I'm still watching, it's pretty interesting, but it has the feeling of quackery about it. Sort of like those people who claim that magnets will make you live forever. :P
Seems unlikely, with a little study. People are selling derivatives of this 'technology', and yet nobody has put up the money for a controlled (and thereby scientifically viable) study.
The Bob Beck Protocol involves a set of therapies devised by the late Dr. Bob Beck (who was not a medical doctor) that are supposed to cure AIDS, cancer and all other diseases. The four components are electric currents, magnetic pulses, colloidal silver and ozonized water. There is no good evidence that electricity can cure any infection. Claims about the healing powers of Bob Beck’s devices are based entirely on test tube studies and unverifiable anecdotes.
which indicates that there isn't evidence, but it isn't proven otherwise either. so it just hasn't been researched properly.
I don't know what to think about it, but i do think we should research it because if it would work it'd be great!
stupid and boring! Japhir, punch yourself in the face three times, it cures stupidity.
I'd say harmless quackery except the Bob Beck Protocal wants you to stop getting treatment for your disease and then suggests you poison yourself with colloidal silver.
I'm pretty sure scores of impressionable people with treatable diseases have died because of this asshole.
Although Beck may be a quak, the principle is actually real in the sense that it legitimately exists. This is the US Patent his stuff is based on. The patent is for a device that works in a similar way to a dialysis machine except it 'electrocutes' the blood.
i think quite a few people on these boards need to stop believing everything they see on youtube. :poly111:
i didn't make up my mind about it yet, i was just curious to see what you guys thought about it.
lol i totally forgot about the blue man .
he does give reference to articles in science etc. though, so i wonder if it actually has been published there or that he just made that up (it was hard to get for him, so it should be even harder to get to the original articles for us, so he's got himself covered pretty good there.)
well anyways, it was just to hear your thoughts on it, no harm intended .
referencing articles in science means nothing. patents on things mean nothing. this level of snake oil peddling has gone on forever and yes.. even quacks can write articles and file patents.
referencing articles in science means nothing. patents on things mean nothing. this level of snake oil peddling has gone on forever and yes.. even quacks can write articles and file patents.
International aids charities, in addition, shoot it down - http://www.avert.org/cure-for-aids.htm
also http://wc.arizona.edu/papers/90/166/03_1_m.html seems relevant.
I don't know what to think about it, but i do think we should research it because if it would work it'd be great!
I'd say harmless quackery except the Bob Beck Protocal wants you to stop getting treatment for your disease and then suggests you poison yourself with colloidal silver.
I'm pretty sure scores of impressionable people with treatable diseases have died because of this asshole.
Man turns blue from colloidal silver treatment:
I must get paid!
i didn't make up my mind about it yet, i was just curious to see what you guys thought about it.
lol i totally forgot about the blue man
he does give reference to articles in science etc. though, so i wonder if it actually has been published there or that he just made that up (it was hard to get for him, so it should be even harder to get to the original articles for us, so he's got himself covered pretty good there.)
well anyways, it was just to hear your thoughts on it, no harm intended
my world is so much more awesome than all of yours.
best response ever! nice one mark
aaawwww man.