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Working on texturing...

I have really been trying to bust out quick props, with very few tri's and working harder on the texturing side of things. These are a few things I have finished in the past couple of days. Any thoughts? suggestions?




or you can see them in my blog! :P



  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    For something like the wooden, cupboard(is that what its called?) I would recommend tiling the wood much more heavily. that way you can get much more texel density out of the 512 map.

    The ceramic vase or pitcher looks nice. :)
  • AXiao
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    the base textures look pretty fine, depends on your style, if you want a little bit more realism, perhaps desaturating it a little bit would help, maybe if you bake ao of a hi poly object and multiply it to your diffuse, it can prolly add some subtle realism to your texture. i do notice that your edges and corners are pretty clean, again, this may not be your style, but real objects used in everyday life suffer at least some sort of wear and tear. also, toward the bottom of your object should have slightly more grunge, because dirt and dust tend to build up at the foot of it.

    i love the two vases you have there, the trebent's uv could of been arranged a little bit better, since those legs are identical and you hardly see two of them at the same time directly, perhaps you can stack them ontop of each other, and give the UV of the inside faces a little bit more uvspaces.

    anyhow, they look pretty good, maybe just a little bit of push
  • ivars
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    ivars polycounter lvl 15
    I find the design of the display a bit confusing. You're mixing styles like the old hinges and big bolts with modern looking handles. And what's the deal with the ventilation?
    I would recommend not using a semitransparent white for the glass. Instead try to make a fake reflection or maybe just some dirt to show there's a transparent surface in front of the weapons.
    Work with the scale of the wood texture, and try to figure out how it should be aligned. It looks like the whole thing was carved from a single block of wood.

    Vases are nice though :)
  • Quokimbo
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    That scaling is something I have yet to get down completely...I get that with everything...If I get a large image from, how do I know what size to make the wood? I thought that the display case wood looked good lmfao...Will try again though.

    On the glass, This is what I used then just turned the transparency in Maya way down. I had no idea how to texture glass, so I did what I knew! :)


    Also does setting up that PSD link in Maya, does that make life easier? While I am working in Photoshop, have to save out that JPEG, then go back to maya open up the hypershader, double click the phong with the texture, and then click update, to see the texture...

    Also, would lots of things like the vases be good for a portfolio? I figure I am going to try to get a job doing prop modeling. It seems to be the best thing I can do! lol So why not focus on that right?

    Found a tut on the AO maps, going to try todo that now...will update! :)



    Everything came out white, unlike what the tut said would happen...then only thing I see when I render, is is the inside of the vase...

    I am going to go ahead and do the rest and see what happens...maybe try another object?

    I am scared my normals are facing the wrong way??

    When I am outside of the vase where I would reach and pick it up, it looks white and I can see inside. See Example 1


    When I am inside the vase, like a mouse would be stuck in it looking up. This is what it shows me.


    On the tutorial, it says you will have a grainy image, but I do not have grain. I do not have anything.

    I just tested out something. I turned on reflective and got a little something


    Is this correct? It said baking can take a lot of time and I want to have this right before I try that...you know?


    ADDED: When you put the light on the dark and dark on the light everything is switched?

    I turned the spread up to 25, and got much better results (they seem that way anyways), and it cut off the bottom?

  • Quokimbo
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    I baked it and this is what it gave me??


    I am trying to be as helpful as I can about what I am doing, and I think something I am doing is wrong...I am pretty sure I set up every thing correctly...I just am not getting something correct...

    any ideas?
  • m.roanhaus
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    m.roanhaus polycounter lvl 14
    From what I see the AO is baking correctly except your artifacting. Do you have overlapping faces on your UV? If you have overlapping UVs they multiply on top of eachother so to fix that you must select over lapping UVs and move them to the side before you bake the AO then put them back on after done baking. I hope that was helpful.
  • Ziodyne
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    The vases look lovely. The big vase looks like it's got some glaze over it, and the little vase has a nice range of colors on it.

    With the big cupbord, I think some subtle little shadows around the screw bolts, hinges, and ventilation would help it pop out more. Another thing is that a lot of wood furniture is made with different pieces of wood. (Unless it's hand carved, or fine crafted. Always exceptions!) So the wood grains don't always match up.
  • Quokimbo
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    m.roanhaus wrote: »
    From what I see the AO is baking correctly except your artifacting. Do you have overlapping faces on your UV? If you have overlapping UVs they multiply on top of eachother so to fix that you must select over lapping UVs and move them to the side before you bake the AO then put them back on after done baking. I hope that was helpful.

    When I created the Uv's I used the cylinder mapping tool and left the coverage at 180 so they do overlap. I just select the second half and move them?

    Thanks Ziodyne.
  • Quokimbo
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    Made three more pieces last night...


    I was really hoping that green would turn out more like the red goblet...but to no avail? I did not do anything different from the goblet to the mug? Was it just colors and what not?

    Also I tried AO baking everything but the book, and they all came out with artifacts, and horrible...So I do not know what to do about that.
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    My AO usually comes out with artifacts like that. SO to solve this, I always go in PS with the blur tool and blur those jaggies out, or just do a total guassian blur on the thing. You just need it to give you a bit or shading to make your object pop a bit more so.. it can't hurt!

    also, when baking, I noticed on the tutorial it said to change the environment background to completely white? This is a method I am unfamiliar with. I usually have a black background so I can see the AO easier. The reason the only thing you see is white in your renders is because of the spread and it also happens to blend into your white background. That's why when you changed the spread to 25, you were able to see something.

    Question, do you have anything surrounding your object? Like is your object enclosed in a sphere? Make sure there is nothing around the object to block the AO from computing properly. And double check to make sure default lighting is enabled.

    Some objects that are VERY simple might not always benefit from an AO pass. Like something flat like a book, there isn't much AO to produce. Keep at it man.. i like how you are challenging yourself to keep all your objects and textures really low. The weapons case you built could use a bit more polys though, maybe bevel the edges? Only thing is if you do, you would have to do the UVs again. See what happens, good luck!
  • Quokimbo
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    For some reason while I was reading and trolling the interwebs trying to learn about these mysterious "Next gen Maps" it kind of just made sense. This is what I just rendered out using mental ray. I do not remember all of the options, but I did get a diffuse map and normal on these models and they do not look like what I have done before. I have used bump maps and they looked atrocious! I feel good for the first time about my modeling, and to look at what I was putting out days ago is strange. Anyways let me know what you think! :)


    Come on I am ready for some crits!! :) Even though I think I am done with these 6 pieces...
  • Lynx
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    Lynx polycounter lvl 12
    Your textures have left over lighting from the photographs you used, its quite obvious in several areas such as the rim of the pitcher with the dark brown neck. Its also apparent on the red goblet.

    While it might work in some cases, depending on how you set up the scene, it can cause the lighting to look off, thus fake, even if its not very obvious to the eye.

    It's usually better to remove all the lighting info on the texture first, then AO bake it back in whatever scene you're rendering it in, so the lighting looks natural.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
  • King Mango
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    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    To get more tiling out of your textures transform down your wood layer then copy them to each other. I also use a desaturated overlay from other larger res textures to help act as a sort of macrotexture.
    For example I just made this:


    out of this which is tiled in four times then cloned to mix up repetition:

    and this one desauturated and set to overlay as the macro once

    This could even furthered be tiled four times into that 1024 and then another single tiling image desaturated and overlayed.
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