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3ds max unwraping resources?

I'm looking for any info on how you guys go about unwraping your meshes in max, mainly mechanical type stuff.

I've got a pretty good workflow for doing this in modo, just selecting edges and using the unwrap tools. But i'de like to know what you guys use in max. Do you use pelt, or some other method?


  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    It depends on the opject, but I often just planar map the whole thing from above, then in the UVW Editor, select the edges I want to break, Tools>Break, then use Relax by Faces a bunch. Most of the time it yields a good starting point to hand tweak there after.

    But overall I hate Max's UV tools. I find them cumbersome and lacking.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Try crazybutchers unwrapper, since it's the closest thing you'll get to Modo's unwrap tools.

    Found here.


    I like to use flatten then I stitch things together with with stitch in edge subobject mode. I would use unfold more if it wasn't buggy.

    Pelt in Max should just work like crazybutchers script. You plot seams and it unfolds things, but with Pelt it doesn't. With Pelt you have to go and play with springs then straighten shit out. Getting symmetrical uvs with that thing is a pain in the ass.

    So it sort of like what Tumerboy said, they are clunky. In 2009 they improved them but I have not used the new tools, so I can't comment on those.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Mainly I use roughly the same workflow as Tumerboy described, although I find it can save time to use the "define seams" part of the Pelt Mapping (since you can do point-to-point seams etc), and then instead of carrying on to all of the springs/stretching stuff (which seems far too complicated) I just allow it to break those seams and hit Relax.
    Then I've got some hotkeys for aligning stuff vertically/horizontally to make pieces perfectly straight if necessary, and then just lay it out manually.

    Out of interest, Tumerboy, what do you find "cumbersome and lacking" about Max's UV tools, and compared to what app? A lot of the time I've found that people who don't like UV'ing in Max just either have missed certain shortcuts/workflows, or just need to get one script and then they love it :)
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    What I love about maya is how integrated UVs are to the general interface, I just select any object(s) and hit U and the uv editor pops up (and U again to close it, thanks to a little toggable mel), and can select uvs and convert them to faces or verts, or vice versa, which is really useful. No need to mess with placing a uv modifier and stuff like in max.
    When it comes down the the actual uv tools, both apps do fine and I have no real preference.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, I agree with you Bal, Maya's UV editing integration is much nicer. The tools are roughly similar with some strengths and weaknesses on both sides in slightly different areas (Maya has more technical options, Max has faster 1-click results IMHO).
  • Mark Dygert
    I work pretty much like Tumor and MoP, but there is another way to work that seems to be pretty popular.

    Tools > Flatten Mapping, and Stitch the edges/pieces together, relax, arrange.

    - I guess one advantage would be that the pieces normally come out aligned horiz/vert.
    - The disadvantage, is the pieces are fractured based on angle and often scattered all over the place.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Mop you should repost your shortcut maxscripts, cuz those were immensely helpful for me (as you say, a few scripts can help a lot)

    It's hard to remember with out actually working on anything right now, I'll try to take note next time I get frustrated with it.

    I know one area that bugs me is kind of what you guys were talking about, with the integration between the model and it's UV space. I can bring up the UV editor, and when I select faces or whatever in it, and they show up back in the viewport. But I can't center on them like I could in normal sub-object mode. This isn't that big of a deal, but once in a while I find myself having select some random face in the UV editor, not knowing where the hell that face belongs, and having to search the viewport for a while before I find it, instead of just being able to click on the viewport, and hit Z.

    Edit: Another thing that I honestly can't remember using anywhere, but would be very helpful, and doesn't seem like it would be THAT difficult, would be an easy way to ensure all of my UV islands are using the same Texel Density. Just a one button "Scale Islands to equal Density" or something would be awesome.

    I honestly haven't used anything BUT max for a number of years now, so even though I do believe there are things Maya and others do better in UV Layout, at the moment I would probably be far slower in those other packages, simply because I'm out of practice with them.

    On another note, EQ, many people herald the helpfulness of things like Roadkill and Unfold3d for UV help. I keep hearing how awesome roadkill is, so I downloaded it, and just had no idea what the fuck I was doing in there.
  • Mark Dygert
    Here are the ones I use, align average horizontal and align average vertical. Works on vert selections. They where originally created by James Haywood as part of his HUGE script pack, Haywood tools.
    While you're script hunting also check out Neil Blevins scripts.

    I have them bound to keys. There are quite a few of these types of scripts floating around, I'm sure some are better then others.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    is there a way to add edges after the fact without breaking uv's? Sometimes id like to add some geo to get my rays to cast better for mapping or go back and mirror something and then it just goes to hell.
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    adding und moving edges / tweaking vertices is no problem as long as there is no uv split, just turn on preserve uv's - actually its quite a sexy feature.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    preserve uv's - thanks
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    One thing i don't understand is why worry about uvw mapping in Max, you are using Modo man.. :D

    I have been years and more years using UVW mapping in Max and i hate its tools. There isn't anynothing more complete than modo's uvw tools. With the new interactive relax, programs such as unfold 3d have passed to History for me.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Tumerboy wrote: »
    easy way to ensure all of my UV islands are using the same Texel Density. Just a one button "Scale Islands to equal Density" or something would be awesome.
    MoP FTW
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    See, I never denied MoP's claim that all my problems could be solved by some simple scripts. I'm just saying that Max's native UV editing should INCLUDE all of these wonderous inventions.

    Thanks MoP, Vig & Eric

    Since you're on a roll, is there any magical script that will keep my UV's from spinning around into twisted bizarre shapes when I relax them? Don't get me wrong, I use Relax a lot, and often get good results from it (especially by face) but I often have to manually position a bunch of stuff FIRST, then relax it some.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Make sure they aren't flipped first? Select menu > Select Inverted, flip them, then relax.

    Oh yeah, it's a software-architecture issue, but keeping it open basically allows a community to create/share a great wealth of tools. Just like with Mel.
  • EarthQuake
    Blaizer wrote: »
    One thing i don't understand is why worry about uvw mapping in Max, you are using Modo man.. :D

    I have been years and more years using UVW mapping in Max and i hate its tools. There isn't anynothing more complete than modo's uvw tools. With the new interactive relax, programs such as unfold 3d have passed to History for me.

    Oh dont worry i wont be touching max anytime soon, i've been talking to people about weapons etc that they make it max and it always seem to be a huge chore for them to create uvs, where in modo uvs are a pretty quick task, so i started up this thread to try and see if max has comparable tools, i mean it has to right?? So many people use max theres gotta be some good resoucres for it.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Good stuff being posted here.
    While we're on the subject, anyone know of an equivalent to preserve UVs for Maya? That would rock.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    There's a Preserve UVs in the Maya 2008 Bonus Tools, but it's rubbish.

    Out of interest, what is the best thing about Modo when it comes to unwrapping, and how would you describe your usual workflow?
    I took a look at some of the vids on the luxology site today, the "auto-align UV pieces" tool seems like something I'd use, gonna see if I can do a script like that for Max.

    After using Maya for all my recent work stuff, I have to say the only things I find advantageous over Max are the fact that the UV editor is integrated right in (and tbh clicking one extra button to throw on an Unwrap UVW modifier, with the benefits that brings - being able to stack them etc isn't all too much of a detraction from the Max workflow), and Maya's Map UV Border function, which is really good for some shapes and rubbish for others.

    I guess I'll have to get the Modo trial and see what everyone is going on about being so cool, because from watching the vids there are only a couple of features which Max/Maya don't have, and those seem like they'd be easy to script into the workflow.

    A lot of the time when I see people complaining about Max/Maya workflows being slow or cumbersome, it's because they don't really understand the tools and how to best make use of them. Different workflows for different apps, play to the strengths of the app, rather than trying to use another old workflow and ignoring (or failing to understand) the newer better tools.
  • EarthQuake
    I'll break down my basic workflow here then if you're curious:

    1. Select edges, run unwrap tool, tweak settings if needed, also tweak edge selection if getting really weird results.
    2. A lot of times you'll get oddly scaled/warped results from just the unwrap, so i'll run relax on it afterwards and
    that works about 99% of the time.
    2b. If i need more control than that, i'll use the interactive relax(pin points, etc)
    3. Run an auto-align on it, and use the edge snapping tools to straigten out lines/tweak etc, or soft-move peices around for custom tweaks.

    I'll usually do a few simple objects at a time, at slowly build up the entire mesh, making sure they all are pretty consistant texal wise, then when all pieces are done manually pack them together, modo has auto-pack but the only thing its reallu useful for is lightmap uvs.
  • ivars
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    ivars polycounter lvl 17
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    then when all pieces are done manually pack them together, modo has auto-pack but the only thing its reallu useful for is lightmap uvs.

    Is there any app that has any good auto-stacking? Maya's isn't very good either :( (Dunno about max though)
  • EarthQuake
    I think this is one of those age-old problems that can only be done reasonably well by hand. I say that because even if an app could pack them together efficiently, it still doesnt know how to do it in a way that would make it realtively friendly to paint on. Generally i try to keep uv islands of the same parts together, etc.
  • Mark Dygert
    Max is really bad at packing non-square pieces. It aligns them by an invisible bounding box drawn around the piece not really taking into account nooks and carnies. And as EQ pointed out it won't know what is painter or mip map friendly.

    For a few projects I found that creating an artist friendly set of UV's was great, and then created an engine friendly UV set and baked the first set to the second making the final texture. So instead of struggling to find a balance I just worked around it.

    It also like to rotate pieces for really no good reason. If its a box, what you thought was the top isn't. You can turn off rotation but then it does a worse job.

    For square stuff, its great... It also works great on selections and its spacing option can be handy. But nothing really beats a little time arranging pieces.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah EQ, your workflow in Modo sounds pretty similar to mine in Max, with the addition of that Modo "Auto align pieces" tool, which I'm going to be looking at writing for Max :)

    Out of interest, what result does just running the "unwrap tool" as you say, have? Sounds like you define seams by edge selection, and then what, it breaks all those edges and does a quick flatten/relax/unfold/layout?
    In Max I'd just define the seam edges, Break those UVs, and then go straight to the Relax step... is there anything extra that the "unwrap tool" step does other than just breaking the seam edges?

    Agreed that I've never seen a good auto-layout thing for anything other than lightmapping. There are some that do an ok job, but I've never seen anything that would match doing it manually.
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah it just breaks the seams and unwraps, which it generrally does a pretty good job at, but most of the times needs a little relax loving.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Ya, I don't bother with packing, Part of that is simply due to the fact that much of my stuff is tiling, and things that I need to have their UVs overlap.

    I just downloaded CrazyButcher's LSCM script, and I can already say that's going to be immensely helpful. Thanks to Sage for posting the link, and of course CrazyButcher for making it!
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    It's not that Max's uvs tools are bad it's that they, autodesk, just drop the ball the pisses me off. They have acutally made it slower to work with the unwrap modifier. Pelt vs crazybutchers script which has been around since version 5, a free script is more useful and quicker than their jazzy piece of crap Pelt. You would think they would have made pelt more useful, but no. I used for awhile uv layout and it easily cuts out hours of tweeking that you have to do in Max because they just want to make toys instead of powerful quick useful tools. The new and improved piece of crap ui hog unwrap edit menu. Without the tweek it such a pain to have. It just eats up your screen for no reason at all. Unfold buggy , it be nice if it worked without having to do workarounds. yeah I'm being a bit of a baby with this but really, they added all these tools and actually made unwrapping slower because they suck. Flatten could happen right from the get go as before, now it only happens if you are in face sub object mode. So yeah. It's the little things they have added to screw people over. Pelt is waste of time, if it worked like uvlayout I wouldn't mind. It's automated and you can easily pin and straighten shit in a prettier way. Once you get over their wierd ui, and learn the shortcuts it's great to use and puts Max to shame. Why be good at using Max, well for one I don't think you can just go and bring your separate unwrapping program to your job. Stitch works alright in max but it's buggy as well. With crazy butchers script there might be times where max refuses to use them, it's like they are corrupt or something. But the script is soooooo freaking fast to use that it's easiser to do it over than use native max tools alone.

    Just my 2 cents. XSI unwrap tools are alright as well but i think anything that doesn't have a similar approach to Modo, Blender or Silo is a waste of time.

  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 18
    hey sage that "showing wrong/corrupted results" issue should be fixed with latest version. and thanks for the advertisement ;) just send in files if there is really something that entirely breaks it. on a sidenote I ported the method after max7 with pelt got out, since I was on 5 back then, so it isn't around since 5. Basically all unwrappers (roadkill, unfold3d, wings3d.. and my plugin) use the same methods based on a research paper that found its way into Blender, which being open-source has let to many being able to re-implement quickly.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Crazy I thought you had it ready by Max 7 since I remember being excited by Pelt at first when it was coming out, then I thought how much it sucked when compared to your script. I'm pretty sure it was out before Max had a relax. But regardless your works faster and better so the fact that my memory is off doesn't change that. LOL
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    I haven't bothered to read previous posts...so...yeah:

    If I'm custom unwrapping an object, I use the Mapping > Normal Mapping > Box Mapping (With Normalize Clusters Checked), in the Edit UVWs window, as my starting point. Then I just Display > Show Vertex Connections, and Options > Preferences > Vertex Snap (I normally uncheck Grid and Edge Snap). Then I load up chuggnuts, align/rotate my verts as I go, make sure my snaps are turned on and go to town. I'm not a fan of using pelt for mechanical objects, but meh...to each his/her own. I also have 'S' mapped to Snap in the custom UI options...it can make things go a lot faster. All in all, this is how I tackle most of my unwraps. Works well for me.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Geezus the beauty of crazybutcher script is that it's not like pelt mapping, it more like planar mapping everything and then stitching things back together. Of course how well it does it depends on how you set your seams. I'll have to try your way to see how that goes.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    This isn't the first time I've had crazybutcher mentioned to me. I'll have to give it a go sometime soon and see if it's something I could take advantage of.
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    havent tried out the script yet - too lazy :X .. so i wanted to ask whats the difference between the script and just normal poly selection -> quick planar, break up some edges and relaxing the whole thing till it looks okay?
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