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Wii Shortage?

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BradMyers82 interpolator
Hey guys, just wondering what you guys predict now that the holidays are pretty much here in regards to the availability of Wii systems.

Specifically in the U.S., do you think there will be a Wii system shortage like in previous years?

I have looked around a little and found articles that say both yes and no.



I'm trying to sell my used Wii for a decent price to help pay for a 12wx Cintiq I just bought. If Wii's are hard to come by again, I figure I might get an OK price for my used Wii and games on ebay.

Personally, I am guessing there WILL be a shortage in the U.S. at least like a week or so before Christmas day. Also, I put $500.00 into my system and games, so I'm hoping to sell for around $400.00.

What do you guys think about all this?


  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I walked into a store and purchased a wii the other day with no problems. Looked like that had plenty.

    EDIT: it was Toys R Us
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Gamestop apparently has a stockpile. GO GET EM!!
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    I just got home from the morning black friday shift at target, and we had 200 wii systems and didnt sell out. good luck trying to sell it brad, but i doubt you are going to make much off of it. i tried buying one and selling it on ebay about 2 months ago, and after fees, barely made a profit. but if you have alot of accessories, you should be able to sell it for around 300.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I don't think there will be a shortage of Wiis this year, noting a lot of people have a Wii already, which would make less potential customers. More than likely, Nintendo has ironed out their hardware production and distribution for Wiis in the last year and should be much more capable of meeting such a high demand. I'm only saying I wouldn't hold your breath for selling your Wii for $500 on ebay this holiday season - but I wouldn't go as far as saying it would never happen.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I saw plenty of them this morning. Personally, I think Nintendo created a stockpile this year and saved them for now. Walmart had a huge stack also, and I think they were still available later that evening. On the other hand, I saw plenty of 360s getting kicked/carried around. (the walmart here was out of carts this morning and people were kicking them because they had too much to carry)
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