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Difference btw job offers and employment contract?

Bit confused here. Back in China, we sign contract every year and have to give notice 2 weeks ahead before leaving. Here u just sign offers (can terminate any time without reason by either party) and that is it?


  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    depends. It sounds like you've been shown an 'at will contract'. It's pretty common. I think legally, yes, either party can end things with or without reason, however it's still considered 'nice' to give a few weeks notice when/if you decide to leave.
  • Xena
    Offline / Send Message
    Does it mean job offers are not as good as contract? I could be fired anytime if they want? Feel insecure.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    nope,its not worse. i think its considered kind of standard here. Even with the "at will" clause, I've never seen any employee ever fired without any warning, time, or severance whatsoever.

    I've always guessed it was there just in case you came into work naked, drunk, and talking about your weekend with your boss' 18 year old daughter. If you act professional, do your best, and try to get a long with everyone, you should have nothing to worry about!
  • Xena
    Offline / Send Message
    thanks! Very helpful. I guess it is just culture difference.
    p.s. If I decide to leave the company, I will take your advice and come to work naked!
  • Rob Galanakis
    Offline / Send Message
    [ QUOTE ]
    nope,its not worse. i think its considered kind of standard here. Even with the "at will" clause, I've never seen any employee ever fired without any warning, time, or severance whatsoever.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you include unannounced/unforseen layoffs in that?

    My last company laid off loads of people without warning or severance, and I know I've heard of at least a couple studios who have done the same (and it seems to be especially popular in the software, if not game, industry).
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