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Exis Exchange

Well I know a couple of you guys may know of this, but PeterK has been putting in a lot of effort on getting this site up and running. Its a streamlined marketplace set up primarily to help out with game artists selling their work online. Think turbosquid but a bit more focused, run by decent people and with some better community elements for cybersex etc. Anyway check it out! Its in beta now and I'm sure peter will be grateful to hear anyone's comments or suggestions.



  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18

    I didn't even know that you could sell stuff on there. For some reason I totally thought it was just a community site like facebook/plaxo/linkedin/myspace/etc/etc2.

    I feel dum.

    I wanna make something now.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Peterk is a cool guy, and honest as well. He doesn't rip you off, and you get to put your work out there and make some cash. I'll probably do some work for it. smile.gif
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah I did some work for Peter a while back. Great guy. Easy going. Also hung out with him at GDC a year ago. I'm on the exchange. Now it's just time to add some things.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Thanks for all the kind comments guys, I really appreciate it. We've been putting a lot of effort behind this for a long time, and it's great to see that people are enjoying the site. Membership is steadily growing since we launched so I want to thank everyone that has joined. I've included some information below in case anyone else is interested in checking out the site:

    Btw, KillingPeople, the site currently has 3 themes, so you can change it to look completely different smile.gif.

    Back in 2003, I officially started Exis Inc. It started as a very small contract art shop and had the opportunity to work with Gargegames, Large animal and a few others. We've been lucky enough to acquire offices in Towson, MD and work on games like Fracture for Day 1 studios/ Lucasarts. I've been a part of this community for a very long time, as many of you have, and I feel it's important that I make announcements here about Exis from time to time.

    In 2005, we started the "Exis Exchange" to sell 3d content to indie developers at a reasonable price. The site worked well, and was generally well received. As a result, we've developed the "Exis Exchange 2.0" http://www.exis-exchange.com , a social network for game artists and game developers, where you can not only buy 3d models/media but also sell it right from your profile.


    We've created a very cool system to allow content developers to publish their media in an automated fashion. Please note that 3d models on the exchange are moderated through an approval process, so guests only get the best media .

    The site also has a powerful theme system. This lets users customize their profile to their liking. In the coming months, we will release an SDK so user's can make their own themes and apply them to the site.


    Feel free to connect and view the site through it's guest account: http://www.exis-exchange.com


    And also check out some of the great products submitted by community members. Each model is reviewed and tested via virus protection for your safety.


    The exchange also has an automated portfolio system for anyone who wants a portfolio n their profile page. Just upload the images and it automatically makes a portfolio for you. Feel free to check out my profile portfolio at http://www.exis-exchange.com/profile/main/28.

    Here are a few of the new products you will find on the Exis Exchange 2.0. I hope you guys enjoy it. (Mvalesquez & Chai) did the awesome monster and shields.





    Peter Kojesta
    Exis Inc
    7801 York Rd Suite 342
    Towson, MD 21286
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like its shaping up really well! needs more content
    congrats dawg smile.gif
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    looks nice, I may do some general stuff to put up there, I mean what harm can come from it?
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    The 50% cut makes me sad, but should be ok if word about the site gets around well enough.
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Also, snowfly, when someone becomes a trusted seller for the exchange, they get a 60% cut. So, we only take 40% then smile.gif. We just need to make sure we can afford the bandwidth, and hopefully make enough to hire people to make the site better. we are different from turbosquid in that they sell EVERYTHING, we are operating in a much smaller market (with moderated content also), so we hope to be able to sustain the site in this way.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    W00T! I'm now a featured artist at the exchange laugh.gif

    Thanks again Peter for setting up an awesome resource like this and also for plugging me...now I just need to make some content, heh.

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