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WoW Detox stories

polycounter lvl 17
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ebagg polycounter lvl 17

1500 pages of people who successfully kicked the habit!!!


  • System
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    System admin
    Haha oh shit some of them are so Over the top i cant take them seriously.... damn. I mean, i've been pretty hardcore in WoW but quitting it is never an issue.


    That ones pretty poor D:
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    WoW to me would be like meth if I ever started playing.

    During the 3 day open beta before launch, I played so much I'd leave my room only to use the washroom and eat (which wasn't very often).

  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    i love how they blame the game
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I just read some of these... it boggles the mind how people blame Blizzard. If you're a weak-willed twat who can't turn the game off, the problem isn't World of Warcraft.
  • carlo_c
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    I did see a news segment on the BBC about some kid who was addicted, it's just crazy how you can forget real life over something like WoW.

    I don't think I'll ever understand how people get addicted to video games.
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    yeesh, all it takes is self control. use your damn head - what's more important, the game, or your life?

    I guess the sad thing is that many do perceive the game to be more important :\
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    i love how they blame the game

    I love how I blame YOU.
    oooooh DIS!
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    People *have* to start taking responsibility for their actions instead of pawning it off on some thing else. Blizzard did not force anyone to start playing.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I also don't get the families who let the people they care about ruin their lives on a game. If I had a family member who was letting his/her life go down the toilet to play a game, I would smack them upside the head and stop them from playing, period. Seriously, organize an intervention, and stop them from destroying themselves and bringing down those they care about.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Now if only addiction to WoW would somehow make one sterile.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    lol I just reactivated WoW last month, after watching the Lich King trailer. Have to get to 60 by November!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    my neighbors 17 year old brother was hooked on it, his mum needed him to get a job because she couldn't afford to live basically. and he was like "i'm playing WoW, i can't go look for a job, gotta do this raid" and shit.

    i did so much work to help him, wrote a CV for him, tried to take him job hunting and shit. in the end i put a brick through his monitor and told him he could buy a new one when he got his first wage packet >_>
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    These games are a pretty good alternative for many people. Escaping from the reality of shitty life to become some well known character in a world is pretty neat compared to the alternative for many.

    We're all lucky we have art to create. Not many people have something they can enjoy like this.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    lol, life is what you make of it. my life has had serious down times. but if you try to escape from it too much, then you're hardly "living" at all.

    i have people i talk to online, who i would call friends. but then again i've met most of those for real at one point or another.

    having "e-buddies" who you go raiding dungeons with, in a second universe. because it gives you a more fulfilling experience than actually living. just means that you need to make adjustments to your life to give you a greater sense of fulfilment.
  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    maybe I should post there too. I played like all day long since release until 6 months before first expansion. then I just quit cause I had been playing so long on the US servers (living in EU).. raiding in the middle of the night every day is pretty tough. also you get pretty damn bitter from it, lol. a lot of people said I was a lot more mean after my WoW period. rofl. still working on that!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    in the end i put a brick through his monitor and told him he could buy a new one when he got his first wage packet >_>

    Gir, you fucking rock. :thumbup:
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    these games are designed to absorb...

    i don't understand why they blame the game. Go and play a single player game! :D mmorpgs are all the same.
  • Fliff
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I love how I blame YOU.
    oooooh DIS!

    exactly my point! it's me do this to you, you fools. *man-hugs m&m*
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    I decided to take a break from playing 6 months after initial release...

    I lent my character to a friend... told him to change the contact email so they could get a hold of someone...

    Blizzard banned the account.

    Demanded that I send them a copy of my passport and photo ID notarized. They said banks do this for free in the US? Well In canada the only place you can get it done is your Member of Parliament's office or a lawyer's office... neither are free.

    I'm not paying 80 bucks to have a copy of my passport stamped and sent to them.

    WTF do they NEED photo ID for anyways? They never got a photo of me in the first place, what the hell are they going to compare it to?

    So I told the jackass... their policy has just lost them a customer forever. I will never play or buy another blizzard product again.

    And I have not had any desire to return to wow at all.... What a shitty game (not artistically speaking, I hold this opinion for most MMOs)
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    i should hit level 70 for the first time today or tomorrow. :D
  • Mark Dygert
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    I never really understood the whole "I'm addicted thing" as a real addiction, but more of "this game is amazing", but stupid people will find anything else to lay the blame on besides their own shoulders.

    I played since alpha (2003) until Dec last year. Never had a problem with it interfering with my life. In fact in that time I started and finished a couple dozen personal projects, did some freelance graphics, got a new job, moved, had a kid and still managed to make it outside of the house 2-3 nights every week. I guess it depends on who you play with, and if you feel like you have to do a bunch of crap to get next to nothing. There are some real time sinks in wow but they can almost always be avoided or minimized with the help of friends.

    What really put the nail in WoW's coffin for me, was TF2.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I just started playing again since I got a free account from work. (ActiBlizzion ftw!)

    I'm having a lot more fun this time through. I never got my character past lvl15 or so, because it was just a pain, and I got bored easily, but that has changed now. Leveling seems to go a lot faster now, also having high level friends really helps. I plan to get up in the high levels because I really want to smash some alliance skulls.

    I played till 5am last night. Addicted, no. Having shitloads of fun, yes.
  • seanv
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    Hi my name is Sean and I'm a wowaholic...
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I dont really get addicted to the game, i get addicted to the people on it. I make "friends" on there, and really its the only place i will ever get to "see" or "talk" to them. So if i were to quit, its like moving away and never talking to someone again. Thats the only tough part, for me, about quiting. The game itself is redundant and boring. I would run around on my rogue and grief people outside ogrimarr for hours, not b/c it was fun. but b/c it was something to do while i chit chated with friends.

    on the singleplayer note....i cant really play those games. I have to be able to talk trash and kill other players. Something about fighting AI just gets dull. im hooooked on tfc b/c i get to talk shit and blow people up =)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    What, no love for us EVE Online players? ^_^
  • danr
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    danr interpolator

    boo fuckin hoo
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    I started WoW up again when I moved out to NC. i dont really know anyone out here that well, and my old friends back home played wow, so i figured id get on and hang with em.

    i only was really addicted for about 3 days, a week ago, when the guild started doing kara and i kept looking at my watch at work, to make sure I got home in time for the raid. that went on for a few days, and I've taken a break. I'm not going to let a game keep me on a schedule.

    part of the problem with WoW is that there is almost always instant gratification. there is always a clear goal, in numbers til the next reward. like in battlegrounds. I know that if I play for 2 more hours, I can get so many points and buy my new shoulders. or x many bars til next level, etc.

    thing is, this isnt anything new. this shit was going on with everquest or ultima or whatever. it's just that WoW is more mainstream and its getting this attention.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    TWilson wrote: »
    These games are a pretty good alternative for many people. Escaping from the reality of shitty life to become some well known character in a world is pretty neat compared to the alternative for many.

    We're all lucky we have art to create. Not many people have something they can enjoy like this.

    When raiding takes priority over spending even a few minutes with someone... when you would rather talk to your guild over Vent than the person in the same room... when your online relationship becomes more important than your real life relationship.... then it becomes a problem..
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    snemmy wrote: »
    When raiding takes priority over spending even a few minutes with someone... when you would rather talk to your guild over Vent than the person in the same room... when your online relationship becomes more important than your real life relationship.... then it becomes a problem..

    I've seen that. his girlfriend even made up "quests" for him to pay attention to her.
  • Michael Knubben
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    What, 'collect three pints of milk and some eggs from the supermarket'?

    Addiction to WoW is pretty depressing, as far as I'm concerned.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    Vassago wrote: »
    What, no love for us EVE Online players? ^_^

    i tried that game. I couldnt ever figure it out tho. I just flew around trying to gank people. amarr ftw!
  • spider2cool
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    spider2cool polycounter lvl 18
    Its funny what people who play the game say different than the people that don't play. I have not met too many people that say "I'm addicted". I play, but I mostly play to have fun with family and friends. I am in the military so hopping on vent(voice headphone program) to "do stuff" with people i know is nice. I have never felt like i was escaping reality. I have a wife and kids so I always spend 3 or 4 hours after work with them, playing, cleaning the house, eating dinner, before I hop on the game. Its really time management is all it is. Its unfortunate how a select few personalities can give something a bad name. I can understand how some people can blame the game sometimes, ask anyone who has played the game, there is definatly parts of the game that are designed to take up time, ex. Flying from place to place back and forth for quests, waiting for boats or zepplin. I use those as like Commercials when watching tv. Get up streatch my legs, kiss the wife, grab a snack, use the restroom. Time management.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Like with my ex. The 'escaping reality' bit was the big draw. She felt her life at that point was major disappointment and hopping on the game to become this all powerful warlock was how she dealt with real life, ignoring me and everything I was doing to make both our lives better. But whatever.. I was bitter back then..
    Now she's married to a guy from Bulgaria that she met on WoW... lol

    I still play from time to time but there are so many little things about the game that don't sit right with me with regards to gameplay/graphics/animations. I barely stay on for more than a few hours before canceling my account again. The constant re-creation of the talent trees and class roles really turns me off. It shows to me that they have no clear idea about what they want to do with the game. I also find that I don't really like most of the classes. There's nothing that 'fits' me. And then guilds want you to have certain specs for raids and blah blah blah blah blah blah.. I do really want to enjoy the game.. I just can't.. :\
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