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Brightness/Contrast... Hue/Saturation/Lightness

polycounter lvl 19
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adam polycounter lvl 19
Serious Adobe, why aren't these all in the same window?


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Also, why can't they save the last settings you used? I'd find that handy.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    They aren't in the same window because who the fuck would change contrast at the same time as HUE! THAT WOULD BE INSANITY!
  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    You mean people use Brightness and Contrast instead of using Levels? Weird ;)
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    I usually do this sort of thing using an adjustment layer so you can easily copy and paste the layers around if you want to use the same settings somewhere else. And you can re-open the layer to tweak it afterwards too.

    This is really handy if you've got a bunch of objects with really similar materials because you can just copy the original and replace a few layers to create a new texture.
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, i'm an adjustment layer whore, too. I pretty much never use the menu adjustments if there's an adjustment layer for it. You can go back an adjust at any time and it's easy to copy settings.

    Pro tip: Group an adjustment layer with a layer by alt-clicking in between the two layers. That way it will affect -only- that layer instead of all the layers beneath as usual.
  • EarthQuake
    Curves adjustment layer! bitches.
  • NeoShroomish
  • Slingshot
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    Slingshot polycounter lvl 17
    AdamBrome: "Serious Adobe, why aren't these all in the same window?"

    The same reason why we don't have a frikn color wheel or layer styles for text. Because the obvious things never get fixed for at least 3 years.

    sinistergfx "Yeah, i'm an adjustment layer whore, too." Rock-on! & also Sweet tip.
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    adjustment layers for the dubbs
  • Eric Chadwick
    whaddaya mean no layer styles for text?
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    Who are you addressing, Eric? (just curious, as I don't see it in the rest of the post)
  • Pedro Amorim
    too much eric's going on
  • Slingshot
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    Slingshot polycounter lvl 17
    Ha ha my name is Eric also. Sorry ahead of time if I am hijacking your thread adamBrome's.

    In layer styles you can copy and paste layer effects by moving your mouse cursor over the layer and hold Alt & then drag copy that layer effect aka layer styles to another layer. Currently it has a little "F" on the right of your layer to indicate that you have a layer effect/style applied to it.

    I wish Adobe Photoshop had layer styles for text. Copy & paste or just click a custom made text style in a pallet/ window. They could put a little "T" on the right side of the layer indicating it has a text style applied to it. I get tired of having to click the text layer then select the text to be changed then select the text font you want to change it too. Unless they have put this in CS3, I wish they would add it.

    I think all program company's should have some sort of forum to gather Ideas from, kind of the way z-brush does in a way.

    Since I am kind of hijacking your post Adam please fell free to nuke this post out, I'll understand.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Ah I see what you mean now. Yeah that would be neat. Not present in CS3, as far as I can tell. What's stupid is they have text presets (far left in the Options bar), but you can't apply them to existing text, only when you start a new layer. Dumb.

    Cool tip... right click on a text layer in the image to get options like Find/Replace, Spell Check, etc.
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter

    I am curious if anyone else has significant performance issues when typing in TT text? I put together a brochure this year, and literally filled my RAM with just text in PS. I can understand that at large resolutions, with thousands of vectorized (TT) shapes, things would slow down; but this was more than my system could handle.

    Ultimately, I typed everything up in word, and just pasted. Since it saved PS from re-rendering with every new character. However, it was probably the most frustrating moment with PS, since it seemed like a simple operation.
  • Eric Chadwick
    I do too, when there's a lot of text. Not a common situation though, so I just copy/paste like you.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    EricElwell wrote: »

    I am curious if anyone else has significant performance issues when typing in TT text? I put together a brochure this year, and literally filled my RAM with just text in PS. However, it was probably the most frustrating moment with PS, since it seemed like a simple operation.

    In the wisdom of Adobe, they probably felt you should've been using InDesign, an Adobe product for print design...
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