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Quantum of Solace

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So what did you think?

I thought it was pretty darn good - defiantly not as good as Casino Royale but I would still give it a solid 8.5 / 10 or so. Nothing beats the actions sequence at the beginning of Casino Royale when they are chasing the guy around the construction site though.

Oh yea, and Craig is fucking awesome. But I think we already knew that.


  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    i enjoyed it overall, but it's strayed too far into Bourne territory now. By god, was it miserable.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    It was a good movie. Villains weren't nearly villainous enough. That could have almost been the scheme of a legitimate bussiness. Good build up for the next movie though.
  • StJoris
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    I think it was a nice action-movie for sure, but it missed most of the bond-elements to make a typical awesome bond movie.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah Casino Royal was better in my opinion, still an entertaining film.
    I felt the same as danr, felt like watching one of the 2 later Bourne films, just really random and annoying camera work during the action scenes, I hate that.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Very true about Bourne parallels, I felt that on several occasions too.

    Also, is my memory going funny, or was that scene they plastered all over the trailers (Bond walking slowly over a desert hill holding an assault rifle) not actually in the movie at all? I don't recall that scene anywhere in the full film...

    Either way, it was enjoyable. I still don't really like Craig as Bond though, I thought Brosnan did a much better job. Making it all serious and vengeful kinda makes me feel like it's not really Bond at all...
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I went to the midnight show last night. I really enjoyed it, it had a few character moments where it felt so bond, like when he kicks the unconscious guys leg out of the elevator doorway land continues on.

    I think there was a little too much action and too little plot, like what really was accomplished when you think about it. overall not as good as casino royale but it was still pretty awesome. I dont know why they switched back to the walther PPK without explanation though, its a weaker gun than the p99. cool to see them incorporate it but it just seemed technically wrong.

    oh god and the aston martin.....they sure do love to find ways to destroy that beautiful car.
  • Pedro Amorim
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    MoP wrote: »
    Very true about Bourne parallels, I felt that on several occasions too.

    Also, is my memory going funny, or was that scene they plastered all over the trailers (Bond walking slowly over a desert hill holding an assault rifle) not actually in the movie at all? I don't recall that scene anywhere in the full film...

    Either way, it was enjoyable. I still don't really like Craig as Bond though, I thought Brosnan did a much better job. Making it all serious and vengeful kinda makes me feel like it's not really Bond at all...

    Well, i didnt enjoy the novie that much either. I think it had too mucha ction and not enough dialog. Almost like a porn action movie. I was expecting much more.

    The thing about Daniel Craig, well, it's ok for him to be more agressive as a bond, since it's supossed to be that this is is first time being a Double 0, he got his double 0 status in the first film and he is still raw. I believe Casino Royal is actually Ian Flemming first 007 book that he wrote, so its acceptable that in the first movie he was raw with his character.

    We all know that james bond likes his martini, stirred not shaken (or was it the other way arround? anywho..) in Casino royal i remember a part where a waiter asks bond what he would like to drink, and he says a martini, and the waiter asks: would you like it stirred? and says, do i look like i care?

    To me this line is perfect cause it shows a james bond that is not elegant yet. Just a raw james bond still in the making. And it worked for that movie, but for this one, i would like to see the charater develop a little further but instead we had more midgnight beatings.

    I guess we wil have to wait for the next bond..

    God damn hollywood and their trilogies.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    i felt like it was a letdown.. really didn't like the directing on the action sequences (oh this bit is action? ok cut every 2 seconds. zing!) and the main bad guy they got felt like some henchman character not a main baddie. And did anyone else think the intro sequence felt like it had been made by guys who knew what sort of stuff needed to go into a bond intro, but didn't really 'get' it?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yep, exactly rooster, I liked that intro even less than Casino Royale's - although the music was pretty good.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    im on the fence with the music.. i think the instrumentation is cool but theres one bit where they're wailing away and i swear jack white just sounds out of tune to me
    edit: oh aye-
    how does the whole timeline of the film work? they must have tortured mathis for about 5 mins, given him his villa, and then bond comes knocking as the last of the furnature is on its way in
  • Spug
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    Spug polycounter lvl 12
    I thought the film was an outstanding representation of a true James Bond. We have been forced to love the bond that is perfect in every way, never gets shot, never gets his ass beat, and never feels emotion. In previous James bond films, I have never felt a sense emotion come from the actor (007) in any way. Craig plays one of the best bonds to date, period. I also think that the film stays true to the basic "Bond" formula, action....sex....action....fights bad guy....wins....everything is honky dory till next time. Even though it has the same formula, it def was an outstanding film in the Bond library. I do agree with rooster in the way that the main baddie was not the correct actor, he needed to be a more sinister, illusive type of villain. The intro, was not what I expected, I really don't know what they were thinking, but I accept it...It is a Bond intro, give it time, it will grow on you. As for the music, meh...alright i guess, but it did not have that sexy/badass appeal that most other songs before this had. All in all, I feel that the film was a great success, and summed up what we left of from in Casino Royale.

    P.S. One that that stuck with me is that i felt chills going up my spine while watching that new Star Treck trailer....that has never happened in my life....ever...never ever....
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    jeeeez, Im really surprised so many of you weren't fans...
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Spug wrote: »
    We have been forced to love the bond that is perfect in every way, never gets shot, never gets his ass beat, and never feels emotion. In previous James bond films, I have never felt a sense emotion come from the actor (007) in any way.

    So you're saying that in 90% of the James Bond films to date, Bond has been portrayed incorrectly?

    I would argue that since his character has been established on screen over the course of 46 years, changing it so drastically now seems very odd indeed. I certainly have trouble seeing how they're going to make the transition from Craig's cold-blooded, murderous, hell-bent character to the "original" Bond who was flippant, charming and deadly.

    It felt to me like they've lost what made Bond Bond. He's turned into Jason Bourne, and I don't really see how they can bring him back from that without a severe U-turn in the character development.

    Anyway, I'll wait until the next film to see where they take him. Currently, I just don't like where it's headed. It makes for good film-making, but I think it's lost the spark that made Bond what he is to so many people.
  • Spug
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    Spug polycounter lvl 12
    Maybe what I said about bond was a little to harsh Mop, but lets look at what is in front of us. For over 46 years people have been going "religously" to Bond films. When we walk into the theatre, what do we expect, a slick, clean bond, anew broad or broads to shag, and gadgets....gadgets.....gadgets. I agree with you MoP, changing bond now is def a drastic change from what bond was in the past, but lets embrase this change. I feel that the new Bond direction is totally different from the Bourne Trilogy. Bourne is a totally different character. I do not see, nor do I feel the same when I see him on film compared to Bond. He (Bourne) does not have all the different qualities that Bond has. Bond has charisma, charm, humor, and above all, sex appeal. Bourne is a great character, though he does not even come close to Bond. Some of you might not agree with me, some might, this "NEW" Bond is here, and he is here to stay. Like Obama says, "People are afraid of change!" This Bond has changed, lets change with him.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    well, at least there were no invisible cars or surfing scenes. I felt *that was losing sight of what bond is about
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    rooster wrote: »
    well, at least there were no invisible cars or surfing scenes. I felt *that was losing sight of what bond is about

    much as i hate the idea of quote for truth ... jesus. The later brosnan bond films were beyond a travesty : not only a travesty of bond, or of filmmaking, but as entertainment for humanity as a whole. ANYTHING they could do, including getting the big eared kid from Johnny Briggs to sit on a chair in a damp warehouse and recite "ey up, the name's bond, james bond" for ninety minutes straight would be better than Die Another Day. My GOD
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Oh yeah, the invisible car was so silly I had blanked it from my mind until you dredged it up just now...
    Basically the Brosnan ones all kinda sucked after The World Is Not Enough (although Tomorrow Never Dies was pretty poor).
  • Spug
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    Spug polycounter lvl 12
    Godeneye was so good....
  • Pedro Amorim
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    dont forget that casino royal was the first bond story written by Ian Flemming, so i guess its ok for daniel craig to be kinda of a bully in a way that he hasnt perfected his ways of doing stuff.

    but yeah. i love him. casino royal was awesome. had the right ratio of dialog to action
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    im starting to wonder if what made casino royal so good was the fact they based if off original material. the second they veer away into their own ideas it seems to lose it a bit
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Hey it's Casino Royale with 30 minutes of story missing, literally, it's 30 minutes shorter than the last movie. Felt like there was even more chase scenes and fight scenes. It's just under 2 hours and it goes by FAST, which I liked, it should be renamed "James Bond killing douchebags around the world". Fucking awesome. Sure there was less plot and character development, but really, should I care? Bad guys are conspiring to do bad things, hot chicks are there, top notch action, fuckin BRING IT. For a James Bond film its the pinnacle of the movie series in my opinion. Loved it.
    That part in the trailer where hes walking thru the desert, in a suit with a MP5 in hand must've been he went back for the bad guy he left in the desert to finish the job. He leaves the guy with just a can of oil. But then later M says "he was found with two bullets in his head and a stomach full of oil", it seems to me Bond went back out to the desert to finish the job. Serves the bad guy right, he did kill a hot redhead after all! ;)

    Personally for me Daniel Craig is the best Bond by far. Followed by Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan in Goldeneye ONLY. I don't care for Connery at all, as Bond or any other movie.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18

    The bourne comparison is so true ... all Bond needs is Affleck as the bad guy ... xD

    What I miss are the evil baddies plotting to take over the world.. this baddie want to dominate the bottled water market .. pfffftttt lame.

    and I want Ron jeremy to feck the director in the ass... I soo hated the choppy action sequences..
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    rolfness wrote: »

    What I miss are the evil baddies plotting to take over the world.. this baddie want to dominate the bottled water market .. pfffftttt lame.


    hmm, seems I feel the opposite of what you mentioned. I actually liked the villains and felt their motivations were a lot more believable than your traditional bond villain. Your classic bond bad guy plays out more like a cartoon character and over the years have become parodies of themselves with each new one having some sort of catch or gimmick; be it diamonds in the face, or a guy who doesnt feel pain, or some dude who cant sleep. Those were LAME!

    To me some1 who screws over their own people(the corrupt general) or some1 who wants to have a monopoly on a nations own natural resource are real pieces of shit in my book! Those are good villians!
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    so wait was anyone else confused about the ending of the movie


    I mean what the hell was up with that like uber awesome hotel in the middle of the desert that had 1 person who worked there and a small military squad in there, that was only rigged with explosives that were CLOSE enough to one another to have a continuation of explosions? Im really wondering if michael Bay had a stab at the end of that film with the sheer amount of explosions that occured.

    But overall compared to the other bond films most violent one yet Was a good movie :p
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Mary Rose and I saw it yesterday afternoon and we thought that Casino Royale was more developed. This was more about action and revenge, less about developing the story on the organization hidden from MI6. We cringed during the terrible song during the opening credits, by far the worst one out of all the bond movies.

    I was kinda disappointed that we don't see any car gadgets anymore, but its a new take on the Bond franchise. Not sure I would own this, I'd probably Netflix it, but adding it to my collections, I'm not sure about.

    There were some great action moments that we were both enjoyed

    Did anyone see the Star Trek trailer?? at the beginning. Sylar looks great as Spock, but not sure about Kirk and the other characters. It was only another teaser, but I need more to be convinced.
  • Rens
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    I never been a Bond fan, never will.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    EricV wrote: »
    hmm, seems I feel the opposite of what you mentioned. I actually liked the villains and felt their motivations were a lot more believable than your traditional bond villain. Your classic bond bad guy plays out more like a cartoon character and over the years have become parodies of themselves with each new one having some sort of catch or gimmick; be it diamonds in the face, or a guy who doesnt feel pain, or some dude who cant sleep. Those were LAME!

    To me some1 who screws over their own people(the corrupt general) or some1 who wants to have a monopoly on a nations own natural resource are real pieces of shit in my book! Those are good villians!

    I know what you're saying but Bond was never an exercise in reality..
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah I really didn't like this one. Call me fanboy, but a Bond movie without Q isn't a Bond for me.
    The relation he has with monney penny (sp?), the gadgets (always unbelievable, but hey it's a James Bond after all) and all these little features that put you directly into the Bond's univers arn't there anymore. The bad guy is one of cheapest I've ever seen in a Bond Movie.
    I felt like they really changed the feeling of the licence just to be "IN" this new fast/close camera action combat movies wave, such as Bourne (which I really like, though, but it's another genre). Changes are good, when it's not leaded by the market...
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    i think Q and Money Penny are both kind of part of the well established bond, regular characters he has history with- however since in these films he's just become a 00 I can excuse their absence, but I reckon they will introduce those characters soon
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I just really didn't care for it. I didn't think it was terrible...just Casino Royale was better IMO.
    I felt like they tried to make it confusing just for the sake of it. I did like some of the less action sequences and more espionage sequences, hopefully there will be more in the next one. I mean he is a spy, not Rambo right?
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    MoP wrote: »
    I would argue that since his character has been established on screen over the course of 46 years, changing it so drastically now seems very odd indeed. I certainly have trouble seeing how they're going to make the transition from Craig's cold-blooded, murderous, hell-bent character to the "original" Bond who was flippant, charming and deadly.

    I kind of dig it, and
    by the end of the movie we can see that he's starting to shape up into the Bond we know - he's put some of his demons to rest. He still hasn't figured out his drink

    I'm still not sure what happened in the
    boat scene, with the last boat that gets stuck on Bond's boat, though.

    I hated the camerawork for a lot of the action, it was much too jumpy and hid the action rather than accented it.

    I thought the villain's motivation was simultaneously pretty evil and much more believable than a lot of the wacky bond stuff.

    I liked the
    Goldfinger callback with Fields drowned in Oil, too.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I wanted to like this movie, I really did, but I just couldn't.

    I don't know who the **** in Hollywood thinks that the Shaky-Cam fight scene is a good idea, but they should be shot. Most of the fight scenes I found very confusing.

    Hell, most of the movie I found confusing. I wasn't really sure what was going on most of the time. I really like Daniel Craig's grittier take on the James Bond character, I just wish the movie AROUND him had been good. I also really like Judy Densch's M. She's very good, as expected.

    And WTF was with the building in the desert? I understand they were using Hydrogen Fuel Cells or whatever for power, but did they really BUILD the whole thing out of them? I also love that those things are blowing up the whole building, but Bond and what's her face are fine when he shoots the one across the room and it blows them both out of the building.
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    James Bourne was pretty bad this time around. Shame, I was expecting Dark Knight since they were clearly capable of resetting what was an campy, crappy IP before (as did Begins). Too bad they couldn't follow it up with something as equally stellar.
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    yeah i dont like the new bond. all that camerashakes. i dont realy understand the story... dont like it :(
  • Jedianakinsolo
    I really enjoyed Casion Royale and it's probably my favorite Bond movie. Daniel Craig's spin on Bond is for more realistic and entertaining to me, but I can see how it'd irritate the Bond Diehards. I like how he fights now too. It looks like he's actually been trained now.

    Unfortunaly, QoS wasn't quite as good as Casino Royale. I agree with a lot of you. Too much action, too little storyline. I did like the Badguy though. I'm tired of world-wreckers. Bond can only save the world so many times. It's kinda nice that he's dealing with the kind of guys we've actually heard of and can imagine now. I think this one set up a lot for the next one and I'm excited to see that.

    Oh, and the Trek trailer looks interesting. I may have to actually watch the movie.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    i found it frustrating though that we only got a tiny glimpse of the actual big bad guy. I spent the whole movie wanting to see more of the secret organisation they went on about, and got nada
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Haha Slum, that's an awesome video, Adam and Joe (or in this case just Joe) are great!
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