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ww1 like soldier

polycounter lvl 15
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robomaniac polycounter lvl 15
here goes my soldier


step2. added weapon,armor and backpack details

step3. texture

now i am stuck at this point and looking for ways to improve texture confused.gif


  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Add blood splatters dust and the like? Make him look like he's been to war, not as if he's straight out of bootcamp. Besides, if that were the case he'd be clean shaved. Looking good so far smile.gif
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    love it, love it, LOVE IT!! Damn you're making me wanna start character modeling again even though school just ended for me last week! Facial textures look great - eyes maybe a bit too large. Getting some shadows in there will really make them look more realistic. Base textures for the clothes are looking good except i think the gold lining may be a little too bright and saturated, which kills the realism.

    Keep at 'er. This is definitely an inspiration.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Shit, that's hot, son. The armoured-up version looks awesome.

    Texture-wise, I'd agree with tapan. Dirty him up! He looks like a shock trooper, or front-line soldier, so get some mud and grime on him. Some dried blood, maybe some bits where his uniform's torn or worn down from age. Right now it almost looks like he could step onto a parade square (after a shave and spitshine, of course tongue.gif).
  • Mark Dygert
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    I really like it, nice work! The dirt comments are good points but you shouldn't over do it. Watch how much blood you put on the uniform in trench warfare if you got blood on your uniform it usually either your buddies, or your own, hardly the enemies. Unless you actually made it into the other sides trenches...

    It could be the perspective but in the textured version his legs look a bit small for his body.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    awesome work robomaniac! very clean style. looking forward to seeing the armored version + gun textured up
  • edwardE
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    I really like where this is going; especially the second and fourth headgear. Personally, I kind of like how clean he is, but the clothes should be a bit lightened near the arms and areas that bend a lot and his cuffs and the bottom of his front flap dealie - you've got some broad hints of it already; this would just be reinforcing everyday wear.

    The straps around his elbows are looking pretty flat compared to the rest of the textures; maybe just pop those out with some lighter and darker accents. I'm still learning texturing myself, though, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

    I'm really liking where this is going, though.
  • robomaniac
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    robomaniac polycounter lvl 15
    omg, thank you guys...
    awesome crit, go on, post more..
    constructive crit is always welcome
    will do all of this fixes during this weekend smile.gif
  • robomaniac
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    robomaniac polycounter lvl 15
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    dang- this is getting pretty cool. It might be cool to desat the blue and go for a more navy blue, as opposed the the cobalt blue you have now. not much of a critique I guess, just more of a stylistic suggestion :/
  • AsylumSeaker
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    Keep a clean version. A battalion of those guys marching in unison would look great.
  • robomaniac
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    robomaniac polycounter lvl 15
    yeah, agree... desaturation is needed... but final color tweaking I will do after exporting into engine and see, how model looks there

    haha, great idea, will create parade :)... will need additional texture tweaks to create ommanders and sergeants
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    very nice solid model and textures :) the mirrored splats on the legs look a bit strange, try not to make obviously mirrored splats if possible.
  • ng.aniki
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    ng.aniki polycounter lvl 13
    Very nice !

    His face reminds me Tch
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    This looks really nice. However, I may be alone in that I like the clean version best.
  • The_Kozmonaut
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    Really cool idea to do WWI, it is something you rarely see. I also like the clean version better. The 'dirty up every texture' craze in game art can get a bit overboard sometimes. You could have both though, for before and after battle. The model looks good, nice job on the textures.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah that looks pretty nostalgic to me...the blood splatter details however still look comped on...might wan to darken and smear it a bit...
  • ultra
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    ultra polycounter lvl 18
    Very cool, great model.
    What is the polycount?

  • Ignition
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    i looks great, the uniform reminds me of those civil war days.... :)
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Looks great, I think the clean version works nice to.

  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    This made me happy :) Insta-inspiration.

    Looking good man, I do agree with the crit on colour choice, but thats just personal opinion. It just seems like you have a lot of different colours, some not working well with others, and I think the biggest issue is the blue, tone it down a bit... desaturated some of the uniforms colour and I think it may work better.

    Either way, great model, great poly distribution, solid flow... and an awesome texture to follow, you made my day man :)

    Keep up the great work.
  • The_Kozmonaut
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    The one thing that seemed really weird in the original shots, was that his gun is a m16 or m4 or something similar. What's the deal with that?
  • robomaniac
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    robomaniac polycounter lvl 15
    done some tweaking
    4800 polys

    clean version will be too, i plan to make officer's cape and replace signs by placing additional polygon with alpha, where signs will be easy changed

    thank u guys for help
  • Mtg_kirin
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    great job, love both versions. Only thing really sticks out is how loose his sleeping pad is rolled up. Id imagin a bit smaller and less black space. or make it a bit thicker
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    There isnt any close ups, but the eye socket seems to droop down on the lower part. Is there any spec/normal to this? It seems flat, like old school hand painted only diffuse. You didnt specify, so im assuming it is? but the poly count was a bit high for diffuse only genre. I agree with the above comments to desaturate, but you should do it in places to signify wear. If you want to make anything feel old and worn, you desaturate it. the fabric in the arms where its bound down with another piece could be beefed up a bit more. Usually when looser fabric is tied down like that, it overlaps itself in places and doesnt just smoothly wrinkle out.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    nice hat!

    fun character design. I cant help picturing him holding an oversized gun from a firefly type world.

    Some of the brush strokes seem a little fat and blurry like on the white boot part. The shadow around the thumb draws my attention as well for being too fat and dark.
  • robomaniac
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    robomaniac polycounter lvl 15
    updated weapon and armor
  • woogity
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    hey man first of all lemmie say that looks amazing!.. ok crits now, i love the heavy armor and the whole concept of a WW1 shock troop style guy, you nailed the uniform too with tho old style ligionairre boots great decision. only crit right now is the guy, even tho im aware that he is supposed to be an advanced infantry unit for the time the gun looks a bit too techy for me, i think maybe replace the green with some wood like the old m1grand had or something of the sort the plastic look of the green is out of place imo. sitll swee t piece and the character looks great the armor fits the character extremely well, also the goggles on the helmet remind me of rise of legends, which is good i think caus its a cool touch.

  • robomaniac
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    robomaniac polycounter lvl 15
    thanks for crit.. you right about weapon... looks too tech, will add wood, but think that not helps. need to design new one
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