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Undead angel

Having a difficult time getting responses to this over at conceptart for whatever reason. Perhaps they simply don't like me much. Either that or everyone is busy. I figured my chances of getting some crits would double by posting this here however, so here it goes.

The concept was an undead angel. Originally, it was supposed to look sort of like a military experiment of sorts. Tubes and shoddy plating on a corpse that looks like it's barely hanging together because of the experiments. After many issues with perspective, I think I finally got it correct. The hands and feet might be a touch too small, but I'll let you guys judge.


While I was waiting for crits on the above (still has not happened in a day or two) I decided it was stupid to wait, so I decided to try doing a rough paint over to maybe flesh out a new direction to take it. This one doesn't look undead or experimented so much as it does evil and ye olde time. I kinda like how it's turning out, but I'm not committed to it. My main goal was to just try to beef up the original design, give it more creative lighting, and make it look a little more dark, whereas the other one still retained some of it's divine looking nature.


So there you have it. I'd appreciate crits on both, as well as maybe opinions on which to stick with and finish up. Recently, my portfolio was pretty much deemed horribly by myself and a few other helpful souls here on polycount, so I'm trying to get things started anew with a good looking piece. For later, I even have a nude model lined up, but that's neither here nor there.

Again, crits are highly desired. Let them rip and tell me what you like/don't like as you see fit.


  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    His wings are thick sheets of metal?
  • Valkier
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    Yes. Yes they are. If you want a purpose it's so when he goes to shoot his rifle, they lock up into place, he kneels, and then he drive them into the ground. Built in shock absorption.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    I guess you need it when your trunk consists of a naked spine and two hydraulics. It should make for some nice silhouettes and animations though
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    I think the back should look a bit more beefed up to keep the wings up and attached. I would loose the crosses just my 2 cents. the background quick darkening takes away from it I would go with a flat bg to bring it out more or draw in a background. is the chin not there? I would maybe edit the canvas size make it wider and add a front shot of the head in detail.
  • Valkier
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    Thanks for the replies so far. I was thinking of making the wings a little more robust, but haven't figured out how I'd like to do so just yet. I may try it out on the newer paintover just because it looks more robotic anyways and see what I can come up with.

    Snowfly: yeah, his midsection is a bit on the frail side. I should probably make his spine robotic looking to make it look more like it can support the weight, or beef up the hydraulics probably. I was originally aiming for a mix of magic and technology, but the first one doesn't portray that at all. I like the second one for the simple purpose that it has more mood and a slightly more fantastical feel to it.

    J Randall: no, he doesn't have a chin. It's just a mask that mixes chemicals in with the air to keep him moving. The tube going out the back of his head brings it down into his "lungs" which is more or less just a small type of engine that pumps power into the rest of his poor reanimated limbs. I'll try removing the background and making it a midtone grey and see how that pans out. Good call on the head closeup. I'll do that as well when I decide which concept I want to finalize. Also, just of curiosity, why would you suggest leaving the crosses? Not disagreeing with you but I thought it was an odd point to bring up.
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    doesnt seem military-esque, being a military experiment.
  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    I like the first one. His left arm seems a little off though?

    Also the sword is pretty lacking if you ask me. Looks like there are a lot of wooden parts. Can you disassemble it and turn it into a baseball bat? :D

    Also ya.. it doesn't look very militaryish unless it is medieval military.
  • Valkier
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    Crap, forgot to mention his sword.

    What it is is kinda by stab at making a gunblade of sorts, though in this case the "blade" is more for defense and not so much full offensive use. The handle rotates up and down. When it's locked up as it is now, the blade is on. When he rotates it down, the blade turns off and then he can use the wooden part and aim and everything.
  • Valkier
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    After a considerable amount of time researching, looking at tutorials, studying references, and just overall rethinking, I believe I have decided on which direction to take this. The second version of it offered much more versatility and potential with the lighting and color. That said, I've begun rendering it with a different technique that I believe beats the living hell out of everything I've done thus far.

    Say hello to my little (unfinished but getting there) friend!

  • Valkier
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    Pushed it further today. I'm nearing completion of the new render and so far I love how it looks. I'm still considering ways to improve the midsection and the wings while I work on the shading, but I have a few that I think would look nice.

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