Whilst I was never a fan of the content/ideas, the quality of his work has always astounded me.
Although as I've grown older, oiled up babes and conans have worn thin on me.
is this a joke? looks like the dude at wal mart with the airbrush painted this, or something you would see on the hood of a redneck's truck..
the greatest artist in history would surly grasp the concept of light.
why the chick is lit from the top right and the unicorn lit from the center left, and on top of all that the shadow of her leg on the horse is being cast by a light on the lower right that is not illuminating anything? my brain hurts looking at this. i am with pior, to each his own, but damn that is horrible. i still feel like this is a joke post.
Pliang: His name is Boris Vallejo, but there aren't that many Boris' out there in the art world I know of.
Personally, for the subject matter of fantasy babes, I think Luis Royo tops Boris a bit, but I can't argue with many of the teamup pieces of Boris and Julie Bell either. I'm also partial to Olivia De Berardinis when it comes to well done pinup type art.
My present favorite is Alex Ross. His stuff is always just gorgeous, even when the construction can be very simple.
Haha. I got one of his books right next to me. My girlfriend thought I would like it, its pretty good. Thats a really shitty pic you selected to show though, certainly not a good representation of his work.
His name is Boris Vallejo BTW, he doesn't have a one word name.
Technical execution and distinct stile is top notch, if you look at his body of work (not that shitty pic). Once you see one of his books you'll probably realize a lot of paintings you saw when you were a kid were done by him. Subject matter leaves a lot to be desired though, boring as hell.
His work reminds me of Frazetta's, but more polished, and yet not as interesting or believable IMO.
Never been a huge fan of Boris or Julie, I just find their art too heavily reliant on reference for my tastes. I enjoy seeing more stylization and rules broken rather than just what appears to be straight up photo copies. Their use of color is just way too saturated and muddy as well.
Oh yea, his 'Dreams' book would be up your alley if you don't already have it John_Warner. Its pretty good. I could name a bunch of artists whose work I like more, but there's no denying he's got mad skills and is very productive. That in itself is enough to inspire me.
hehe yeah, this post was really tongue in cheek. i know his work fairly well, and i gotta say, for the most part, it's technicaly incredible, but i never seem to get bored of how silly the content is.. as a generalization of course. the sexuality is incredible.
anyone seen the one with the girl & snake laying on the.. well.. the penis?
People should check out Jeffrey Jones, if they thought Vallejo was good.
Vallejo has a lot of "technically" good work, but I just get bored by it pretty much instantly - his subject matter is always the same, and each painting is executed in the same way so there's nothing of interest to hold your eye beyond the details.
Frazetta and Jeffrey Jones have a bunch of much more interesting work, painted in a more fluid, natural way, with plenty of lovely lost edges and patches cleverly lacking detail to allow the viewer to fill in detail in their mind and generally make more impact.
I'm not really that into his work, but I live in the same city as him. I once took a figure drawing class that Julie happened to also be attending. That was pretty cool.
I really enjoyed some of his work on the old 1997 fleer xmen cards
I used to like Marc Sasso's work much more than Boris http://www.marcsasso.com/gallery/gallery1.htm unfortunately the pics on his website dont really show the crisp quality of his work
Sasso always had so much information in his art, its just crammed with awesomeness, boris' stuff gets stale as soon as you realise that he has a set method and references people in poses and puts them on fantasy backgrounds.
But thats all in the past. At the moment Im more impressed with Adi Granov and Marko Djurdjevic
Different strokes for different folks. I like his art, to an extent, but find it hard to view it as anything other than a Heavy Metal magazine cover, created for the specific purpose of satisfing the lurid fantasies of lonely man-boys.
Honestly, who can say who the best artist is ever?
Yeah Jeffrey Jones is really an underrate artist IMO. He's had a nervous breakdown among other things later in his life so far and it's shame cause a lot of good art was probably never created.
As to not be a total troll...
since we're talking about spank-a-rific artists, nothing hotter then a chick who paints chicks. There are many to choose from but from recent memory Cris de Lara ranks up there.
This one is doing also some cool sick art: http://www.wonabc.com
also a lot graffiti related. On the downside, the weird website is pain in the ass to navigate.
Oh, also, William Bouguereau was pretty damn good.
shit, i guess so....
screw this modern supermodel garbage, i'll take onena them women please.
this is turning out to be a cool thread! keep posting your favorite artists!
one of my favorites is Wayne Barlowe.. his creativity is astounding, IMO
this was part of a series that he did on a commissioned tour of hell. a lot of his stuff has a story with them. his two inferno books are highly recommended...
wow this is turning into a good thread, thanks a bunch guys for the Jeffrey Jones links, i can honestly say i have never seen his stuff before, so awesome. as far as the painting goes my all time fav has to be egon schiele http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~svb/Schiele/
student of klimt's, dude was seriously 80 years ahead of his time. i cant help but think of the original aeon flux cartoon everytime i see his stuff.
egon schiele http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~svb/Schiele/
student of klimt's, dude was seriously 80 years ahead of his time. i cant help but think of the original aeon flux cartoon everytime i see his stuff.
Been a Kent Williams fan for a long time, but haven't kept up with his more recent stuff. Very cool.
My first encounter with his work was the Wolverine/Havok miniseries: Meltdown. He painted all of the Wolverine pieces and Jon J Muth painted all of the Havok pieces. Cool stuff.
Arsh I did not know you liked Schiele!
I was about to post a link but thought no one would enjoy that kind of stuff :P
I don't think he was Klimt student tho, I thought of him as more of an admirer. I know they talked together a little, even exchanged drawings. Klimt actually told Schiele this was unfair trade, as he considered Egon to be a much better artist than him! Which I think is true to some extend (expressivity)
pior you could be right as i am sure you got some better art history teachings in france than the horrible US education i received but i was told schiele was a prot
and some of the newer painters I enjoy: Ben Tour Shawn Barber (whom I think has done things with Massive black)
There's a whole slew of new painters I like, I just have yet to commit their names to my memory, but I would call them illustrators rather than painters, but I'd rather not get nit-picky about who is which.
There is also a great deal of old painters I like, but I decided to keep it post 19th century.
Hehe Sam as a matter of fact I really don't know! No teacher ever mentionned Schiele at school (didn't really go to an art school anyways so that might be why!), it was just a vague memory I had from a book
First time I heard of him was at the evening life drawing class I took a couple years ago. The teacher totally encouraged personal exploration through nude drawing (never ever stated Riley/Laafa techniques as a rule, quite the opposite actually) and mentionned Schiele during a class. I must say I'm happy he did!
Unicorn rifing naked babes ('cept nipples!) for the win!
Love the ideas though...
Although as I've grown older, oiled up babes and conans have worn thin on me.
the greatest artist in history would surly grasp the concept of light.
why the chick is lit from the top right and the unicorn lit from the center left, and on top of all that the shadow of her leg on the horse is being cast by a light on the lower right that is not illuminating anything? my brain hurts looking at this. i am with pior, to each his own, but damn that is horrible. i still feel like this is a joke post.
HR Giger remains my favorite of all time.
Personally, for the subject matter of fantasy babes, I think Luis Royo tops Boris a bit, but I can't argue with many of the teamup pieces of Boris and Julie Bell either. I'm also partial to Olivia De Berardinis when it comes to well done pinup type art.
My present favorite is Alex Ross. His stuff is always just gorgeous, even when the construction can be very simple.
His name is Boris Vallejo BTW, he doesn't have a one word name.
Technical execution and distinct stile is top notch, if you look at his body of work (not that shitty pic). Once you see one of his books you'll probably realize a lot of paintings you saw when you were a kid were done by him. Subject matter leaves a lot to be desired though, boring as hell.
His work reminds me of Frazetta's, but more polished, and yet not as interesting or believable IMO.
EDIT: Vailias beat me to it.
More info...
anyone seen the one with the girl & snake laying on the.. well.. the penis?
Not only have I seen it, but I modeled as reference for the tree trunk.
The one of president Clinton as tarzan is the most painful for me to look at. He sure does pick some cheezy shit.
Vallejo has a lot of "technically" good work, but I just get bored by it pretty much instantly - his subject matter is always the same, and each painting is executed in the same way so there's nothing of interest to hold your eye beyond the details.
Frazetta and Jeffrey Jones have a bunch of much more interesting work, painted in a more fluid, natural way, with plenty of lovely lost edges and patches cleverly lacking detail to allow the viewer to fill in detail in their mind and generally make more impact.
That's my take on it, anyway
I used to like Marc Sasso's work much more than Boris http://www.marcsasso.com/gallery/gallery1.htm unfortunately the pics on his website dont really show the crisp quality of his work
Sasso always had so much information in his art, its just crammed with awesomeness, boris' stuff gets stale as soon as you realise that he has a set method and references people in poses and puts them on fantasy backgrounds.
But thats all in the past. At the moment Im more impressed with Adi Granov and Marko Djurdjevic
Marko Djurdjevic is great one.
When I was young (ha ha), I was a big fan of surrealism ; in a fact I'm always.
I like also Siudmak for his sense of feeling for a space and time.
But I could stare at some of Frazetta's work all day.
I mean, come on, Dracula Vs Wolfman!? how can you not love it!?
Honestly, who can say who the best artist is ever?
His art -
Just take my word for it.
Also discovered this from there :
Great stuff all around...
I think lately.. I like Brandon Bird..if just for his subject matter.
Is my mom lying to me or am I really not the greatest artist in history?
my fav
Pior: [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Art-Jeffrey-Jones-Arnie-Fenner/dp/1887424571/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1213046396&sr=1-1]Go to Amazon and buy[/ame] the Art of Jeffrey Jones book, it's a must-buy!
since we're talking about spank-a-rific artists, nothing hotter then a chick who paints chicks. There are many to choose from but from recent memory Cris de Lara ranks up there.
If not someone has to recognize this...
This one is doing also some cool sick art: http://www.wonabc.com
also a lot graffiti related. On the downside, the weird website is pain in the ass to navigate.
Are unicorns always that horny, or is it just because he has a naked chick on his back?
Much more of a Frazzeta fan. Never really dug Boris all that much.
Fail. I'm sending that one to your ISP, they'll be cutting off your internet shortly.
shit, i guess so....
screw this modern supermodel garbage, i'll take onena them women please.
this is turning out to be a cool thread! keep posting your favorite artists!
one of my favorites is Wayne Barlowe.. his creativity is astounding, IMO
this was part of a series that he did on a commissioned tour of hell. a lot of his stuff has a story with them. his two inferno books are highly recommended...
A couple of my favourites;
Yasushi Suzuki & Aya Kato
student of klimt's, dude was seriously 80 years ahead of his time. i cant help but think of the original aeon flux cartoon everytime i see his stuff.
You would probably like Kent Williams' stuff: http://www.kentwilliams.com/
I'm partial to Mark Ryden: http://www.markryden.com/paintings/index.html
...and have a lot of other favorites, but think Todd Shorr paints some of the coolest weird shit ever: http://www.toddschorr.com/Home/index.html
And Vera Brosgol:
Been a Kent Williams fan for a long time, but haven't kept up with his more recent stuff. Very cool.
My first encounter with his work was the Wolverine/Havok miniseries: Meltdown. He painted all of the Wolverine pieces and Jon J Muth painted all of the Havok pieces. Cool stuff.
I was about to post a link but thought no one would enjoy that kind of stuff :P
I don't think he was Klimt student tho, I thought of him as more of an admirer. I know they talked together a little, even exchanged drawings. Klimt actually told Schiele this was unfair trade, as he considered Egon to be a much better artist than him! Which I think is true to some extend (expressivity)
Edward Hopper
Otto Dix
Zdzisław Beksiński
Francis Bacon
Lucien Freud
Robert Rauschenberg
Odd Nerdrum
and some of the newer painters I enjoy:
Ben Tour
Shawn Barber (whom I think has done things with Massive black)
There's a whole slew of new painters I like, I just have yet to commit their names to my memory, but I would call them illustrators rather than painters, but I'd rather not get nit-picky about who is which.
There is also a great deal of old painters I like, but I decided to keep it post 19th century.
First time I heard of him was at the evening life drawing class I took a couple years ago. The teacher totally encouraged personal exploration through nude drawing (never ever stated Riley/Laafa techniques as a rule, quite the opposite actually) and mentionned Schiele during a class. I must say I'm happy he did!