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We traded my legos for this?

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PaK polycounter lvl 18
Let's break it down....

I Pros for being a child:

-Mom making me my favorite food on at LEAST a bi-weekly basis (usually way more often than that)

-home-made toys like blow guns, sling-shots, bmx ramps, paper ninja stars, home-made armor, ninja costumes on haloween.

-TIME! I actually had time to do so many things I wanted to do

-snow forts


-Amusing myself for hours burying my He-Man in the dirt and then getting him to surprise attack the Crimson Twins and Destro.

-Snow forts

-Rollerblading for 6 hrs at a time and never feeling sore.

-Most movies rocked cuz I wasnt jaded yet.

-hip-hop seemed new and fresh, not pathetic and derivative.

-I said snow forts too many times. I really fucking loved snow forts!!

Pros for a 30 year old:

-driving a real car and not getting in deep shit for doing it.

-playing with boobies

-doing a job that 'remotely reminds me of' the kind of fulfillment i had playing any one of the other cool things i mentioned. So I guess that doesn't count as a pro does it!

-buying some of the things I want, basically the same amount of toys my parents bought me. So I guess that doesn't count either!

-I can goto bed whenever i like.

-shooting really big guns.

You know what??? Fuck this idea, I'm not gonna do cons cuz I already feel like shit after writing this crap. Man, being an adult sucks a big fat one. It's never been even CLOSE to being as cool as being a kid.

Experience stole away my appreciation for simple pleasures that made me way happier than anything I do nowadays.

It's not worth the sacrifice...



  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    man, being a kid sucks ass, you gotta answer to anyone bigger than you, you don't have money, you cant drink, you have to go to school.

    I laugh at kids.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    you need to live a more exciting life...you have all the freedom to do it in now.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    yeah, who's saying you can't go on an adventure :D. (i'm going to rome on foot in a couple of months)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    seams like atitude problem, you can have all of those childhod pros (well maybe not the first and last) if you want to and you get to play with boobies, never underestimate that
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    bah. Lets take the highpoints of kidlife, birthday and christmas

    on my birthday this year i took myself to Flamingo Land to do what the hell i wanted, surrounded by kids who weren't allowed to go on the rides they wanted or visit their favourite animal first. I would have had two ice creams if the first one wasn't pretty nasty. On the way back i went on a whim to Toys R Us to buy myself something really expensive. There was nothing worth buying, but then i also wasn't forced to have something i didn't want. Later on i went to the pub and got slightly cunted

    we're doing christmas for the extended family again this year, and again i'm going to hide the remote control again so i don't have to have the TV on. I'm then going to drink wine and play with new toys. If the toys aren't exciting any more, i will drink more wine until they are

    it's ace really
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Pak you are now old enough to rend some large digging equipment and take "building a snowfort" to a whole new level.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    perna wrote: »
    Playing in the snow, snowball fights, toboggans, all that

    Yeah, I hate the EU for bringing in that law forbidding people over 16 from using "fun-related snow equipment".

    I remember when this was all fields...
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Naked people are lots more fun than Lego.
  • Mark Dygert
    Having a kid = second childhood.
    • No one has to know that the second light sabers you bought while shopping with your only child is really for you.
    • When its not snowing you can make all kinds of blanket forts, almost as good as snow forts but year round, indoors and out.
    • Watching a little persons face light up the first time they scribble on a magna-doodle, and the 3rd, 4th 5th times...
    • Having a kid in your arms is a magic get out of "jackass in public" jail card. Security guards will wonder what that crazy guy is doing by the womans changing booths, just flash em the kid and everything is fine. "honey say high to the big scary guy with a taser" They back off really quick if they think they kid is going to cry. "I'm not afraid to pinch my kid and blame it on you mr so back off.
    • When grocery shopping, find the checker who looks most terrified of kids. They move your stuff along quick, baggers too. No one wants to be the perosn who makes a baby cry. Everyone hates crying kids, but they hate people who make them cry, worse. Which brings me to the next pro.
    • When your kid cries in public (probably because you said no) and heads start to turn, you can point at strangers and say "that man is sorry honey he didn't mean to push you down" suddenly everyone is upset with the crazy guy who hates kids. Your kid feels better because someone said they're sorry. win win. (watch for strangers following you out to your car)
    • If you have a cute kid that can smile and be shy around strangers, you get free stuff. They can also be used to distract the Baristas at Starbucks, causing them to screw up your drink, making it either free, or you get two... Even if they don't screw it up, they're less likely to argue in front of an innocent face...
    • Because people think raising a kid is such hell they treat you like a hero, especially when you the dad are out and alone. Watch out for cougars, that clock is ticking and a man already with a baby = tasty.
    • Everything is mysterious and new. I normally pay way too much attention to inane stuff, but my daughter has that X10 right now so we stop and stare at lots of things, just like when I was a kid, awesome. Just walking some where and hearing "WooOoooowww wuz tat!?" come from about knee level is priceless
    • You're also a hero for naming things, like "that's a rock", or "that's a bug" or "that's poop we don't play with it". That last one could turn into a con really quick even if they don't get their hands on it.
    • You can teach your kid to say things they think are HI-LAR-IOUS.
    There's a lot more but I'll stop.

    • Having to return the darth vader, optimus prime helmets and other various contraptions because they're too small.
    • They run a lot. Even if your in shape they'll wear you out.
    • They grow up fast. Actually time moves faster once the high school diploma hits your hands. But good news I hear when you hit the home it slows back down again. Stupid time...
    • Once they hit a certain age they slam doors and tell you they hate you, even though you only asked them how their day was.
    • At night you wake up to them holding a pillow inches above your head.
    • I'm probably raising a tomboy computer dork. She loves the computer, she loves Star Wars. Hopefully she won't have too many problems finding someone on the web...
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    now that was HI-LAR-IOUS vig ;)
  • Pedro Amorim

    but come on.. boobies are way better then legos!
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    heheh XDDD

    You can still play with Legos, they are not a toy for kids exclusively. Brickcon started some days ago, and being a lego fan i always look at photos. Guys in this flickr album from last year are not kids: http://flickr.com/photos/dunechaser/sets/72157600044861822/

    So, we can enjoy as kids being adults. BTW, toys and videogames are created by adults, don't forget the kid inside you :poly122:


    Pros... cons.. all depends of us. bad prejudices... bad mentality, that's all. What makes a person to be so adult? you can enjoy aswell. Different resposabilities and that's all. When we are young we go to school and we must study, we don't have all the time to play and enjoy. When we grow, we need to work, and we also have time to enjoy. Although if you have a bad work... the thing changes :poly127:

    All adults wish to be a child again... my parents wished that several times, and my grandparents too. This is life law, we had our cycle.
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    i'l momma's your boy. in the worst possible way.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    the plural of lego is lego, surely?
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    The only difference between my current life and your childhood is that my mother doesn't make me my favorite dish.
  • JesterBox
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    JesterBox polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    The only difference between my current life and your childhood is that my mother doesn't make me my favorite dish.

    Same sept I trades in my roller blades for having my dog pull me on my skateboard... and I still do... he's big enough.

    Snow forts are still very much win. But when your older you get to organize the neighborhood kids into to squads against your older friends who are also generals of snow war.

    I lost a lot of 12 year old in the battle of mount frosty...
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    perna wrote: »
    Yeah, because that's all that seperates a child from a man, Shepeiro.

    well yeah ;-)
  • Master_v12
    I play with lego boobies....
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Uh. I still play nintendo and build snowforts.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    i have no problem with slowing down, getting old, and then dying. it's going to suck, and i've known this my entire life.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Vig just summed up my bitter childhood.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    hmmm all the childhood things that i loved to do i can still do... well not all but most all. I still buy toys and other things that made me happy when i was younger. You only live once so why stop doing things that you enjoy if its not hurting anyone. Also why do things that you cant find joy in?

    Blaizer, looks like my older brothers second bedroom.

    Vig, yep those are the main reasons that i want a kid.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    im still doing the things i did when i was a kid like going to parties and getting drunk on cider... bye
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    SHEPEIRO wrote: »
    im still doing the things i did when i was a kid like going to parties and getting drunk on cider... bye

    and kissing other kids?
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

    I've always hated that quote.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    Watch out for cougars, that clock is ticking and a man already with a baby = tasty.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Man, this thread bummed me the hell out. I was crazy about Lego when I was a kid, and my folks were awesome about getting me the cool sets. After reading this thread I got to Googling some old stuff, and saw a set I remember opening at Christmas when I was five... Just thinking of how close my family was and all, my granddad still around... Sheesh, thanks for pooping on my weekend, Ross :p

    I think finding significance in song lyrics is usually pretty lame, but Pearl Jam totally nailed this. I'm Open, from No Code:

    A man lies in his bed in a room with no door.
    He waits hoping for a presence, something, anything, to enter.
    After spending half his life searching he still felt as blank as the ceiling at which he's staring.
    He's alive but feels absolutely nothing. So is he?
    When he was six he believed that the moon overhead followed him, by nine he had deciphered the illusion trading magic for fact.
    No tradebacks.
    So this is what it's like to be an adult.
    If he only knew now what he knew then...
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    vig...I know this sounds cheesy but...I was secretly hoping someone was gonna post something like like that.

    I feel much better :)

    oh yeah, and my roomie and I played with my connex magnet set last night, that was cool :P

  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    danr wrote: »
    the plural of lego is lego, surely?
    Haha, so I'm not crazy after all! I was thinking the exact same thing... I've always found it weird when people called it "legos".

  • Dusty
    Legos are the only toy from my childhood that still have, locked away in a case I made for them when I was like 10. Still protected by lock and key that I think I got out of a toy gumball machine. The key is the only secret I keep from my wife.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    "The key is the only secret I keep from my wife."

    haha priceless!
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    I still like cartoons and drawing.

    I also get to enjoy drinking smoking boobs and bajingos now.

    I love making art all day and not having to worry about math class.

    I miss playing rollerhockey/basketball/baseball/soccer 6 hours a day.... and quakeworld
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    SHEPEIRO wrote: »
    you get to play with boobies, never underestimate that

    That is pretty fun
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I miss my childhood. I won't rehash what everyone else has already said, but I do agree with it all.

    Although we have more responsibility now as adults, I'm still an immature kid at heart. I just show it in different ways now. Instead of GIJoe and TMNT, I get excited about Cintique's and multicore CPU's. I still day dream about stupid kid shit, like being a manga hero or getting into a fight with super powers. Why? Beats the hell out of me! I'm 28, damnit! It's not like a I plan on thinking this way, it just happens. I think I'll always be young at heart.

    There's still a lot of fun shit I want to do as an adult though. Stuff that I never could do as a kid, like skydiving and river rafting (want to learn how to swim, first!).

    Being an adult has it's advantages, but I seriously miss that complete lack of responsibility, and the newness that came with everything unknown. Good times.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    ahh Vassago, such a way with words. I feel like I'm listening to a fireside chat :P

  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    TWilson wrote: »
    I also get to enjoy drinking smoking boobs and bajingos now.

    Man...what do smoking boobs taste like, and where can I get some!?

    What's with all the emo? You're getting older, suck it up, make life fun. I loved being a child, and I love being an adult. I'm sure I'll love being an old fart too!
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    I, being 16, have realized that being a kid sucks. Looking back at how naive I was, and how great the world seemed, it was awful. I realize that the world was just as bad in the 1990's as it is now, but it seemed so safe and flawless.... I feel like my mind was lying to me :)... I would trade that for being older any day, and I can't imagine thinking any other way. You don't have logic as a kid, or atleast not advanced thinking. I enjoy my thinking a bit too much to give it up.

    Plus, the boobs.. need I say more?

  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I enjoy the pros of adulthood and am happy. Yea being a kid afforded me a LOT of free time but I manage to get enough now. Plus I'm a single father so I spend time reliving my childhood with my son AND meeting MILFs!

    Playing with a naked lady> any childhood toy. >:D
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    yeah I'd have to say the later years are nice. However it was good to just skate drink soda and chill all summer.

    Would like to have kids soon. Glad I will be raising them in the Northwest. Midwest while fun doesn't have the geography I love and would love to take the future kids hiking or snowboarding in.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    Joopson wrote: »
    I, being 16, have realized that being a kid sucks. Looking back at how naive I was, and how great the world seemed, it was awful. I realize that the world was just as bad in the 1990's as it is now, but it seemed so safe and flawless.... I feel like my mind was lying to me :)... I would trade that for being older any day, and I can't imagine thinking any other way. You don't have logic as a kid, or atleast not advanced thinking. I enjoy my thinking a bit too much to give it up.

    Plus, the boobs.. need I say more?


    I had the same experience in that I thought the world was perfect, recently i turned a little to the cynical/realistical point of view and it SUCKS! i loved my way of looking at the world, and i really miss it now. "Truth is in the eye of the beholder" (I'm only 18, so i have a long way to go too ;))
  • Mitch Cosgrave
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    Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
    Haha, this thread has been highly entertaining. Pak and Vig, great posts, I hadn't laughed that hard in a while.

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Joopson wrote: »
    I, being 16, have realized that being a kid sucks. Looking back at how naive I was, and how great the world seemed, it was awful. I realize that the world was just as bad in the 1990's as it is now, but it seemed so safe and flawless.... I feel like my mind was lying to me :)... I would trade that for being older any day, and I can't imagine thinking any other way. You don't have logic as a kid, or atleast not advanced thinking. I enjoy my thinking a bit too much to give it up.

    Plus, the boobs.. need I say more?

    Don't you worry. Once you're an old, decrepit bastard like the rest of us here, you'll be pining for those halcyon childhood days too.

    On a side note, until you have access to enough naked ladies to make a tower, lego will always have the edge.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    ... a tower of naked ladys...

    hmmm never mind the first thing that came to mind was a tower of oblivion naked women stacked on top of each other forming a tower...
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    When I was a kid, I had a slot car setup...


    .. and played with these..


    Now that I'm no longer a kid, I'm planning on buying myself one of these....


    .. and I play around in one of these...


    Some things don't change with age... they just get bigger, faster, and a whole lot more expensive. 8)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    The hard thing about being an adult is realizing how overpriced Legos are! I've been trying to rebuild my childhood lego bucket but I'm realizing I probably had about $500 or more worth of Legos in that thing, mostly classic space too! Oh how I miss classic space!
  • EarthQuake
    I still have my big ol bucket of legos, and i still play with them from time to time. What they hell are all you people complaining about?
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    I still have my big ol bucket of legos, and i still play with them from time to time. What they hell are all you people complaining about?

    .. you people? :poly132:

    haha :P.
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    All my childhood I have only wanted to do one thing. A childhood dream if you will. I used to build cardboard 'simulators', every computer game I played involved an aeroplane, My lego always seemed to craft itself into some sort of flying machine, I built model aeroplanes, remote control aeroplanes, when I lived in the US for halloween one year I went as a pilot, the next year as a survivor of a plane crash. I covered my walls with pictures of aircraft. I was constantly hounding my dad to tell me warries, or how to act like a pilot (which I now know is to just act like a cockhead.) I watched countless aviation movies and series, went flying with the old man every chance I got. I joined the air force cadets when I was old enough (though, officially, it never happened, because in the real air force, you just don't admit that kind of thing.) All my childhood, I just wanted to grow up and be a pilot. Now that I have grown up, and am a pilot, I must say.

    Its fucking awesome.

    Plus, one of the added bonuses of the 1986 gem top gun is with the green flying suit, comes an ample supply of boobies. Win win.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Smirnoffka wrote: »
    Plus, one of the added bonuses of the 1986 gem top gun is with the green flying suit, comes an ample supply of boobies. Win win.

    ... and they're Aussie boobies, no less. :poly124:
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