Hey guys, how is everyone doing? hope all is well. I'm graduating soon, and I honestly need some interesting scenes to do for my Demo reel. I need a total of 3 scenes. any reference or ideas are always appreciated! I was thinking of 1 scene to be realistic, second to be horrific, and the third to be cartoony like world of warcraft or fable for example, just to show that I can do it all. As I get more help and reference I will be sure to post some of my older stuff and offcourse the new props that I will do for my new scenes.

Thank you very much (I'm going for 3d enviroment artist and prop artist). <font color="orange"> </font>
Worry about just getting one good scene first, then move onto others.
Sorry for the totally unhelpfull and lame post, it was for my own entertainment and I laughed.
Be sure to work each one up until it's good enough to get you a job, then start on the other. Don't have all three going at once or you might end up with three half finished scenes.
Be sure to tell a story in each scene, that's definetly important.
Worry about one scene at a time and make sure you are technically doing it correct for a game(if your shooting for an in-game environment anyway)
What school do you go for? What degree / certificate are you graduating with?