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My stupid friend

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killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
I got this email from a friend of mine yesterday and thought someone else might get a kick out it:

Killing some time...I went to linksys.com....went to their Live Chat support...and told them I was Bruce Wayne and needed some help. See the epic adventure below. ( eventually they saw right through it....)

Jeg Mark P. (17580): Hi, my name is Jeg Mark P. (17580). How may I help you?
Bruce Wayne: Hello there. How are you?
Jeg Mark P. (17580): Doing great. How about you?
Bruce Wayne: I am good. Besides the fact that I live a double life and no one that I love can get too close to me out of fear of being put in danger or continuous peril. But the night is always darkest before the dawn. Anyway, I digress.
Bruce Wayne: My real issue is I can't get a signal in my manor.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): Okay.
Bruce Wayne: I don't know if it's because my router is a g-setting, or my adapter is a b-setting. for bat.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): Let us check that out.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): xBefore we proceed, may I know what country are you based in?
Bruce Wayne: Gotham.
Bruce Wayne: It's in the US, sorry. Gotham City.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): Okay.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): So you have a WAG54G, right?
Bruce Wayne: Yes, that is my bat router.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): May I have the serial number, please?
Jeg Mark P. (17580): That's for the tumbler. How about the router?
Bruce Wayne: Wait, did I get them confused? what's the tumbler?
Jeg Mark P. (17580): You gave me the serial number of some darknight tumbler, right?
Jeg Mark P. (17580): How about the serial number of your router?
Bruce Wayne: Oh! I'm sorry, I see it now. It's really dark in this cave.
Bruce Wayne: The serial # is BTMN-BTPOD
Jeg Mark P. (17580): Bats can see clearly at night, right?
Bruce Wayne: Checkmate .
Jeg Mark P. (17580): That's the serial number of some batpod.
Bruce Wayne: Oh, my bat. I mean bad.
Bruce Wayne: Let me find it, one second. I feel so foolish.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): We need the router's serial number. Bruce.
Bruce Wayne: I'm sorry for the confusion, usually Lucius Fox handles this for me.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): Why are you doing that on your own now, there's a lot of bad guys that you need to take care of, right?
Bruce Wayne: Hey, what are you saying? I'm Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Wayne: I'm sorry, this seems like a waste of time. I've come unprepared, I can't even find my serial number. I can't even properly use the eject button on my tumbler. So I'm going to go find my proper serial #, and then come back. Do you work on commission and I can ask for you? Or can anyone help me?
Jeg Mark P. (17580): Alright, Bruce Wayne. I'm saying there's a lot of guys that need some a$$ kicking and that's your job, right?
Jeg Mark P. (17580): So anything else an ordinary man can do for a superhero?
Bruce Wayne: You're right. I can't lie to you. You see right through my mask.
Bruce Wayne: I'm going go hit the streets so it's safer for you and people like me. Bruce. An ordinary man.
Bruce Wayne: I appreciate your help and time Jeg Mark.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): Thank so much for your service. It's been a pleasure.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): If you need further assistance or run into any problems, please feel free to contact us again.
Jeg Mark P. (17580): For more information, you can also visit our Knowledge Base located at http://www.linksys.com/support. The site contains troubleshooting tips, how-to instructions, as well as solutions to common issues relating to all Linksys products.

Happy Thanksgiving.


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