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[Portfolio] Sean Donaldson

Hello guys!

Used to hang around these parts a couple of years back back when I was at university. Started to miss the place so im back, could not remember my user name so just made a new one.

Been working pretty damn hard since ive been gone, I hope it shows. The newer stuff is at the top while most the older ones are near the bottom. Trying to focus more on concept art than illustration lately, as I feel it will help me tremendously in breaking into the industry.

Any crits of this portfolio would be well apreciated and taken on board. Currently have just finished university and seeking full time work in the game industry or similar area. Thanks for taking the time to check my stuff out!

Oh and if you need a closer look, check out my gallery in my sig. Cheers!



  • Saturns Gate
  • Apophis3d
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    Great looking stuff, lot of work put into the detailing. You get a real feel for the texture of the creatures skins.
  • Talbot
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    I kneel before your feet do to your awesomeness... :poly121:
  • Saturns Gate
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    Apophis3d : Thank you, its quite funny how much things have progressed with my work over the past three or so years in terms of breaking out of that monochrome look that I used to get stuck into. These days I try to keep things varied in terms of textures and nailing a more interesting color palette than the less adventurous washed out looking paintings of my earlier years.

    I do like to try new things with my art, specifically for the gaming industry. Here is a link to some YouTube videos of a couple of models I made early this year. There is also a speed painting of one of the underwater sea creatures in there showing some of the processes I went through to make that.

    Clicky Here

    I had to skin and rig them etc for a 90 second animation. Though I dont consider myself to be a modeler I do like to challenge myself in those areas. I think its all to do with that satisfaction of finally seeing one of your creations/designs come to life that I like about that, my favorite part of modeling is working in Zbrush for the normal mapped version, while my weakest point is unwrapping a character, I think I need more practice there and get a lot faster so it dont seem like such a long winded chore. The same with modeling, the more you do it then less frustrating it becomes.
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    are those gradiants and blocks covering anything u did not want to show?!?
    cuz they seem so slapped on randomly...

    they dont look good

    your work is nice tho. i suggest giving them a common borderline strength,
    spaces and color and such things. if u do worry about appearance beyond the content of the pics themselfs
    i mean it seems you kinda do it but then u just do it allmost .. whys that
  • Saturns Gate
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    qubism: Thanks! :) Yes I do agree with you on the presentation, its nothing to write home about and no, no covering up or anything like that, it was probably a mistake as you said to be so random about it and I could have took more time in the presentation per say. Crit noted! Thank you again, its apreciated and ill try to be more thoughtful on that area in the future. This is why I posted my work here, to receive crits and views, on anything to do with how I present, and what I present etc.

    haha! Thanks!
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    I would say your hard work definitely shows!

    from what I hear doing concept art is THE hardest and most competitive field out there in the world of art. Good luck to you!
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    These are great bud, you shouldnt have any trouble finding a job with these! good luck!
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Great work! Very inspiring. I like the colors in the sea creature video.
  • carlo_c
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    Awesome work you've posted, some inspirational stuff in there!

    I clicked the link in your sig and it took me to your devArt page, are you eventually going to make a portfolio site? You have a lot of great work, would be a shame to only present it via deviantArt.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Nice work dude!
  • Saturns Gate
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    killingpeople: Thanks man!

    carlo_c: Thank You! Yeah I actually have another site though its not really what im after. Currently im saving up some money doing freelance work to pay for a proper site and get someone with the know how to set it up for me. Deviant art as it stands seems to be effective enough for now in terms of showcasing the artwork. :)

    Cody: Thank You! Glad ya liked it!

    JohnnyRaptor: Thanks! Ill try my best!

    EricV: So true man! Its a competitive world out there. Its what I love doing though, illd be doing this stuff even if I never got offered a job, its just something I enjoy doing. :)
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