most work, and I see what your saying about it looking rushed. Im working on a Kakashi character now, and Im going to be posting a w.i.p soon. Thanks again.

    Thanks also for the critics, im glad that I can get some input. I do have some environemts that I was working on, im ging to be working on those and posting also. thanks for the great input.
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