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Black Mesa Source Trailer


Looks like the mod team have really gone to some great lengths, brought back memories of HL1 watching it lol I'm quite excited to see this when it's released.


  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    Really cant wait, damn if it wasnt crunch time id actually offer some help! ;D
    Kudos for a mod team to even last this long let alone actually almost be there!
  • Waz
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    Waz polycounter lvl 17
    Amazing, I remember hearing about this years ago. Nice too see they are still alive and kicking. That trailer was awesome. There's been a lot of hard work put into this mod for sure.

    I was just looking for another old mod that was promised called Alien Swarm. It was out for ut2004, but they were supposed to be porting in the Source engine and it never got released. Sad when good mods go away like that.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Small mod team...? They have more members than id software, lol...

    But yeah, its great work.
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    Probbaly true Odium, but its still a mod team not a studio ;)
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    impressive trailer!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Its impressive to see, but primarily because its from a mod team and its always impressive to see a remote group of people actually finish something.

    I must be one of the only people not excited for this.

    Mainly due to the fact I don't think Half-Life 1 is anywhere near old enough to get excited about a remake for. While updating the story is an interesting addition, I just don't think the technology is far enough along nor the artwork decent enough to really come off as a true updated version. The only section of that I was impressed with was the Snaggle-tooth sand creature thing grabbing the scientist. It looked good, but I've already played that.

    Does it look better than HL1: Source? Yes. But that's not saying a lot.

    I would have loved to see this resource & effort spent on something original rather than see them give an old title a spit-shine.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    I think this looks great! It was very cool seeing some of the really awesome moments of HL:1 recreated and updated. I believe something like this is better then something totally new. I would love to play this, and see what they have done. Props to those working on it, looks great.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I never finished HL1. I got quite far, but never finished (HL2 came out, which pretty much rendered HL1 obsolete).

    I'll likely finish this.

  • carlo_c
    adamBrome wrote: »
    Its impressive to see, but primarily because its from a mod team and its always impressive to see a remote group of people actually finish something.

    I would have loved to see this resource & effort spent on something original rather than see them give an old title a spit-shine.

    True, that's one of the reasons I'm so impressed but I'm equally impressed at the visuals and the remake itself.

    I wonder how good this would have been had they gone for something original, remaking Half Life gives them direction and I think one reason why mods go under is because of the lack of direction.

    If they weren't remaking half life we might have just seen another mod with potential go under instead of getting to see the finished product.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Im impressed they are getting a huge project like this done! Any people here at the forums helping out?
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Cheers guys.

    I think one of the things that's helped us go so long (though admittedly my time spent actually working on it has been erratic to say the least) is that we were such big fans of HL1, so having that to work from, and try to expand a bit on, really helps keep things going. I don't think any of us would have spent this kind of time and effort on a project so large if it was something new.

    Now I've finished fallout 3 (get it if you haven't), I'll have to get back to this hehe, though GTA IV is out for the PC in a couple of days...
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Like others have said, this result from a remote team is extremely impressive, everything looks pretty polished and the presentation is great, not your standard angsty rock overtop some guns mod trailer.

    the part with the claw where is destroys the metal railing was super neat, it was cool to se the encironment reacting to it, such as the light fixture that bends up, even if its canned animation it really sells it. nice work guys!
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    This is insanely awesome. I checked it out awhile ago and it was looking good, but DAMN! Wonder how many of those folks will be propositioned for a job at Valve eh??
  • greenj2
    I remember seeing some of their WIP’s a year or two ago and wondering if they’d ever end up finishing it. Looking very nice! :D
  • ViPr
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    ViPr polycounter lvl 17
    does someone here know how to switch on specular highlighting in the Valve Source Engine?
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I've been following this project on and off for some time now and I've been really impressed with the quality of work from the mod team.
    I'll definitely play through this when its finally available.
    Great job to everyone involved.

  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    I know a lot of the guys working on this. I've been hyped for this for years now, if only to see the amazing work they did. Now let's see it!
  • Mark Dygert
    Some of it looks good, some of it looks great.

    I have to agree with Adam on this one tho, I'm not sure source has progressed enough to reissue HL1 again. I'm not sure my play experience would be all that different?

    They could have used all those people in a much more productive way, but then again would they really have attracted that many people of they had gone with something else?

    Most mods fail due to lack of design, coordination and origination, redoing HL1 takes care of most of that.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    if this gives me a new fresh way to experience the game I love, then bring it on!
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    I was really excited back when this project was launched and they were showing their first screens.

    However, in the time since it was announced, HL2 ep1 and ep2, nevermind the rest of the industry, have really raised the bar graphically. I've heard they're revisiting the design a bit, but I don't imagine it will be very fresh and new feeling, since it's trying to emulate the original game.

    I'll definitely give it a play when it comes out because HL1 is a lot of fun to revisit (moreso than HL2, imho), but this is primarily a re-skin, and the re-skin is good looking, but not mind-blowingly good looking. I agree with adamBrome that I would have rather seen the team focus on something new and original - they clearly have enough talent and drive to put together a complete, excellent looking project. Perhaps if it wasn't Half Life, they wouldn't have that drive, but I'm not so sure.

    I think the team should be incredibly proud of what they've done for the amount of work and dedication they've put into this, and don't want to sound like I'm undermining that in any way. And since they're obviously not getting paid, it's certainly their perogative to work on what they want to work on :)

    I just think they have the potential to do more than just re-make Half Life.
  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    Hey guys,

    As the project leader I've poured a ridiculous amount of my time into the project. I often get asked about our intentions, and why not something original?

    Personally, Half-life is more than just a game I love. Half-life was a game that opened my eyes. It got me into modding pretty heavily, and showed me what working on a team to make a game could be like. It helped me find my passion, and it put me on a career path. It changed my life.

    Black Mesa is more than just a mod to me and my team. It is a labor of love. A tribute to a game that affected us all in our own way. Some may say our time would have been better used elsewhere, but we've made other games in the past, and will make new games in the future.

    For now, we've made a decision to band together and create something that we feel will be a beautiful experience, and that we hope many others will share with us when complete. Perhaps by doing this we can help new people share the experience that meant so much to us, or even just allow people a chance to re-live that experience in a new and deepened way that we are proud to be a part of.

    I'm compelled to respond to every bit of commentary here, but I won't. This forum and even several of the people who've offered kind words and criticism in this thread are people who I've admired and looked up to for quite some time. I understand and respect all of your opinions deeply, and you are certainly entitled to them. I just hope I've made our intentions a little clearer.

    Thanks everyone.
  • Szark
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    Szark polycounter lvl 12
    Looks great, can't wait to play it :)
  • A-Train
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    A-Train polycounter lvl 15
    cman2k you have my vote man. I've gone back to the Black Mesa Source site every year to see how it was progressing. I was working for Rockstar Games for the past few years, but was really excited for your project, and always wished I was able to work on such an amazing mod. I'm really happy for your team and for what you guys have accomplished so far. I realize there is a lot of expectation from the fanbase when remaking such a corner stone of FPS excellence...somehow I feel you guys realize that, and have really put all of your efforts and talent into making the remake a really special experience.

    I feel that many people should wait until release and play it to see how awesome it's going to be. Even up to now, it takes a lot for a game to really impress me in the way HL1 did. I played HL1 from beginning to end in the first few days after buying it. To remind some folks out there, it came out on Nov 19 in 1998. A decade is more than enough time to bring out a remake of the classic original that we all know and love. I can't wait to play it.

    Keep up the great work! If you need any additional model/texture artists
    let me know, i'd be there in a second.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    Makes me want to play hl1 again harhar, Good times, !

    Good work! AND CAN I MODEL GORDON CAN I CAN I!!?! wait we dont see him ohhh
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