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My new set up

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
been wanting to do this for awhile, just got the time.

i had 2 21" cintiqs, but i found myself using only 1 most of the time, i just liked having 2 cause i never had to put down my pen and pick up a mouse. but i always hated office desks and remember when i was in art school i could sit at a drafting table all day and not feel like i was a crippled old man after sitting for 16 hours, i could also work standing up.

i mounted my cintiq in a drafting table, only thing i am going to add is split keyboard on each side of my monitor. have used this setup for a week now and i am really liking it so i thought i would show it off.



  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Can you still rotate your big cintiq that way? if so tis awesome!
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    hey Arsh that's a pretty bad ass setup.
    Does the 12" rotate around? Or is it locked in the upper corner?
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    @ Dekard: it can be made to that, like a light table, but i dont really rotate my cintiq. the only app i used to do that in what photoshop, but now you can rotate the canvas freely. when i am working in 3d i can just rotate the object however i want.

    in art school i use to tape my paper to the desk anyhow to keep the paper from sliding all over the place, so it feels pretty nice to me.

    @ modeling_man : yes the 12 incher can freely rotate, its on a pretty cool mount that allows for lots of adjustment. same with the devkit tv.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Arsh I love you even more now.

    I have been going through the same train of thoughts lately : why adjusting oneself to bad furniture when there are alternatives available! Working while standing up really is quite something! It frees the mind plus I am sure it helps digestion (!).

    I am curious to hear how you like that setup in the long run. Do you have to lean down a little or does this table allow you to fully stand up when you work? If so I really want to know the brand!

    As for the keyboard placement - I hope it wont get in your way too much. I recently mapped most of my Photoshop shortcuts to a 360 gamepad, making 2D pieces a real breeze to work on (standing up, no keyboard, stylus in one hand and gamepad in the other). However for some reason I like to detail stuff better while sitting hehe. I think that with a little bit of thought it would be very possible to map all 3D needs to a few keys, maybe a dozen max. You could very well build yourself a row of pushbuttons integrated in your table and assign macros to them for all your 3d needs (thats something I plan to try out very soon - building a row of function keys taped on the top edge of the cintiq). That way you could leave the kb aside, just reaching for it for the occasional typing. And you could mount it on a swivel arm to grab it even more easily when needed.

    It's quite interesting to see how sooo many artists don't see the advantage of such setups. When I work standing up at the office I always get a few 'huh, weird guy!' kindof smiles hehe :D

    PS I just got the same headphones, retro white :D good stuff
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    where you get that 12" cintiq mount ? pretty rad setup btw dude, i need something like that too before rsi sets in...
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Awesome setup! I thought I had a good setup with 2 x 24 inch monitors and a 12wx cintique in the lower center... but access to 2 x 21" cintiqs? Amazing!

    Anyways, I thought I would share because you were talking about the split keyboard setup. A month ago I bought a Belkin N52te Speedpad and love it. The software that comes with it is great, and I have custom setup shortcuts that I can quickly tab through depending on which software app I am using. This way, I never have to move my hands from where they are because I can access the whole keyboard with just my left hand.

    You might wanna try it.

  • bounchfx
    dude that is the sickest shit I've ever seen.

    so jealous, however you have the skills you definitely deserve a sweet setup like that.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    awesome, cool to see you breaking free from the shackles of the "normal" work setup and maximizing efficiency/creativity.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    That's pretty sweet, did you route out a hole for the cintiq? cuz it looks pretty flush to the surface
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Love it all but the 'split' keyboard design. Why not mount another directly below the cintiq? I just seperated my hands by about 3' and pictured myself trying to type and it felt, odd. Specifically for how I type, not the location.

    EDIT: Or better: Buy a sliding keyboard tray and mount it underneath the drafting table? Completely hidden and out of the way when not in use.
  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    Very neat setup.

    I remember watching some behind the scenes thing from cartoon network (samurai jack dvd maybe?) where they had a similar setup with a cintiq mounted in the drafting table.

    However they did what others had mentioned and had the cintiq rotate-able like a light-table would be....which looked very neat when they turned the cintiq around.

    I've been dreaming of a similar setup ever since....and this is a pretty good alternative. I dunno about the split keyboard...i guess i'd have to try it, though I could see it being totally useable.

    Awesome idea and execution man, thanks for sharing.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Now, anchor a sling to the ceiling and hover above your display as you work. (Although your co-workers might make you the new office game, to pass the time). :)
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    so, how and what do you use the second 12" cintiq for? i just see it as an inconvenience to reach out to that when you could just keep working on the bigger screen with a quick alt+tab. i mean i see the usefulness of a second screen, but why a cintiq? unless you don't want to have to reach for a mouse.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    the split keyboard idea came from using the set up, a keyboard under the cintiq would be impossible to use unless i had tyrannosaurs rex arms, my body is touching the bottom of the desk so unless my arms were 2 inches long and growing out of my ribcage it would not be very comfortable at all. while working i just tried to find where my left had naturally rests and its directly to left of cintiq, then i tried to see what would be the best place for my right hand and its to the right of the cintiq (imagine that?) the keyboard pieces will not be at 90 degrees, they will be rotated outward a bit, its really comfortable to pretend like i have one.

    the second cintiq is for reference material, email, and watching movies, and its just so i don't have to use a mouse, i am not putting toolbars or anything over there, thats what shortcuts and marking menus are for, i generally hide the interface in all programs and just use shortcuts.
    its pretty cool just for doing small stuff like that and not a problem to reach over there, its actually alot faster just to touch the second monitor than to put down my pen, find the mouse, make sure the mouse is in my hand, move my hand, look at the screen to make sure the cursor is going where i move my hand, then click.. i can just touch the screen with my pen.
  • Mark Dygert
    Cool setup, what about putting the keyboard on a swivel arm?
  • robioto
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    robioto polycounter lvl 19
    I have a friend who used to work for an industrial designer, he gave me a stool that they designed called the "Perch" I can't find it on line anywhere, I think it was made for Steelcase but it might be a prototype that never made it to market. The idea with the stool I have is to work in as close to a standing position as possible (kind of like leaning on your butt).

    The closest thing I could find looks much cooler (and more comfortable), they sell it at www.sit4less.com.

    The only problem I see with this stool is that it doesn't look like it's as tall as the one I have so you might end up doing more sitting than leaning/standing. This stool looks a lot more comfortable while still allowing a great degree of freedom and appears to encourage better posture than the one I have.


    Thanks for sharing your set up (and for all your other sharing too, base models, etc...)
  • amadeux
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    amadeux polycounter lvl 8
    yuk! how awful, I love it!
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    [MILES] wrote: »
    Now, anchor a sling to the ceiling and hover above your display as you work. (Although your co-workers might make you the new office game, to pass the time). :)


    @robioto: what i have is a painters stool, its quite nice, its made for standing and leaning back on it a bit, very comfortable and goes really high.

    this is the one i have --->[ame]http://www.amazon.com/Alvin-Synchro-Tilt-Painters-Stool/dp/B000JM6C3I[/ame]

    i love it
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Someday I will have a setup like that....

    Arsh, I did somewhat the same thing with a old desk I could adjust the angle on. You might try industrial strength velcro on the back of the cintiq to hold it down. That way you can move it easier or remove if need be. Places like Home Depot and Loews sell it in rolls or strips.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    well i can't say this setup looks like something i'd want to work on (split keyboard?? and the light setup?!) but i really like the fact that you have the freedom to do this at work, that's very cool! that cave you got there yourselves in what looks like open plan offices looks cozy to work in, too.

    i wonder, what does the IT person say when they have to work on your machine?
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    I agree, while it is a great display of cocklength, it doesnt look very comfortable to work on. Why do you have those two screens hanging above you, if youre working on your cintiq, and need something from the top screen, you'd have to lean backwards just to look at them(unless you want to develop eye cancer)? And why a split keyboard? I can't imagine typing would be very comfortable with your arms spread out like that?
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    no back support on a stool...

    may be it looks cool but i dont know, it also looks very uncomfortable.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    awesome, awesome to the max

    now all you need is to build a toilet into your chair and you're set for a badass day of work
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    And a giant hamster juice bottle.. of course.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    kwakkie wrote: »
    Why do you have those two screens hanging above you, if youre working on your cintiq, and need something from the top screen, you'd have to lean backwards just to look at them(unless you want to develop eye cancer)? And why a split keyboard? I can't imagine typing would be very comfortable with your arms spread out like that?

    they are not hanging above me, i am upright at the desk, mostly in standing position but if i get tired of standing i lean back on a stool, but my position doesn't change. the monitors at the top are at eye level, i just move my eye and nothing else when looking at one monitor or the cintiq i never have to even rotate my neck, i just move my eyes, that's why it is set up this way, so i don't have to bend over, or rotate my head to the left to look at another monitor, i just move my eyes, nothing else..

    i realize it isn't for everyone, but i am almost certain anyone who went to art school and spent any amount of time at a nice drafting table with a nice stool, knows there is no office furniture on the planet no matter how ergonomic that is more comfortable to work on for extended periods of time , sorry they just haven't made it yet. i have a Aeron chair here at work, we all have one, but it is now sitting beside my work area at a smaller desk i sit and read at, its just not as comfortable to me.

    its really something you have to stand at to see how comfortable and natural it feels...

    the IT guys love it , they don't use a mouse anyway, they only need a keyboard to get to everything. Actually everyone that has taken the setup for a test drive wants one, even people that don't make art.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    What table do you use?! and i wonder what of this stuff is yours and what belongs to the company?!

    thx for the info about the chair
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Thats an awesome setup Arsh....I know a few animators who prefer to work standing ( both digital and traditional )...
  • mLichy
    That's pretty sick man. I wish I had a cintiq.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Ya this looks fantastic. Does Insomniac give you a budget of how much you can spend on picking your own setup?
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    That setup is a wet dream to most of us!

    Awesome stuff!
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Yo yo yoo, wait a sec!
    My table has 4 special manufactured chrome 24 inch cintiques and 2 x 12 inch cintiques! If you are a person with 6 arms you can sculpt a 10 Sdived detailed head unter 3.1 minutes. The Table is powered by 16 x 8Ghz. The Keyboard is made of gold. The table is automaticly moveable and rotateable and can bounce to the music. Also my table has a much more spinedynamic shape, yours looks like a table made for grandmas with back pain. And not to forget my 6 pens are bigger then yours! ;)

    Seriously, nice table, I am jealous!
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    25 centimeters at me. Who has longer?
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    very nice setup! angry santa didn't give me this for christmas.
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