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[Portfolio] Johnathan Morton

Hello everyone, this is my first post on Polycount. Just wondering if you guys could take a look at my site and offer some suggestions and critique. thank you.



  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    Please read the rules on portfolio threads :)

    As for the work... I don't really like the characters much. They just don't have any appeal. The backside of the first character looks interesting but his blocky hands really put me off. It looks more like a poor modeling job than something intentional.

    The props are uhm.. well.. first off.. your normal and spec maps look very crazybumped and imo just crazybumping it won't get you anywhere on these forums.

    There's probably a lot more to be said. I think the most important suggestion that I think people will give you is to concentrate on one thing. Your work is in so many areas.. I see characters, props and environments.

    As for the website itself I think the biggest issue is that things aren't sorted well enough. It'd be nice to at least have things grouped together. There are like two textures for two different things that come after each others and you can't really figure out what model they are for.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    You have a lot of content, but it's all a bit random instead of a specialty. You would do better to focus this portfolio towards environment art since that's the bulk of your work, and your characters aren't really on the level of character artist.

    Seems like the idea behind a lot of your materials are; "make it as dirty as possible, run it through crazybump and call it done". For example, that warcrane and robot arm, these materials don't cut it. You need to learn how to make real spec maps. Again, all appear to be what crazybump spits out.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    I seriously want to kill the person who made that flash viewer.

    Agree with everything that has been said. Find an environment you want to do, and work on it a bit, then make a thread. We are willing to help. For some inspiration and or a goal of where to be skill wise below are some links to some really good artists' portfolios. I know it hurts, I am trying to get up to such levels myself. Keep at it!

    Environment Artists:

    Or if you think you want to do characters:
  • Morton
    Thank you for your advice, I will certainly take all of it into consideration when fixing my site. If you or anyone else has any more critiques about the artwork itself, it would be greatly appreciated.
  • Mil0
    Cody wrote: »
    I seriously want to kill the person who made that flash viewer.

    I agree and disagree. Lightbox can be nice but change the default speed , or turn off the transitions, and make your links savable.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    we shouldnt even do anything, i just want to see the image there period ;)

    P.S agree with what everyone said.
  • Morton
    Alright I kept the transitions but upped the speed. It should be better now at least when it comes to the lightbox part.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    ok its damn annoying because : forces the person to have flash on the pc i know that almost everyone has it but still , i cant save the image , if i click anything else it closes it and its just damn fucking annoying and stop wasting time with the webdesign and work on improving your art.
  • Morton
    Sorry, I have been playing with it but I don't know how to let you save the images and still have Lightbox. Also I don't know what you mean by forcing everyone to have flash because you don't need it in order to view the pictures.
  • Mil0
    Morton wrote: »
    Sorry, I have been playing with it but I don't know how to let you save the images and still have Lightbox. Also I don't know what you mean by forcing everyone to have flash because you don't need it in order to view the pictures.

    Lightbox V2.03a allows you to turn the title of your work into a link.
    And, your right in that lightbox is not flash, it is Javascript, but depending on the security settings on the user's browser they might have problems loading the page.
  • Morton
    Mil0 wrote: »
    Lightbox V2.03a allows you to turn the title of your work into a link.
    And, your right in that lightbox is not flash, it is Javascript, but depending on the security settings on the user's browser they might have problems loading the page.

    I see thanks for the information
  • Morton
    By the way random question, well not really so random, do you guys or gals out there think I could get a job with the artwork I am presenting in this portfolio?
  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    Did you try ThickBox? It let's you save the image. http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/ The upped speed is a lot better... but you still need some organization. As for job... I think most people don't think you could land a better job... which is why most of us suggested you to concentrate on one thing and get better at it. I think you need to at least show that you can do some real hipoly modeling to generate normal maps from as well as produce a better specular map than what we have seen.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Morton wrote: »
    By the way random question, well not really so random, do you guys or gals out there think I could get a job with the artwork I am presenting in this portfolio?

    Not at the moment - keep at it though. Some of the textures are a little muddy, and you need to also work on your specular textures to give more depths to the materials that are being used. The normal maps seem like they are being generated from the diffuse textures only, which results in a lot less depth that if you were baking from a high res model.
  • Joe March
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    Joe March polycounter lvl 17
    I'd add a little lighting to some of your stuff. It's really hard to see.
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