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new mudbox 2009 vids

just posting these for anyone who hasn't seen them yet...

definitely check out the painting/texturing video. looks very cool.


  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    on the sculpting side it looks kind of like theres a bunch of new brushes that do quite similar things
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    from my experience, scrape is the best new tool, a bit like zbrushes mallet tool, but you get way cleaner results, really good for getting nice shapes fast. wax is bollox, havent figured out why spray is different or needed yet but havent looked into it much, imprint is just a stamp, but they still havent give it enough strength yet, not for what i want to do, most character work it will be more than fine. smooth still not as versatile or strong as zbrushes.

    speed increases are great, due to the way the architecture works though its faster to sculpt the whole model from a distance than to do it up close opposite to zbrush.

    been working on 26 mill meshes with only slow down at close up
  • silversteez
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    have you played with any of the painting tools? any thoughts/feelings?
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    not really as an env. guy i probably wont use them that much except maybe fixing seams
  • tacit math
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    tacit math polycounter lvl 17
    you've played with the beta ? if you're able to disclose : what enhancements. if any. have been made to the general workflow ( over v1 ) ?

    customisable sticky keys. marking menus. anything ?
  • tacit math
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    tacit math polycounter lvl 17
    i ask because. looking at standardisation and bringing mudbox in line with the more traditional 3D app it's a bit of a no brainer. check the box. but so far as a sculpting specific workflow is concerned mudbox is pretty well shit

    poor performance when compared to zb3 wasn't the only reason keeping me out of mb1. the workflow in the viewport ( sculpting specific ) is as good as non exisitent in my opinion. zbrush is fucked and full of holes throughout. but an ' artisan on crack ' approach aint cutting the mustard either
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    really cool videos

    I think the wax brush is meant to be a copy of zbrushs clay tube brush? the map painting options look great! I really like the way he could see the specular/reflection on the model and paint it out or in where needed in real time. He is working on super high poly stuff, do you guys think this will work well for lower poly game models? I dont see why not if its just painting 2D textures and not poly painting.

    do you guys think this could be serious competition to bodypaint?
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    SHEPEIRO wrote: »
    from my experience, scrape is the best new tool, a bit like zbrushes mallet tool, but you get way cleaner results, really good for getting nice shapes fast. wax is bollox, havent figured out why spray is different or needed yet but havent looked into it much, imprint is just a stamp, but they still havent give it enough strength yet, not for what i want to do, most character work it will be more than fine. smooth still not as versatile or strong as zbrushes.

    speed increases are great, due to the way the architecture works though its faster to sculpt the whole model from a distance than to do it up close opposite to zbrush.

    been working on 26 mill meshes with only slow down at close up

    What? Zbrush is faster from afar than zoomed in. You're saying Mudbox is now the same? That really is shitty because Mudbox 1 had a nice consistent speed no matter what.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    What Super said, that's VERY dissapointing to hear :(. One of my fav things about mud over zb was the consistancy in speed when zooming.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    hang on were talking over 20 mill single peice assets here, in my experience zbrush is a bit jittery when BRUSHING with the whole model on display, mudbox is fine at doing this big brushes on huge meshes are ok, and moving in and around the mesh is always silky, brushing gets alittle laggy up close at this rez. there are a couple of things ive learnt today though, there are know issues with ati cards, apparently its silky all over with an 8800 and the isolate polys thing isnt working if they sort this out it may well be a load faster than zbrush.

    sorry for any confussion
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    have you played with any of the painting tools? any thoughts/feelings?

    i've got a bad feeling in the stomach when using the paint tools, it's very, very basic right now not much more then paint with soft brushes, the only cool thing is the use of stencils but you can do similar things in zbrushm nothing that can compete with deeppaint or bodypaint, at least for me

    i experienced slowdowns only when zooming in and out, once the mesh is cached it's fast as hell (panning and orbiting and sculpting), worked with 80mio quads and was all smooth, of course big brushes will get slow, but normaly on such a polycount (who really needs 80mio per piece? i'm at 10 max, usually way below) you work finer not bigger
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