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spliting triangles make shading bad in maya/max

polycounter lvl 17
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bugo polycounter lvl 17
ok guys, whenever i need to split a edge vertex normals change and i dont know why, so, i know that if i make triangles all over a model client will ask me to change that.

So, thing is that between max and maya hidden triangles changes. And i can´t do a thing.

Here´s an image as an example, 1st shape is hidden triangles, 2nd shape has a split edge and shading changes, ofcourse because it averages the normals.

Anyone knows what can I do to not make maya/max imports/exports to NOT change the hidden triangles positions? Because when baking a nmap it kills all shading when exporting to each other software.



  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I think the vertex normal changes because it now has an extra edge (or two, or more) connected to it, so that changes how it averages the normal.

    Since Maya always calculates it's own triangulation if there is no "visible" edge, you will never be able to make sure a quad-based mesh is the same between Max and Maya (since you can set custom "hidden edge" directions in Max, but you can't in Maya).

    I think you could reach some sort of solution by using the Edit Normals modifier in Max (apply it to the quad mesh, triangulate the mesh, paste the Edit Normals modifier on top - this is just a guess, but it might work?).
    Also you could use Lock Normals in Maya.

    Another thing to try would be to export a triangulated version of the model, and a quadrangulated version, then use Maya's "transfer attributes" to transfer the vertex normals of the quad mesh to the triangulated mesh.

    It's definitely a pretty nasty problem though. If FBX supported saving out the "hidden edges" from Max's Editable Poly objects, and Maya supported custom triangulation of quad-based meshes out of the box, then it'd all work. Until then, it's gonna be pain and workarounds.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    MoP wrote: »
    It's definitely a pretty nasty problem though. If FBX supported saving out the "hidden edges" from Max's Editable Poly objects, and Maya supported custom triangulation of quad-based meshes out of the box, then it'd all work. Until then, it's gonna be pain and workarounds.

    You said true and very well. I appreciate your solutions, but sincerely, I think it´s way better trying to bake in max, or vice versa when needed. Autodesk have both in hands and doesnt make a change, that´s what it really pisses me of. Another thing is, the way that happens into maya being different from max for me it´s useless, or should i shut my mouth? Is there a reason for that? I know we can make bevels and lock normals for making nmap work better in the mesh, but is this why it has maya being different? I´m not sure why Autodesk keeps that.
  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16
    ahah yeah, it's something i have caught in the last couple of days because i had a problem with a mesh shading.
    It's really.... bad in maya to have to work with virtually inexistent edges.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well, if you're a programmer (or know one) you could write a custom plugin to do triangulation any way you want, but that'd require anyone using your scenes/models to have the same plugin so the meshes were treated in the same way.
    It's one of the things that really makes Maya bad for game development, since you NEED to control triangle direction between quads (for UV seams, or for better deformation, or better surface definition), yet you also want to be able to work quickly with edge loops and edge rings. In Maya you can only do one or the other - Max can do both.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    MoP I didnt get when you say of working quickly with edgeloops and rings, I can make selections and set loops and rings pretty fast, can you explain what you mean to say?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    He means that if you want to have control over the edge orientation in Maya, you need to show them. But once they are here (to stay) you can't get edge loops/rings selections anymore since there is no such thing on a triangulated mesh.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    aah, now I got it, thanks Pior
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah sorry, Pior explained it better than I did.

    There is actually a "re-use triangles" attribute on shape nodes, but it doesn't seem to preserve your triangulation if you create an edge, flip it, then delete it again (as Max would).
  • Mark Dygert
    I've had to bring meshes from Maya into 3dsmax just so I could triangulate the hidden edges properly then export the meshes from 3ds max. Unfortunately if I bring it back into Maya it does its own crazy math and forces its default edge direction. It's one of the last really annoying features in Maya that still manages to get under my skin.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    true, I hope Autodesk thinks about it in the near future, as a lot of companies needs both software working together.
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