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blue screen of death 0x0000007B boot error help?

so I recently built a new computer, but it likes to give me the blue screen of death when i boot it up; okay so i reinstalled windows (xp 32 bit home) on my new comp using the old system restore disc from my previous computer because i'm using the same primary hd. so windows starts to load then i get a blue screen of death with that error code, 0x0000007B , i looked it up, and apparently this means windows doesnt have the drivers for the IDE bus or controller or something... this makes sense because the new hardware is newer than the old windows disc right? so would I have to get a newer more recent xp install disc? any help is appreciated thank you.


  • Rob Galanakis
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    I believe, and I could be mistaken, if you used the restore disc from a pre-built system, it had the specific drivers for (what I assume was) a proprietary motherboard. The best thing to do would be pick up just a regular joe copy of XP and try again.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    No, a new version won't help you. Sounds like you have a faulty piece of hardware. Take out all but one of your memory sticks... if you have more than one.
  • BlackulaDZ
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    [ QUOTE ]
    I believe, and I could be mistaken, if you used the restore disc from a pre-built system, it had the specific drivers for (what I assume was) a proprietary motherboard. The best thing to do would be pick up just a regular joe copy of XP and try again.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah, the disc was from a prebuilt system, so thats the same thing i was thinking, ill probably need a new copy of xp

    [ QUOTE ]
    No, a new version won't help you. Sounds like you have a faulty piece of hardware. Take out all but one of your memory sticks... if you have more than one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah that was the first thing i tried, i have two sticks and i ran the system with one of each, testing the slots, and it still didnt boot.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with bearkub (and your suspicions), the prebuild CD probably doesn't have the drivers. I didn't read enough, and was thinking you were just using an old XP. Most likely it doesn't have the drivers for your motherboard, which is probably causing the bus to crash. I'm surprised you got it to install once though. If you can get it to install once, then maybe you can get it to boot long enough to throw on some drivers. Start with the motherboard/chipset drivers though.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    Uhm... You can't just take a hard drive with windows installed on it from one machine and stick it into a completely new machine and boot from it. You have to have a reformat in there somewhere or else you'll have major driver conflicts. (The disc that he's using probably has a lot of other drivers on there too... most likely all the ones that XP does come with, which are some very basic ethernet and chipset drivers for almost any chipset. They aren't manufacturer specific, but they'll allow boot)

    Sorry, but you're going to have to flatten the drive and start over with a fresh copy of XP.

    If you're a student, a lot of the times you can get a copy from your school for under $10.
  • Mr.T
    Offline / Send Message
    Hmmm... it might be a hardware conflict, you said you tried
    with ram, did you tried also without any other card except
    the graphic card? (meaning, 1hdd, 1ram, graphic card)

    I had blue screen of death when I added my WIFI card, I had
    to switch my graphic card to another PCIE slot and it worked
    fine. Tho the error message was totally outside the real

    Also on Microsux website there might be the answer:

    or there:

    But I pretty much agree with PfhorRunner,
    "Uhm... You can't just take a hard drive with windows installed on it from one machine and stick it into a completely new machine and boot from it. You have to have a reformat in there somewhere or else you'll have major driver conflicts."

    I'm not sure you can do system restore from backup without
    the same HDD since it must have some informations about the
    HDD header etc..

    edit: oops.. you mentioned it's the same disk..
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    Well, normally that would be a good point (referring to the links in Mr. T's post) but the simple fact that there IS a blue screen indicates that the HDD can be found, and is trying to boot from it. Just in case, check the jumpers, cables, and BIOS settings.

    Normally if you couldn't find a bootable device, it would tell you in the bios setup, before you even were able to BSOD (since BSOD is a windows thing).
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    The memory code you are given is dependent on your config. You should have gotten A simple text error or a file name with that. Something like IRQ_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO

    Etc. The only thing you really can do at this point is swap parts one by one to find the culprit. Not finding HD drivers is a ridiculous assumption if you were able to install windows, it has the drivers. You only need special user defined drivers in situations where the drive controller is not standard.

    NM... I just read the above posts. You used a prebuilt systems XP disc. You'll have to use an OEM or retail copy.
  • BlackulaDZ
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    yeah, so i got a new copy of windows and everything works fine now, except for the internet, my router/connection isnt showing up in "my network connections" folder. I have Verizon FiOs
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    You probably need additional network drivers
  • BlackulaDZ
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    yeah thats what i thought, but I have no idea where to download them, when we got FiOs installed the guy installed software from a jump drive he had onto my old computer, so i'll probably have to call verizon and ask about that.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Did they install the network card? How is your computer connected to the router? If the network card is built into you r motherboard, than Verizon can't help you. You need to get the driver from your motherboard maker.
  • BlackulaDZ
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    nvm, im a noob, i didn't install the motherboard drivers, which explains why the sound wasn't working too... anyhoo im all set, thanks for your help guys
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