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This is another piece I finished a long time ago. If you haven't noticed, I have a thing for EA Mythic's work. This is the Mastiff from their site. Any suggestions?



  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    is blur the new nextgen trend? if not, get your images sharp, really you should work on the presentation. Its a solid work but could be improved.
    On the model side you could work on your polydistribution, i guess not every poly is really adding to the shape uvseams or animation, why is everything quad only? is it going to be meshsmoothed?
    On the textureside nice work but it looks flat here and there, you could put more shading into it or show it with some proper lighting, right now a lot of areas are just fading grey without giving any sense of depth, just like grey stuff painted onto the model, not like shadowed areas.
    And whats up with the uvlayout, couldn't you make things like the collar just flat, and easy to paint on, why is everything rotated without really helping to get more uv space?
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, stop with the blurry renders. Just print screen from your viewport like everyone else. Same goes for your tree (which I plan on writing up some feedback for this weekend, you're going to love it), but get those real images up first!
  • Mark Dygert
    Looks pretty good, nice work. I agree with the above crits.

    Also set your AA Filter to Catmull-Rom (defaults to blurry area) if you're going to render.
  • DrHkl
    Sorry guys, I didn't realize print screen was the way everyone else did it...it's pretty obvious though when you compare the polycount pic (print screen) with the others (rendered).

    Neox: The model is all quads cause that was the way I was taught...especially if the piece was going to animate. As for the texture, I see the flatness you are talking about (painting is still one of my weaker areas). What is going to make it pop? As for the UV layout, I wanted to use the most space for the most important part (the face and body). The most space you have in a square is the diagonal/hypotenuse. Not really a big mystery. I did the same thing with blades on the swords I did for Oblivion.

    Vig: Where do I find that configuration to change it?
  • Mark Dygert
    Hit 9(Render Setup), click the Renderer tab, Under Antialising change the Filter from Area to Catmull-Rom. Makes things much sharper without jagging everything horribly.

    Also tris are fine for animation. Its really important to know where which way the tris flow through the polys, so you can make sure they deform properly. The only real problem you'll run into with working in tris is when you plan to take it into a sculpting app, even then it might not be an issue to have a few tris.

    I think the poly flow in the face is a bit dense unless its going to be animated, in that case it seems about right.

    It looks like you put in double ankles. Dogs stand on their toes, their actual heals are higher up their legs and never really touch the ground unless they sit or lay down. Dog feet are actually really long and they don't have a mini-heal at the base of the pads. http://www.vigville.com/forum_images/DogLegAnatomy.jpg

    Cool dog by the way =)
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    big ole seam running around his face that needs fixing.

    texture looks a bit odd with all the shading done in a soft gray - almost looks like one of them cavity renders

    model looks good. texture just needs a few tweaks
  • Urthrese
    i would turn up your ambient light in max for screen caps too. it's under your environment settings. just make it so the shadows aren't pitch black.
  • Kindri
    Hey I don't mean to hijack (I'll move my question to tech forum if you'd prefer) but since viewport screengrabs were brought up, I figured I'd ask - What settings (or plugins?) do most people use for their viewport?

    I haven't been able to get all my maps (normal/alpha/spec) to show up in the viewport simultaneously and I was wondering what I'm missing. Thanks!
    (and I apologize, I'll move this topic if needed!)
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