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Gears single player level (WIP)

Hoping to get some feedback for the lighting (and anything else) in the level I'm building for Gears for the PC. As always (though hopefully this is the last time) the level uses stock gears assets but of course the layout and lighting is all me. I'll try and post updates based on whatever feedback people see fit to give as I'd like to have this thing wrapped up by the end of the month. That being said, on to the pics:




  • pliang
    Offline / Send Message
    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Would be nice to see the floor plans on this.

    The leaves on the ground seems very different from the trees.
  • Thaur
    I really like the bottom left picture and the bottom middle, but did you brighten the bottom middle in photoshop? The quality of the screenshot looks really poor. It is great with the uneven entrance and statue against a yellow sky, a very powerful composition.

    I think the scene on the bottom right would be much more interesting if you had some large trees behind all of the buildings to add another layer, and also maybe a couple of small trees in front of the buildings. It would be a lot more interesting to me if there wasn't that huge pile of rubble in the entrance because the scene draws my attention to that area and then stops it abruptly with the rubble, instead of leading to something more intriguing like a recessed entrance or collonade.

    The top 3 are my least favorite. Maybe you could add some light blue to balance out the yellow as they look sort of dull all yellow. Pools perhaps? Maybe you could add some trees also. I love trees because they give that sense of mystery. Compare the bottom left to the top right scene and imagine the top right with some trees in it for example. The top areas look sort of empty for Gears maps. Where is all the extra cover to hide behind? I really love how the bottom left picture feels like a real place. Those benches and lamps really help as well as the space being tight. Maybe using benches and tables and lamps in the other scenes also would make them feel more like real places people used to live.

    The series of columns on the top left picture could use a couple of broken columns that have fallen into the street. This would provide a great piece of cover without having to rely on those silly looking concrete blocks.

    If you don't know where to find the meshes for some different types of trees you can paste them from my SP map. There are white trees that are nice for use in parks and big green ones that would work well in the background here.
  • NeoProfZ
    First off, here's a top down pic of the level in an earlier state, though the layout is unchanged:


    pic 1 is the courtyard at the end of the level (note the cover placed on either sides of the open area)

    pic's 2-4 are in the first half before moving through the large romanesque building (pic 5) and into the clearing prior to the courtyard (pic 6).

    Screenshots honestly seem to be a huge pain in the PC gears game since I can't find a text command to get rid of the HUD and marcus in the corner of every picture (unlike unreal proper which seems way more receptive to that sort of thing) , hence the relatively low quality.

    I think adding more to the background beyond the buidlings in pic 6 would add more depth to that scene and I can kind of agree of the general flatness in color exhibited in some sections of the environment, still, the areas play really well as are so I have to be careful about how I build up the visual side of things (ill try to post some progress later this week).

    Much thanks for the feedback btw
  • steady
    Offline / Send Message
    steady polycounter lvl 18
    played it about half way through in a private sneak peak, it was hard or maybe i just suck but it was definitely nice and looked pro. i'd like to see some custom meshes that would fit in what you have so far. Lookin forward to more
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