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2008 Demo Reel

polycounter lvl 17
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makoa polycounter lvl 17
What's goin on Polycounters! Just finished my latest demo reel.

Check it out HERE!!!

Crits and comments please! Thanks!

Sneak preview:


  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18

    Great looking reel, Kenny!

    Couple things: aren't really noticing specmaps so much. Maybe it's lighting, maybe it's the materials, but it makes some of your work seem flatter than it is.

    The site auto-plays the reel, this is a tad annoying when checking out your thumbnails unless I actively remember to open them in new window because every time I pretty back, there's that reel loading lag.

    Minor issue though, everything looks real good.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    fantastic work dude
  • Josh Winn
    Looks good. The speed of the camera movement in the closeups feels a little rushed, especially on the last gun beast. The beast has a real quality texture that the camera pan at the end doesn't let me get a good enough look at. In general maybe start the camera a little higher up on the closeup cuts and slow down the rotation a little bit.

    Nice work, I'm also doing the reel thing at the moment.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Man I love the stuff. I have a question from a learning perspective.

    On your Mosque Beauty, you say that you have 2x1024 textures and 1x512. Which part of model are the big and which are the small. I can sort of see whats going on, but without flats I have no idea what is windows or doors or pillars or which texture corresponds to which. As I said though, thats from a purely learning perspective from my point.

    Your characters look awesome though, love the style!
  • StJoris
    Very awesome works! Good presentation, no comments smile.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Nice stuff - good variety of characters, interesting colours, poses, consistent presentation.
    Can't fault it really, good work! smile.gif

    Suggestion: Your resume's "objective" says you want an internship position - your work is stronger than that, don't sell yourself too low or some companies might take advantage of it. Change it to something like "aiming for junior character artist" instead.
  • flow3d
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    flow3d polycounter lvl 18
    I envy the person who gets a chance to animate the characters featured in the video!
    especially the quadraped with the dude sitting ontop of it! that one is just screaming for some excellent cutscene-like animations! zazoooga!!
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Really cool stuff! I love how Lumpish turned out.
    and "Sexy No jitsu" I lovely!
    I simply echo the comments that the auto play is annoying when trying to look at links, and you are waaaay better than any Intern I have seen.
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    That demo reel is fire. I agree with the simple crits but the work is straight fire! Just wanted to let you know that ... again :-/ haha

    -Anwar B.
  • makoa
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    makoa polycounter lvl 17
    Heyyyy, thanks for the feedback guys! I fixed the minor viewing issues - autoplay is off, and the links now load in a new window (not sure if this is kosher, but figured it'd be less irritating). Also, updated my resume! I'm working on the speed of the turnarounds and I'll post the changes when it's done.

    cholden - thanks! thanks for the crits as well, i'll put a bit more work into the spec maps to make them pop more.

    shotgun - thanks man!

    josh winn - thanks bro...great crits on the camera stuff, i'll keep it in mind when i rework the video.

    saidin311 - thanks, yea sorry, it's a little unclear...i had to double check cuz it was all done awhile back, but the roof is one 1024 and the doorway/wall is another. the pillar is the 512. i probably could've achieved similar results with just one 1024 and a 512, or even less....i'm not sure why i chose to do it the way i did, tbh...

    stjoris - thank you!

    MoP - thanks a lot mr. moppius! glad you like it, updated my resume with the suggested objective.

    flow3d - haha man, if you can find someone to animate them, let me know! i'd love to see 'em in action too.

    josh singh - thanks josh! i'm glad you're diggin it. to be honest, i was trying to live up to your average avery when putting together lumpish, so big ups!

    anwar! haha, what's going on man, thanks a lot for the props. it was dope meeting you at GDC, we definitely gotta grab some beers while we're in the same city. good luck with the interviews bro!
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Just so you know dude, it still automatically loads when you go to the site.
  • The_Kozmonaut
    I don't know if I am the only one, but to me the characters are spinning around too fast. When I want to focus on a small area I couldn't because it already spun past. I started feeling a little dizzy.

    Other than that the work was really good. I really like the texture work. and the girl is hot cool.gif
  • sherrell
    dude nice for sure. I think someone said this alreay but u should work on the specular maps give the characters some highlightson the armor and skin
  • StJoris
    The autoplaying is actually crashing my browser (FF), not a good thing if it happens to employers.
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