So a game company in west hollywood is paying between $30-36k.
I currently live in Chicago, but I would have to move to West Hollywood. From what I have heard about California , that amount of money won't buy me a cheeseburger. All kidding aside, the question is...Is it do-able?
Check around craigslist for apartment listings.
If so then maybe if your working a second job, but really no.
If you figure both of you will make around 60K - 80K together, you'll both be fine.
I really don't know. I am willing to slum it a little in the beginning, but I know living paycheck to paycheck for an extended period of time will eventually make me wish I never left
Great weather though. You are just gonna pay for it.
BUT if it pushes your career forward and it is something you want then go for it.
What I'm curious about is what company it is in Boys Town? I wasn't aware of any game studios in that neighborhood.
The company is Meteor Games and they're making a MMO that's supposed to fill the gap between Habbo Hotel and WoW
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Stay the hell away. Start-ups making MMOs are a dime a dozen and the majority will go under eventually.
Stay the hell away. Start-ups making MMOs are a dime a dozen and the majority will go under eventually.
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Yep stay away for sure. Just look at what happened to Slipgate Ironworks. They were working on an MMO with the same art style as WOW....Well they aren't around any longer....
36k aint shit in So Cal. You can make that as a full time employee at Best Buy. I wouldn't take less than 50k as an artist in So Cal.
if your gf is a makeup artist LA would be a great area to live, she might have to commute to studio city or burbank cause thats where most of the actual movies and tv shows are made. and once your in LA there are only like 50 other studios to choose from so its not like your stuck in one place.
Ah sorry, didnt read your post well enough. Yea, with a wife AND kid, I dont really see how that would ever work out. You'd have to live way out in the cheap section of inglewood or somethin.
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No you didnt read it wrong that is just a different guy that has the wife and kid. It is just me and my gf, no babies that I know of.
This would be my first job at a game company in studio, so I am mostly just looking for experience. I just graduated from college 2 months ago and I know it isnt much money, but I sorta figured I would just give it a shot.
Even if its a startup working on an MMO that will likely end up falling apart, you'll be in socal and there are PLENTY of studios there if/when that does happen. Just make sure you're living on the bare min. and saving some money if that does happen. Also if you can i would try to find some place that has a short(6 month) or month-to-month lease.
Keep that in mind :O
With some smart budgeting you can live a decent lifestyle, and while you wont be driving a mercedes down the sunset strip and pimping armani, you wont have to live off rice and ramen either.
I don't know what rents are like up north, but in orange county I wasn't finding any decent 1 Beds under 1,200/mo. The cheapest one I considered was in Santa Ana in a semi-shady neighborhood for 1,290/mo, but opted to live in a nice area a few blocks from the beach for 1,350.
The fact that it would be your very first job, it's across the country, and it's a start-up making an MMO...sounds a little risky. But, if you and your girlfriend are looking for an adventure and/or are sick of where you live, maybe it's worth a chance. Then again, if you're not miserable or broke where you're living now, you might want to consider holding out for a better offer. You've only been out of school for a couple of months, if you keep working on your portfolio and keep sending out apps, you'll probably be able to swing some better offers.
Like others said, there are a lot of studios out here and just a lot of jobs in general. The weather is awesome and there's tons to do, beach, themeparks, lots of stuff to do for free as well. I'm definitely enjoying it down here so far.