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jeez the pain

polycount lvl 666
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Ruz polycount lvl 666
yeah goddamn wisdom tooth is infected and i have to wait till tuesday for the extraction. what a nightmare.worst pain imaginable.

worse than childbirth:)


  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Ruz wrote: »
    yeah goddamn wisdom tooth is infected and i have to wait till tuesday for the extraction. what a nightmare.worst pain imaginable.

    worse than childbirth:)

    Just wait till they take it out...
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    yeah , but at least then I will have the relfief after a few days. i might just do it myself if it gets any worse
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Getting cut or pulled?
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Think thats bad,i had a cavity once in one of the very back teeth and one night half of it just collapsed away leaving and exposed nerve insanely sensitve even to luke warm water. That night i had to drink a half a bottle of vodka(was 12 midnight when it happened) to lull the pain enough just to be able to sleep.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    getting your tooth pulled isn't that bad, the pain ends immediately and you feel kinda weird for about an hour and a half due to the sedation.. then your all good.
    oh and your mouth will probably be really really dry with those stupid things they put in to keep you from drooling :P.
    good luck :D
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    Why wait? Get yourself an ice cream scoop and do the job yourself. Are you a man or aren't you?
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    Tooth pain was a leading cause of suicide before modern dentistry. :)

    Good thing you're getting it taken care of.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Vailias wrote: »
    Tooth pain was a leading cause of suicide before modern dentistry. :)

    Good thing you're getting it taken care of.

    Huh, odd that now dentistry is one of the professions with the highest suicide rates...!

    Hope you recover quick Ruz, I haven't had to have mine pulled but my sister just had hers pulled and had to be put under, luckily she lives near our uncle who spoiled her with lots of milk shakes from jack in the box.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    My brother had his last one removed on monday, took 3 hits of novacaine, they cut the tooth in 3 pieces and pulled each root out. I hope yours is more cooperative ;).
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    doc rob, I was going to run in to the wall and wack it out.
    seriously though when its that painful the thought of just doing it yourself does cross your mind

    its calmed down a bit now, antibiotics and painkillers did the trick

    snemmy I think its getting pulled, but either way I will be under when they do it.

    cheers japhir, hope its starightforward. just want to get it out the way really.
  • Pedro Amorim
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    sounds like an abscess, I've had 2... infected nerve endings are fckin awesome. Pretty sure I did permanent damage to some of my organs with the amount of vicodin I had to take to stay sane while waiting for my root canals. Best part was they weren't even my fault, they were caused by faulty fillings I got as a kid. Thanks, dentistry!
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    I had one pulled in early spring. It had been causing a lot of pressure in my jaw and if I smiled too much for too long my head would ache badly. Wasn't too bad getting it pulled. The novocaine shot to the roof of the mouth was the worse bit. Though one of the roots made a 40 degree angle to the side about halfway up.. Felt great afterwards. Apparently the tooth(in the upper set) had been hitting my jaw bone and keeping my jaw from closing... o.O
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    I had a wisdom tooth removed last month. It took about 4 minutes(10 seconds to give me the shot in my gums, 3 minutes waiting for the shot to kick in, 10 seconds to pull out the tooth and the rest to apply bandaids) and I didnt feel a thing! I got some bandaids to take home with me and had to replace them every 30 minutes, after about 6 hours the bleeding stopped and I had quite a headache, took some aspirine and felt great that evening! Our healthcare system is pretty advanced over here so I hope you get the same threatment over there(you know what they say about people from the UK and their teeth, just hope thats not the cause of it! haha)

    So..... dont worry about it man and I hope you can take the pain for a little longer ;)
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    man those suck, hopped up on antibiotics, It went away for a month, then it came back, didn't sleep much, got the tooth pull a day or 2 after.

    Advil worked for me for the pain relief till it was pulled.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed at the same time as they'd become impacted and were growing in at funky angles. Totally Painless. I remember they did the anesthetic and I closed my eyes...opened em back up and said "when do we start?" and they're like "we're done!"

    ...And then I went home and made out with a beautiful girl for hours even though I had a gross bloody mouth. She must have loved me! :P

    So, its a good memory. no pain, except in the wallet. 600$ was my share! Owch.
    Good luck Ruz!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    yeah went to bed. pain got so bad that I had to phone emergency dentist.
    waiting for them to get back.
    put some frozen food on it which has helped quite a bit. feels like someone stick a red hot needle in my nerves whilst a man with large metal boots kicks me in the testicles
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    my last dentist was dutch, oh she was hot! Good luck Ruz!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    yeah can't believe a bag of frozen prawns worked great:) pains almost manageable again
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I had some teeth issues last year/year before. Got 8 teeth pulled (after getting 6 of them root-canaled). I had 3 teeth infected, near lock-jaw from the infection, and ear/eye/sinus pain as as a result of it. After all of that was said and done and meds taken, I'm all good. Still need to get nearly all of my remaining teeth crowned, though. :(

    No, I don't have bad hygiene. I brush my teeth 5 times a day, I don't drink soda or eat candy/junk. We didn't get that foofoo tooth-sealer enamel stuff that's so popular noadays, and my mom's side of the family just has piss-poor enamel to begin with. Great grandma & grandma were toothless by 30, my mother is almost toothless at 51, my eldest brother has a 6 tooth partial at 33 and I'm following a similar path. SUCKS NUTS.

    Feel your pain, Ruz. Go get that shit taken care of.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I cut open part of my toe and then pulled out an ingrown toenail i'd had for about half a year, it was getting really annoying.
    Hydrogen Peroxide is a friend
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I actually never had "wisdom tooth" but I might have a cyst...since I was too dumb as a kid back then to get braces.

    Other than that never had that kind of painful surgery....

    At least after the surgery you'd feel so much better when the blood circulation returns to the infected area...
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Ruz wrote: »
    yeah can't believe a bag of frozen prawns worked great:) pains almost manageable again

    Good luck though man, from experience have the Advil handy and take it when you start to feel pain (if you do), and don't wait for it to become unbearable, cause then you'll be cursing while you wait for it to kick in...
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Ruz, using mouthwash also seems to kill the pain for a while.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Also: I use Anbesol regularly for minor oral pain. Stock up. It'll numb the crap outta any skin it contacts. Available over the counter pretty much anywhere. Doesn't taste bad either! Keep a tube on you though, as the numbness only lasts an hour or so.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    yeah per, dental care in the uk is going through a huge upheaval right now.
    it used to be easy to get an appointment on the NHS, but now there are not many NHS dentists about, so you have to go private.

    To be fair my dentist is fairly cheap, it will cost me 44 quid in total for the wisdom tooth, 16 of that was for the consultation.

    My dentist is a bit heavy handed also Per, because my wisdom tooth is hard to get to , he has a tendency to force my jaw open too much and then I get secondary pain from that

    I think the reason i have to wait is that they want the antibiotics to kick in first so the
    swelling goes down.

    Vassago - thanks for the concern, i was in in fucking agony last night but the frozen sweetcorn took care of it.
    woke up and it feels ok at the moment, antibiotics must be kicking in.

    Illusions - yeah I have some mouthwash stuff which seems to work ok for a while as does bonjela:)
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Vassago wrote: »
    Ruz, using mouthwash also seems to kill the pain for a while.

    Never ever use the regular mouthwash too often...cause they tend to be way too strong for the state it's in...might wanna soften it up with a little bit of water and gently swig it around...
  • Michael Knubben
    I had two of my bottom ones pulled, one went alright, the other one had to be sliced up as well. Now I've got one growing in basically the exact same spot they pulled one from. Eeeergh.
    AND I'm in England now, as well. It might not become a problem though, so I'm still hoping for that.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    My wisdom teeth have been infected several times and I can usually deal with the regular pain, but it gets ridiculous when I try to eat, especially if something touches it or pokes it. I usually just carry around Oragel and put it on and take anti-biotics. I need to get that shit pulled :(
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    ayyy its out. only took about 2 mins. didnlt feel anything.
    in fact the most painful bit was all the injections to numb it.
    I felt a bit shaky after, but such a relief anyway.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Nice! Feels better, don't it? :)
    I need to get a few more pulled, crowned or facial filled.
    After experiencing my first extraction awake (UGH) I always get knocked out now. Lovely sensation, and it's nice waking up from a good nap ;) I usually get vicodin as well :D
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    yeah i was awake during mine, didn't feel a thing, but now the anesthetic has worn off it smarts a bit.

    forgot to mention he stuck the needle in my tongue by mistake. did n't actually puncture it but a bit worrying non the less
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    I had a wisdom tooth nightmare during a business trip not so long ago.

    I was in Singapore in January and an impacted wisdom tooth that I had in my mouth started hurting, I started taking ibuprofen to help with the pain but it just got worse and worse, two days later I had to go to Hanoi and I passed out on the plane from pain, the tooth didnt really like be being on a flight. By the Time I got to Vietnam the gums surrounding the tooth had swelled up so much it swallowed up the tooth. I got some buddies I know to find me a dentist there and they couldnt find an english speaking dentist, but the one I was sent to was apparently very good. The dentist told me I had to take antibiotics for 4 days to kill the swelling before he could do anything with it. He said also that the wisdom tooth was bent and wedged between my jaw and the back molar .. Awesome !

    Fast forward through four days of agony and the day of reckoning was at hand, I was told that it could only be done under local and the dentist started out with about 5-6 injections that hurt like crap, he really cannot speak any english other than a few words and tells me through my friend that if I was in pain I should put my hand up. then he got the pliers and tried to pull out the tooth.. not much luck so he keeps trying harder and harder to dislodge it and then the tooth shattered. I cannot describe the agony I was in, nothing ever in my life has ever hurt that much. I wave my arms in the air like a lunatic to get him to stop. I get a few more injections and he pulls out this thing that looks like a fucking scew driver to wedge out the bits individually.The tooth ahd broken into 2 at the top and one large one at the bottom the two top ones come out ok but the bottom one is stuck. after about an hour of trying to pry the bottom part of the tooth out the guys getting really frustrated as it wont budge and bits of the tooth keep breaking off. He started to get pissed off everytime I stuck my hand in the air. The fucker kept saying No pain No pain.. I wanted to sit him in the chair and punch him continuously in the face and scream No pain no pain.. On one occasion I stuck my hand up and he said Got pain? I dont think so.. and carried on .. bastard... then his assistant thats holding the fluid suction tube decides to jam it down my throat choking me, I got half out of the seat wanting to smack him in the face.

    Overall it took 3.5 hours to get the bottom part of the tooth out, I kept having extra injections because it was starting to wear off and I lost count after about 14. I was left with the most almighty hole with the gums and the inisde of my mouth mashed up. It took a week and a half for me to gain full control of my jaw again, but I had to fly into china and thailand in the meantime.

    If youre still having trouble coping with pain try saline solution, that helped me a lot and also try and find some clove oil. My Hanoi buddies gave me a small bottle of the stuff. Its a natural anaesthetic and works surprisingly well. I put the little bottle in my back pocket which wasnt very clever.. I sat on it and it cracked left me with a numb ass cheek for 4 hours.. lol
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Had all my wisdom ones pulled at once. The 2 days afterwards were the 2 worst days of my life physical pain-wise.
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    Glad to hear it's out. I went through the same thing with my upper wisdom teeth about 7 years ago. I remember driving home from work with my hand over my mouth and screaming from the pain. =/ Worst thing I've ever felt. I didn't feel a thing when they pulled them out either. One of them was so rotted though that the clamp completely crushed the enamel and broke the tooth. He had to dig the roots out after that. Was a great relief being rid of them.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    rolfness - I was lucky mine came out straight away and I haver had no pain since. your story sounds a like a living nightmare.
    yup I have used clove oil, but it tastes foul.

    East - I sincerely recommend freezing the affected area if you ever have that much pain again. worked great for me.
    putting a bag of frozen veg on for about 45 mins works a treat

    hollowmind - again that sounds awful
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    East wrote: »
    Had all my wisdom ones pulled at once. The 2 days afterwards were the 2 worst days of my life physical pain-wise.

    I had 6 teeth pulled in one day. Wuss! ;)
    /me hugs his Vicodin

    Honestly though, the pain really wasn't that bad even off the drugs. More of a 'throb' sensation than anything else. Sure as hell wasn't anywhere near how painful it was before I got them removed. I have a high pain threshold though, so who knows. I've had a lot of injures and dental pain/infection is by far the most painful.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    had a 4 of mine out when i was 18 and was lucky i had no issues. Was able to eat regularly the next day too. So weird cause my gf at the time looked like a chipmunk and couldn't eat anything for a week except soft stuff.

    NOW Kidney Stones....THATS PAIN!!!!!
  • Mark Dygert
    Japhir wrote: »
    getting your tooth pulled isn't that bad, the pain ends immediately and you feel kinda weird for about an hour and a half due to the sedation.. then your all good.
    oh and your mouth will probably be really really dry with those stupid things they put in to keep you from drooling :P.
    good luck :D
    I wish it was that nice for me. I had to go to a specialist. There are some dentists who do their own wisdom teeth extractions. Then there are guys where all they do is wisdom teeth, and then there's the guy I had to go see.

    Mine where heavily impacted and they had to remove some bone to get all of them out. My mouth was a clown accident, it seemed like she was pulling that stuff out for hours (I'm sure I was just loopy).

    Glad to hear yours was a breeze!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    left leg cruciat ligament tear, along with radial damage and a cracked kneecap.

    hurts more than toothache, i've had both.
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