Hi and thanks for visiting this post,
I am currently employed at a game company, but am seeking to return home to be with my wife.
i have sought out and am working with game recruiter, but they seem to be taking their time despite claims that they have their hands in numerous clients across the country. Does anyone know of any other credible recruitment agencies for a game artist like myself? I have done a bit of searching and as of now nothing has surfaced.
thanks much for your advice

Those kinds of companies exist to find employees with specific skill sets for companies that dont have the time or resources to look themselfs, not place aspiring employees.
A contractor firm, such as Sakson & Taylor (who got me my current gig) work directly with employers already looking for talent. So they can quickly match you within a few days or a week or two tops. From the first email, to the interview & job was only 2 weeks total for me. I haven't heard anything back from the studios I sent resumes to back in January.
I have nothing but good things to say about Sakson, too. Very nice people who are dedicated to your job security. As you near the end of a contract, they've already got something else lined up for you. They have good benefits and work with the best studios in my area.