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Lapu Lapu of the Philippines

Hi, my name is Ted Morente. I'm new to PolyCount.com and I'm hear because I am inspired by a lot of artists that post on this website. So please, critique my work and give me some suggestions because I'd like to be a better artist.

This is Lapu Lapu. I worked on this character and his assets on and off between personal and professional projects. He's actually based off of a Filipino warrior legend. My original plan was to create the character model (Lapu Lapu) holding the head of Magellan. But that plan got reworked because I didn't want to anger anyone that would take offense to that image.

The next two images are his wireframe and mesh with Normals and Specs. Can you help me out to make him better?


Ps. Thanks for the extra push Cat.:)


  • trigger8687
    Offline / Send Message
    Awesome work!!! Love it!
  • carlo_c
    Offline / Send Message
    You have a lot of polys that don't add to the overall form of the model. I understand that the engines now can handle more but theres no need to go overboard.

    Looking at your wireframe, things that stand out to me are for example the thighs where you could collapse some of those edges together and still retain the same shape. The same goes for the shield, theres a lot of wasted polygons across the flat surface on the back and also the trimming of the shield.

    A full wireframe shot would be probably be more helpful to see where your polys are distributed and more advice could be given.
  • Masaruismymonkey


    Thanks Carlos_C! I did go overboard on my poly usage. I should have been paying more attention to it. I'll get rid of unneeded polys as soon as I could. Also, Here are the full wireframes you requested.

    @ Trigger8687-Hiya Trigger!
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    off to a good start. the face looks weird being the bone for the cheek is too low. some parts of the face like the eyes need more life. your normals on the chest crease looks off. it looks piched more than it looking natural. at first glance they look like theyre going into the body instead. you could prolly reduce more polys on the leg. and on the shield. remember to look at the silhouette of the object and follow it along. also practice on your sculpting skills on faces. good job overall.
  • Zwebbie
    Offline / Send Message
    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    You do know that you can just use triangles wherever you want when making a lowpoly model, right? 'Cause I'm not seeing any, and the distribution of polygons is really odd in places.
  • Masaruismymonkey


    New Wips for now.:)
  • timwiese
    Offline / Send Message
    timwiese polycounter lvl 9
    - It looks as though you may have painted too much shading into the diffuse in the chest and abdomen area. The shaded areas there are looking a big too big and dark.

    - Also considering the level of muscle tone that this character has in his chest and mid section I would expect his Shoulders, Biceps and Forearms to have a bit more tone to them and maybe his Back as well, but its hard to tell with the Back since I don't see a colored shot of it.

    - Another thing to consider is putting a bend into the wrist. No ones wrist is perfectly straight from the forearm. Just hold your arm out and look at your wrist you will see what I mean, it has an angle to it.

    - The characters face to me looks like the part that is closest to being finished, I would put quite a bit more work into the muscle tone of the body.

    Keep at it!
  • Masaruismymonkey


    Loving the feedback from you all, Thanks so much!

    @timweise-Thanks for the suggestions, friend! I started working on his body tone a bit more this morning, but this is my latest WIP. Thanks again!
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