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Wrong forum, asshole.

polycounter lvl 18
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John Warner polycounter lvl 18
I'm getting SO sick of all the SPAM!

"they just found a cure for cancer!"
--Wrong forum

"the police just found the body of my wife :("
--This is P&P. post this in general discussion

"the war is over! we don't have to live in fear anymore!"
--Can we move this to the forum please? i simply can't STAND the little *pling* when a new message comes into my inbox. --

you see, this is because i'm neurotic. i need my entire life to be organized and structured into proper order, so that i can get off on judging everything around me as being done "right". if anything was to lapse into chaos, even for a moment, the entire fickle little lie that is my sense of self might come crashing down around me.

on that note, people who have done any drugs are idiots.

my friend has suggested to me that there's nothing wrong with organization, but i don't need to be so anal and kill-joy about it... but he's dumb.

right guys? right?


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