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Alan Wake Trailer!

polycounter lvl 17
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Uly polycounter lvl 17

Where's the log lady? : (
Seriously though, excited.


  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Cant wait.... the owls are not what they seem!
  • Sa74n
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    Sa74n polycounter lvl 18
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Looks pretty interesting!
  • Spug
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    Spug polycounter lvl 12
    Looks so good, I remember the tech demo they showed a long time ago. The weather effects are superb and the physics engine they are using gives the game such realism...I cannot wait for it.

    Here is a link...http://www.gameklip.net/video/1606
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Can not wait for this one, has a release date been announced yet? It has gotta be sooner then later.
  • Mark Dygert
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    I remember that tech demo, who knew they would have made an interesting game out of it.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    What is the game?
    I mean is it a silent hill game? Or a sandbox game?
    I just saw a cg cutscene...and the previous trailer was weather effects, trees with physics, and some stand in T-posed monsters at the end of a tech demo.
    I'm not knocking this just wondering when we'll see some game play.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    coooool, I really like how the story seems to be going, looks like its not your standard "oh who am I" story. pretty neat how they didn't really show any enemies or creatures or whatever in the trailer and its still really intriguing and has a sense of urgency. neato.
  • Mark Dygert
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    What is the game?
    I mean is it a silent hill game? Or a sandbox game?
    I just saw a cg cutscene...and the previous trailer was weather effects, trees with physics, and some stand in T-posed monsters at the end of a tech demo.
    I'm not knocking this just wondering when we'll see some game play.
    Think Max Payne meets Darkness Falls, meets Secret Window. Probably more in line with Silent Hill but more real world based.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Looks awesome. Like the type of game I like to play. Hopefully it's short, cause I cant play long single player games anymore...

    I feel like the weakest part was the facial animation. Well, all the acting animation actually... Maybe it'll work better in game with the fixed camera.
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    trailer didn't do too much for me to be honest....but then again....there wasn't much to it. only time will tell
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Damn... looks like it could be potentially fantastic. I love me some psychological themes. :D
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    those people sure creep me the hell out, maybe there is a million characters in the game like gta to justify the moving mannequin look... the environments look really nice though..
  • Mark Dygert
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    arshlevon wrote: »
    those people sure creep me the hell out, maybe there is a million characters in the game like gta to justify the moving mannequin look... the environments look really nice though..

    Sadly great advancements have been made on all graphical fronts except conversational dialog. Its one of the last remaining weak points of our industry that needs to be upgraded... Just about everyone and their bug is using Mocap but fails to pick up where it leaves off, face and hands.

    I think mostly because they don't understand it and because its near impossible to do convincing facial expressions without a crazy complex rig of free floating control points, or per vertex (blend shape/morph target) animation.

    With that said, I'm willing to forgive technical and artistic short comings if the story and game play are there to back it all up. Crosses fingers...
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    Sadly great advancements have been made on all graphical fronts except conversational dialog. Its one of the last remaining weak points of our industry that needs to be upgraded... Just about everyone and their bug is using Mocap but fails to pick up where it leaves off, face and hands.

    I think mostly because they don't understand it and because its near impossible to do convincing facial expressions without a crazy complex rig of free floating control points, or per vertex (blend shape/morph target) animation.

    With that said, I'm willing to forgive technical and artistic short comings if the story and game play are there to back it all up. Crosses fingers...

    Well, I dont know about that. Whats that one game that's coming out that had the really nice facial animation? A little uncanny valley-ish but still really impressive? Rain or Hard Rain or something Rain? Anyways, advancements are being made.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    arshlevon wrote: »
    those people sure creep me the hell out, maybe there is a million characters in the game like gta to justify the moving mannequin look... the environments look really nice though..

  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    LOL ya the bloom made me laugh. I guess it's good that most of the game is in the dark!
  • Waz
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    Waz polycounter lvl 17
    Sweet trailer, Remedy went pretty media dark with this game for a while and nice to see it being shown again. I really look forward to playing it. The environments really do look great, but like was said the characters could use some work. I love playing through the Max Payne games, have high hopes for this one.
  • Toast
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    Toast polycounter lvl 11
    "Microsoft Game Studios Presents". Hope it comes to the PS3! :poly127:
  • skankerzero
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    All I can see is how his knee comes to a point when he bends it yet the side of his shoe is perfectly smooth...
  • Mark Dygert
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    aesir wrote: »
    Well, I dont know about that. Whats that one game that's coming out that had the really nice facial animation? A little uncanny valley-ish but still really impressive? Rain or Hard Rain or something Rain? Anyways, advancements are being made.
    Yea still not totally sold on that one yet. Their first "we jumped uncanny gorge" was a total flop. Their second jump was a hop in the right direction but a close up of a pair of eyes does not sell me that they can actually do realistic facial expressions and accurate lip sync.

    I really hope that some kind of explosion happens in the industry and this stuff is less painful to do for real time, maybe those guys will pull it off but its too early to tell just yet and certainly hasn't been industry wide yet so we're still stuck in the dark ages of facial animation.

    But you're right change is coming and people are working on it. FaceFX is a good facial animation set up which is what I think they are using for Gears? But its price point for what it does is pretty out of line.

    Source is working the blend shape/morph target work flow pretty well. so yea some good things are being done.
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    Where's the log lady? : (

    Hahah - I instantly thought Twin Peaks when I saw this trailer - a great thing in my books!

    The characters look nice and naturally designed and modelled to me- I agree that the facial anim lets it down but even in this small clip the actual speech and how the lines were delivered covered this for me more than normal.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    All I can see is how his knee comes to a point when he bends it yet the side of his shoe is perfectly smooth...

    Yeah, I noticed that too. I'm sure they could have spared about 10-20 more triangles and made those knees look less stabby.

    Looks interesting though, I like the atmosphere.
  • cgjeff
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    cgjeff polycounter lvl 17
    Toast wrote: »
    "Microsoft Game Studios Presents". Hope it comes to the PS3! :poly127:

    at least it's coming out on pc
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