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custom brushes in SAI

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rooster mod
I followed the tip in the sai thread about putting bitmaps in the elemap folder, but I don't see where I choose the brush from? theres a panel at the bottom of different sized dots, but that just seems to set the brush size.

am I doing it wrong or wah? do the brush files need to be a certain bit depth, am I missing the brush selection panel?


  • Default
    Offline / Send Message
    Default polycounter lvl 11
    yeah, bothered me for a bit until i found this: Link

    you'll need to keep the brush shapes 63*63 pixels from what i got, not sure about the bit depth. then you'll need to edit the correct config file to make the brush appear. i think that's the only way to add brushes as of now.

    also, instead of selecting the brush from a pallet like in PS, you select it from the brush shape drop down menu. it's below density usually.
  • rooster
    Offline / Send Message
    rooster mod
    cheers man!
    how much experience have you got with the brush editing? I saw this on conceptart, but I havent been able to get anything like these results:
    mainly, the edge of whatever brush I use is straight since its just dragging the same shape over and over; I dont get how he achieves rough edges to his brush strokes
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