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[Portfolio] Sebastian Schade - Environment Artist

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EbolaV keyframe
Hey guys. I have create a small Portfolio. Need that for school too. Its more a blog because i dont realy know how to make a site but i hope you like it a little bit :) i try to update it soon with some props etc. in unreal engine when i have the time.



  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    EbolaV- I'm not sure if I have seen you post this site before or if a bunch of people are using that same website template.

    In any event, I am not very fond of the way it is set up (the template that is). To me, the menu being on the right is annoying because most people naturally look on the left or top for a menu. Also the text is small and doesn't particularly stand out, so it makes it extra difficult to notice where I click to navigate on your site.

    What I think you should change is:
    Make menu on left or top of the screen
    Bigger text to make it easier on the eyes
    Get riide of the welcome page and make the first page your Game Environments page
    Get ride of the Sculpts page all together
    Get ride of the bubble popup when I hover over you images

    I think your work is good, just that the way you are presenting it on your website is not so hot. The sculpts are all too blobby and would look far better if you just modeled them as you do your highpoly models. To me it just screams "I am learning to sculpt and here are a few things I whipped up".

    I really like your Game Environments and your high poly models. So I think you should make them the center of attention and put one of these two groups on your main page. The goal whenever making a portfolio website should not to be to look fancy but rather easy and fast navigation, and fewest clicks possible to see your work. Even just having one long page with all your images can work great. Check this out for reference: http://www.taehoonoh.com/

    Good start, keep us posted.
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    thanks for your tips. i will try to make it better. have to look how that website works and what i can change how i want it to have. especially the bubble popup is stupid. i hope i can deactivate it :D your right with the sculpts page. i dont sculpt often. i think i will kick it. thanks for the reference portfolio. nice one
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    Ok now it should be better. No pop ups. no sculpts and more less needed clicks :)
  • JamesP
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    EbolaV wrote: »
    Ok now it should be better. No pop ups. no sculpts and more less needed clicks :)

    Much better!
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
  • byder
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    Hey man! Wordpress is actually such a great system! You can setup a really nice and functional site with it! Ps. You work is looking good :D
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    grüß mir mal Paule und Robert :P

    works are pretty solid, but dunno maybe the portfolio is tooooooo wordpress right now, you could do a bit more graphical work on it and work with other templates, don't look at mine, has the same problems xD
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    who cares ? he doesnt apply for a webdesign job... its much better now, very easy & fast to use.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Iit's just about presentation, changing the presentation a bit and adding a little more design to that template won't change anything in usability and speed, maybe a little on speed.
    It's just like dozens of typos there, that could be standardized, a litte better working ikons like that "latest" button, thats way brighter and m,ore saturated then the other green colors and making that icon cleaner wouldn't hurt anyone but would improve the overall look.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I agree with Neox, the aesthetics could use a little vamp, but right now you have the proper frame work for a portfolio site, so that's the important thing. So yeah, it could still be improved, but maybe your time would be better spent working on more content for your site instead.

    Either way good job fixing it up, I look forward to seeing more stuff from you.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    I think one of the biggest issues I see with your work is you aren't proving that you understand High Poly just by making high poly assets. Even with the fire hydrant you have the low next to the high, but haven't proven any sort of baking or smoothing changes you would need to make for the low poly bakedowns.

    Modeling should be the easiest part of workflow, it's getting it to actually look decent once you have that high poly (textures included) that is really important.

    Also, one of your interior shots of that game doesn't make any sense with the rain. I'm looking at a concrete ceiling and the rain seems to be coming right through it.

    Keep at it!
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