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neeeeekkid woman (nsfw) need help.

ngon master
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almighty_gir ngon master

getting the figure done before i add armour and stuffs.

thing is though, i can't get the hands right :S i can NEVER get hands right. does anyone have any good sites/tutorials on how to sculpt a good set of hands?

any other crits on the body are appreciated as always.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Her breasts are defying gravity right now, either that or she's got some cheap implants in there.
    Waist/hip area is also looking pretty strange to me right now, and the head proportions are very strange (she doesn't seem to have much skull, the eyes are too high up).
    Side of the ribcage and the latissimus dorsi also look wrong, but the material you're using is fairly hard to judge volumes on the model, maybe try applying the Matcap Gray material, it tends to show form better.
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    ribcage is to squarish, and her hips are to narrow. Females are round and smooth, unlike males who tend to look more angular.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    oh i should probably mention she will be wearing a bra, so i put the boobs in a place that means i shouldn't actually have to move them later on. and the skull... well she won't have absolute human anatomy (check the ears). humanoid, yes. standard facial structure, no. going for a witch elf, eventually.

    here's a shot in gray, was actually working on the latissimus dorsi as you were typing :)

  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    here is a rough line drawing over your screenshot.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    that's awesome, and i'd do it, but i need to make her very slender, or very tall, either way she's an elf, not a human =x

    and not the stupid WoW human with pointy ears kind of elf >_<

    edit: ok, sorry, i realise i'm coming off like "i want help, but i don't want to listen to the help". and i don't mean to. it's difficult because in my head i'm thinking "right, very slender, limber woman, must be curvy but not too curvy, must be human but not human". it's really quite difficult =/
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    I understand! It might be best to search for nude models that feature the type of body you want to use for your elf and use her as reference.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i did, i used my girlfriend... and she actually said what i have so far looks fine, which i take as a compliment, cos the last painting i did of her got me a bruised shin :S
  • mziskandar
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    mziskandar polycounter lvl 14

    Just my opinion, make her normal human first and adjust the inhuman mods later..
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    edit: deleted, link didn't work.
  • DeathKitten
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    DeathKitten polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Gir, nice to see you doing something a little different for once ;)

    Here's a paintover for you:


    -DK >^..^<
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Reference and lots of it. I seriously wouldn't know where to start doing a paintover here. Not trying to be a dick but this needs a complete rework. If needs be get some good orthos for your base and get that right before you start sculpting.

    Good luck ;)
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    If you want her really feminine, push for a smaller ribcage.

    I find the most feminine look is when the ribcage is smaller in proportion to the hips. The moment the ribcage is the same width or bigger than the hips, the gal becomes more masculine.

    The breasts are completely separate. They can be as wide as the hips and still look hot. The ribcage size makes all the difference.
  • Bushidou
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    Bushidou polycounter lvl 12
    good to see your still in 3d

    The anatomy is a bit wrong, hope this will help you make it better


    what I tried to draw and show here is that the body has a strange shape (where is the female shape) that pops in audience eyes, and the boobs are way to up in her chest, even if she was wearing a bra or something that would pull up. Another thing that can be notices in this is also the clavicles direction

    I know you have a plan in mind and the rest is work in progress so I won't crit, please continue
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    sticking to matcap gray (thanks mop!)

    deathkitten, where the fuck did you disappear to for like... ever?! thanks for the paintover, much like the other changes i've made, i followed bits of it. and bits of other things.

    i've slimmed the ribcage quite a lot, and i think the difference already looks huge because of it. i've also tried to lower the breasts a little. but because of the armour i'm going for, and because of the "perfect" look that elves are somewhat famed for, i don't want to lower them too much.
    i've also worked a bit on the posture, and position of her bum etc. hopefully you guys can see the differences :)

  • AnimeAngel
    Certainly looks a lot better, but the stomach is a little weird with the indent in the around the navel area.
  • System
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    System admin
    Agreed, looks better in some frontal portions but there is a problem with the groinal area, everytime I look at the model it stares back at me. The groin is too wide between the legs and too flat.
    The hips, yours look too long because there is hardly any indication of seperation of muscle and bone masses in this area. Infact the hips appear broken or sunken.
    The traps above the clavicle area are too pronounced, if you blend this in much lower down the neck you will probably find that the neck is slightly too long.

    Sorry for babbling on, just my 2 pennies!
  • Wendy de Boer
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    Wendy de Boer interpolator
    The latest update does look much better, but it also still has many of the same problems.

    You may have reduced the waist, but from the side view the ribcage is still very much barrel shaped. Also, the breasts are way too chiseled. They look more like pectoral muscles. It should be smoother, rounder, and spread out to the side of the torso more. I also think the torso looks very stocky and short in general. Her wrist could probably do with some slimming down as well.

    Moving on to the lower body, I think the top of the hip bones jut out a bit too much, but the area below that doesn't stick out enough. Also, the definition you have here is too heavy for a female. Next, the lower abdomen should be wider.

    Looking from the side view, the thighs need to taper a bit more towards the knee. I would also smooth out the transistion between her butt and thigh more.

    On the other hand, the front view of the legs tapers way too much. The knees are way too thin and lack definition. Also, don't forget the slight S-curve on the inside of the thigh.

    And on a final note, the face is too big for the head.

    I tried to address all of this in the following paint-over animation:

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    thanks very much for the help guys! really feel like i'm getting somewhere now :)

    i tried to address as much as possible from the latest criticism, i hope it shows though, i haven't changed much about the face, other than general size, and i haven't touched the arms/hands at all yet. i'll look for some good tutorials on hands before i do that :)

    thanks again, keep the comments coming!
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    The breasts still feel a little awkward, among other things. But I think if you get the breasts looking good, they will offer distraction. Right now the nipples point straight forward - if gravity is affecting them at all (maybe she's wearing some sort of precision bustier), each would fall down and out, towards her arms. This movement will also make the cut between her sternum and the inner side of each breast less steep.

    Pretty much everyone has given you the same crit, yet you still have not touched her boobs; they're up next, right? :poly118: Making them look pleasant is critical.
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