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fat_head sdk

polycounter lvl 14
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ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
My first real texture (I have done others ,but looking back never completed any fully). My first time creating an organic texture so I would like all the help I can get!

Also my model only looks good in flat view mode (max) because in the others it looks bland and boring, is this normal?

texture map

I am going for the kinda guy who eats unhealthly and skin is chapping etc etc, I hope this is coming across.

I havent started on the tounge and the eyes were kinda a 20 minute job (It was freaking me out looking at blank eyes:poly122:). Same with the hair and eye brows (although the eye brows made me chuckle), but Im not sure how to go about drawing hair so would love some advice.

thanks, chris


  • RandomGuy
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    haha oh man, that's cool to see this old model. sorry about the unwrap. the way i made the eyes aren't really fun for an sdk but hey, i didn't know.

    nice try dude. i think you need to get a little more up-close and personal with your pixels. be like, oh hey there, how's it going baby? what's your rgb? uh you'd look good next to my green *dab dab* ooh, yeah, you wanna a little texture overlay, oh you know i like that soft light blend mode *click pan click* you look good when i work you! let me lay down a little touch-up layer and work these highlights and shadows, let me fuck with your histogram! yes! yes! yyeeesss! *sharpen*
  • frubes
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    if only all feedback was done like yours killing people the world would be a better place!
  • Chunkey
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    Chunkey polycounter lvl 19
    It reminds me a lot of the GTA Vice City character textures :) Good base, now work in to it :D

    And KP is totally on the ball, love those pxls! :)
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    Rabdom guy, thanks for the paint over, simple touche ups do make it alotttt better :)

    killingpeople, if there was an award for best crit you would have to win. I love the way you created a mini story just for me:poly136:, I feel so wanted.
    and thats for the model I lvoe it hehehehe

    chunkey, haha o yer I didnt realise that but it really dose.

    thnaks all, will get to work on it!
  • Zoid
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    Zoid polycounter lvl 14
    that is one epic reply there kill wow did i laugh

    for hair
    http://www.furiae.com/index.php?view=gallery tutorial. hair

    who's the package with the adjustment layer that fixs all the channels
    thats right that photoshop is one bad as muther
    Shut yer mouth!
    just talking about the brightness/contrast levels
    We can dig it!
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    thanks zoid, will go through the tuts tommorow, had a skim and some really good stuff on it.

    I havent touched the hair yet, but redid the eyes and skin, also added a tunic type thing (thought it looked better)
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    hmmmm to become a drag queen or not to become a drag queen, that is the question.

    on a more serious note I decided to have a shaved head instead, I think it looked better. I still have to create the eye brows and fine tune the skin and face texture. Also I am aware ifof the seams along the back of the head and near the ears

    c+c welcome :)

    *edit* the seams are slightly harder to see in these pictures
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