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Announcing: www.tech-artists.org !

Hi guys,

(I post this with Adam Brome's blessing)

For the past couple months, myself, along with Adam Pletcher and Jason Hayes from Volition (and our web admin, Bjorn Waumans), have been working on a website for technical artists, www.tech-artists.org. I just want to extend the invite out there to anyone who may be interested in it.

The forum is the heart of the site- there are forums for tools/pipeline, shaders and rendering, Python/Scripting (Adam Pletcher, a co-founder, is a real expert in the field and has given GDC talks on it), rigging, and of course your usual General Discussion and Suggestions forums. Stop by and introduce yourself!.

TAO also features a blog, that all registered Devs should be able to post at. To register as a Dev, just PM an admin. (FAQ).

The Wiki is the third area of TAO. It has a good amount of content so far and it is rapidly growing. Please help it grow by adding what you can to it- ideally when someone gives you a thorough answer, or you give someone a thorough answer, it should be written up for the Wiki to help others with the same question, and just as importantly, allow others to expand upon the answer.

We are also running a competition to celebrate the opening.

A shout out to CrazyButcher and EricChadwick, who both helped me tremendously with formulating many of the ideas for the site, and those polycounters who answered the questionnaire I sent around.

I hope to see many of your ugly virtual mugs around yet another CG forum :icon60:


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