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Sub D Modeling - Creases

polycounter lvl 11
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Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11

I made a post a few weeks ago looking for some SubD modeling information and was provided with some really good info. I managed to get my feet wet with a few stabs at sub d, but I think what I need is a little more in-depth information.

I can block forms out rather well but I am still lacking on the high level of detail achievable from SubD Modeling.

I'm really looking for good tips and information on creasing, and any tips or tricks on hard surface modeling with sub-d

any advanced tips or mods I should know about? I use maya most of the time but would love some good Max info as well!



  • Eric Chadwick
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    It's all about laying down edge loops, a crease can be as tight as you wish if you simply duplicate the edge loop, placing them really close together. After a bit you can start to intuitively think like the subdivision, how it will react to how the edges are laid out.

    Post an example, that's the easiest way to understand what's lacking. :)
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