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Soviet bunker phone circa 1986

Remember the enemy is always listening...


  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Hey Jackd Up, Your phone looks pretty good. The green metal looks a little grainy and low res in some spots but the other details look nice. The screws on the bottom of the faceplate look like they should be on the top aswell but other than that i can't say much without a wire frame and texture flats.

    You should really just keep posting your Soviet bunker pieces in one thread instead of making a new one for each prop. Keep up the good work.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I reckon this was your ref since it's says the same thing

    You did fine in the basic sense of capturing a recognizable shape, but your texturing detail is only matched in the screws. As in, you put the effort into the screws, but the rest of the material is green noise with some of the wireframe revealed to simulate scratches. Some of the shapes at the top don't appear correct either. Those would be issues to address should you take this piece to the next step.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Check your overall pixel density, its inconsistent.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Looks like you passed the diffuse right into a normal map filter? It would be better to make an actual B/W height map instead. That way your sticker wouldn't come out all bumpy and lumpy.

    Way too much wear and tear on an item that wouldn't really see that much action. Phones where put in semi protected places they cause congestion and the last thing you want is someone on the phone in the middle of a hallway when you're trying to deliver a load of shells...

    The damage looks like it was one time damage. Like someone took sand paper to it. If it was actually in a high traffic zone it would have been painted a few times to keep up its appearance and the damage would be localized to certain parts that stick out, not really on every edge. There are plenty of other ways to highlight edges and define shapes without going scratch crazy.

    Looks like the crank, wouldn't make it a full rotation around.
  • Jackd Up
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    thanks Vig you have a lot of good suggestions. I do agree with you on the wear. and Wilex you were right about the screws should be on top. The director said ship it so I did. I think the screws could make there way to the next model pass, but the texture was a couple of hours exercise, I don't know If I want to revisit it yet
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