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Moving uvmap and texture simultaneously?

polycounter lvl 18
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Slaught polycounter lvl 18
Hey guys!

I´m currently working on a UT3 model and ran into a problem.

Usually you´ll have to split up your uvmap like this

There is a workaround so you can keep your original uvmaps intact I wanted to use but for some reason I can´t get it to work...So I´ll have to redo the uvmap.

The problem is that I don´t want to cut and paste all of my diffuse-, normal-, spec- and fresnelmaps to fit the uvmap again.

Is there a way to change the uvmap and texture at the same time?
Basically using the old uvmap to render out the textures in the new layout...or something.

Hope you guys know what I mean.
I´m lazy. :/


  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    could you just rebake your textures using render to texture from the old uv layout in one channel to the new layout in another channel?
  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah that´s what I´m talking about...but I have no Idea how to set up those channels. :)
  • Mark Dygert
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    Add a UV Unwrap modifier save out your layout call it channel1 or something.

    Add another UV Unwrap modifier on top of your existing one. (yes you can do it all in the same but there are sometimes hickups so I use 2) Change the channel to 2, redo your layout. Save it as Channel2.

    Set the UVW Unwrap back to channel1, check it and make sure it looks like it did, if not click reset and if its still screwy load it.

    Then in Render to Texture, set it to use channel 2 and render out a diffuse.
  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks guys!
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    I believe it was Stimpack who originally posted this in the tread about a lantern being too green... anyway i copied out this system, as it hauls. Ive only used it once but i think this is what Vig is saying anyway; just thought I would try and keep passing this on. I am copy pasting this from someone else, this is not me;

    1: Add an Unwrap UVW to your Editable Poly.
    2: Under Parameters hit Save and save your current UV layout from channel 1.
    3: Change your map channel to 2.
    4: Under Parameters hit Load and load your UV layout from channel 1 onto channel 2.
    5: Fix your UV layout in channel 2 to your new desired layout.
    6: Collapse the stack to apply UV channel 2 changes to the Editable Poly.
    7: Add an Unwrap UVW to your mesh and save UV layout from channel 2.
    8: Unstack any overlapped or mirrored UVs so you just have one piece from the stack in the 0-1 space on the UV sheet. (Just as you normally would if you were rendering out a normal map or AO map).
    9: Change map channel to 1 and collapse the stack
    10: Assign a clean material to the object.
    11: In the diffuse color map select bitmap and put your diffuse color texture into the slot.
    12: Keep Map Channel in the bitmap set to 1.
    13: Open up render to texture and add a DiffuseMap to the output. (do not enable projection mapping)
    14: Select the height and width and spot to save the texture.
    15: Under Mapping Coordinates select "Use Existing Channel" and change the channel to 2.
    16: Hit render.
    17: Your diffuse texture should now be changed to coincide with your UV channel 2 layout.
    18: Go back to direction 11 and replace your diffuse texture with the specular texture in the DiffuseMap slot. Repeat steps 12-16.
    19: Go back to direction 11 and replace your specular texture with the normal texture in the DiffuseMap slot. Repeat steps 12-16.
    20: Keep repeating 11-16 until all your textures are re-rendered to the new UV channel 2 layout.
    21: Add an Unwrap UVW to your mesh and make sure the map channel is set to 1.
    22: Load your saved map channel 2 (the one that has your UVs stacked properly) onto map channel 1.
    23: Rebuild your material with the new textures you've generated.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    oh nice...never knew that....
  • Mark Dygert
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    Don't forget that you'll need to delete Channel2 if its not being used. It can cause quite a bit of issues with some engines.

    Tools > Channel info, it will be called 2:map. Click it and hit clear, or apply a UVW Mapping Clear modifier and set the channel to 2. It helps to check the channel info to make sure there aren't more... Collapse your stack and you're good to go!
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