Just as a heads up, we are going to be doing some maintenance on the servers that hold the boards up. The hamsters are dying rapidly and need to be replaced with bigger, faster bunnies.
What this means to you is that we may experience some unexpected downtimes in the next coming weeks. Don't worry, we are professionals and will probably know of the problem before you mainly because we will have probably caused it in the first place. ;D
Thanks for sticking around and pardon our dust as we tidy up the joint.
I searched for a "Pardon our dust" image and this came up. I liked it better, so here:

I hear they're actually replacing them with zombie hamsters.
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I don't know if that's the funniest thing I've seen all week or if I'm just too tired, but I laughed so hard I trickled a bit.
The boards aren't really closed, it's just that Vito hates you.
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Oh God they've been down for so long now. What if they never come back? What if something happened to Vito? HELLO? IS ANYONE OUT THERE? HELP! SEND FOR HELP!
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If your username is Per, then you really are banned forever. Otherwise, this message is a mistake and the boards will probably start working again for you very soon.
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