Actually I live in France (Paris) and I'm must do a relocation for Team17 (England).
The compagny is to Osset near Wakefield or Leed town.
I never lived in England before, so I have lot of difficults to find more informations about town arround, buses map or hours.

I don't have car then I must find a rent near a bus station and near some shop for eat sometimes

I don't know what I can say else, If someone is in this region and accept to help me It should be really nice.
If someone has a good url for this research, I take it too!
If you have some questions , don't hesitate

Thanks by advance!
Busy just now, will post properly later.
also, check google for websites for french expats.
lastly, if the company is based in the countryside (they love to that over here - what's wrong with inner city offices, again?), get a car. seriously, public transport seems not that stellar in general. many people here take a cab to work. with a car, 97% of ypur problems vanish - but then you have to deal with rust in this climate.
Good student 'vibe', lots of clubs, venues. Good areas are Headingley, Hyde Park, Roundhay - basically anywhere north-west of the centre.
thomasp : I don't really want a car... Prefer a bike haha!
But I defenitly don't want a car.
I have a lot of links for french expats to Japan, but nothing for England -_-...
So I find first informations for :
- train :
- flatshare :
(I like that, I'm in one since 3 or 4 years now)
And it seem's to have something like 10 current offer arround Osset... Something like 10 or 15 min on feet.
- Team17 map :
Rick_Stirling : yes don't forget! please!
Gmanx : But Leeds ==> Wakefield (or Osset) with Bus, how many time you think? any ideas about what I must take?
Or maybe a map of Buses lines? Or maybe price too?
Arrange for Team 17 to sort you out with accommodation for a few weeks. Seriously, ask them. You are moving from another country.
Arriva buses service the area. http://www.arrivabus.co.uk/
Osset is an OK place, Horbury a few miles out is actually a fairly nice place, but Dewsbury isn't really.
Travel - ask the T17 people, I suspect that public transport is limited. You live in Paris, you have a Metro and good public transport. Those rural English areas don't, so a bus route will be important. Knowing the weather a bike will OK for a good part of the year, but it is cold in the winter months. It may be the case that a wherever you choose to live may mean a bus journey into a larger town (Dewsbury), then back out to Osset.
I'll be honest, I'd not not choose to live in Dewsbury. Batley was OK, but would mean a bus swap for you. Wakefield is further away but a much better choice of somewhere to live. It's bigger and much nicer, and will have a better bus service.
It is *near* Leeds, a big city, but that's a train ride away. It's about 10 miles, but not a bike journey really.
I can try to answer any specific questions that you might have.
I suggest the planner on WYMETRO.com
I'm not sure if that works but I planned 'Leeds Rail Station' to 'WF5 9JS, 16 WAKEFIELD ROAD, OSSETT' to arrive for 8:45
It's a train and then a bus.. taking 30 minutes which isn't a long time.
But if you lived on the outskirts of Leeds it means getting BACK into Leeds, making your way to the train station.. then getting a bus- just seems a bit of a farse.
The map on wymetro planner puts the final location more towards HALIFAX, BRIGHOUSE and BATLEY. The only thing is with these locations - they aren't exactly cities like Leeds, so you won't find the cheap student accomodation with people wanting to share.
So for compare with my current situation and old job :
45/1h of subway :
So, with Osset I think I should find something in Dewsbury or Wakefield... Price for a rent should be less than Leeds (I hope) and it appears there are some bus for go to Team17.
I think it can be a good deal and bike can be a good solution too sometimes.
So now I must find a rent... oh year... nice!
Just need official paper from compagny, etc...
Thanks again for all your help, I begin to understand a little more this coutrie and town arround my futur work!
Polycount POWA!
I tried to skirt around being so blunt previously.
a few people at work live in osset, and at least two of those aren't the sort of people who are just going to live anywhere. I dunno how it compares price-wise though, but for renting, you're not going to be paying a huge amount for anywhere round there.
Resident are expert here. I'm born and bred in Batley, lived in both Dewsbury and Ossett for many years.
Ok, Batley is a dead town, not much goes on there and I would never want to live there plus it does mean 2 buses to get to Ossett (Batley to Dewsbury then Dewsbury to Wakefield going thru Ossett).
Dewsbury is much morel lively, has a large asian population so you 'll never have to go too far for a good curry
Hey I went for an interview at Runekraft Rick, thankfully I didin't get it as they folded six months later.
Ossett is much nicer, Team 17 is only about 8 minutes walk from the bus station. Probably not much accomodation to rent in Ossett as it's quite small but has all the facilities you will need.
Wakey (Wakefield) would be my 2nd choice outside of Ossett. It's a city but it's only really like a large town. Lots of nightlife shops and things to do. Much more in the way of placed to rent. Depending on which side of wakey you live, it may still mean two buses to Ossett.
Any questions, fire away
Fordy : Do you think you can have any map of Buses? of the Team 17 arround? It can be very very interresting for me!!
I remember tosee lot of big supermarket near WestGate Station to Wakefield, do you think you can show me quickly interesting point from Dewsbury or Osset(for exemple post-office, supermarket for my precious food, internet access, ...) or maybe other thing, I need to know?
I know... This maybe a lot of things...
I know there are some people to Team17 compagny, but I didn't success to contact/found one. I only posted on Polycount, then nobody know one inside?
"Point Break or Bad Boys II?"
"Which one do you think I'll prefer?"
"No, I mean which one do you wanna watch first?"
(Hot fuzz
Have alook here for the bus info - http://www.wymetro.com/BusTravel/BusTimetables/
I do know that buses to Ossett are regular, either every 10 or 20 minutes.
Use Google to search for local amenities like supermarkets - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl...p;z=11&om=0
and of course other places like Gym's etc. No need to search for pubs, you can't walk 100 meters without passing one!
Wakefield and Ossett both have large post offices in the centre and there are smaller ones in the surrounding areas - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl...p;z=12&om=0
As for the price of renting somewhere, you are probably looking at about £250 upwards per month, probably £380 minimum if you want more than a single room in a shared house.
Give my regards to Rico Holmes if he still works there
Hope that helps!
and yeah, give your future employer a ring, ask them to sort out a few things for you - for example a hotel stay nearby for a while. in some companies it's standard to assist you in finding an apartement or organize all kinds of other things for you.
for example you'll need a bank account - and without your employer's assistance it can be a very tricky thing to get one as a foreigner.
but if Team17 has some shower in building I could sleep on my desk
Team17 give a little of money for help me to do my relocation, but I wait again the informations -___-... so this is the week end, I need to wait 1 day...
for a bank acocunt, They said the society has some contracts with one, or something like this. So I wait for now.
So, I think I have a lot of informations now, I hope find something quickly!
I'll post here when I'll do my relocation!
Thanks a lot all!
Lee3dee : Lookat this if you want something new! http://semag.co.uk/
i read your posts just for your english
its very cute
dont let the english people steal it
make good textures bye
Some News about my relocation!
Team17 is actually helping me a lot.
I take 4 days next weeks for stay in Wakefield, they'll help me for open an account in an UK bank, and visit some accomodations.
I'm actually on some RentShare, I need to do some visits, and wait news from another ones..
I began to do a cleanup in my stuffs, a lot of things for the dump (administratives old things, 80% of my old school work, old projects, etc..), give lot of things to my friends (art tools, game magazines, toys, goodies, etc..)
But lot of things staying, for exemple my computer, TV, PS1, PS2, PS3, art books, game magazines etc... I don't see the end..
However I have one question... I have a lot of DVDs or CDs copies... and I think it can be a problem... for controles things when I take plane or train for England... haha... nobody has a solution? (Yes I'm a bad guy... But I was young you know...
Then last things I need to find a solution... (My piano...
As for the backup CDs... Just don't take them with you, there is like 5% of it that is useful I'm sure. J'en avais des caisses pleines aussi, finalement je n'en ai pas pris un seul et rien ne me manque! HA.
Holy crap you lived in that??
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes this is my precious room
Then some news again!
I signed paper to Team17, I'm officialy a part of this team!
I oppened an account to the HSBC bank, and if some people have any informations... Bad or good experience with this society, I'll be glad to read it.
And finally I found a rentshare, very nice person, house, room, location, etc... evrything for a good life (I hope...)
You can see my futur position on this map :
.... And come to drink some beers for listen my current bad english
Then thank again, again and aggaaiinn to Polycount for all this informations, it help me a lot.
I oppened an account to the HSBC bank, and if some people have any informations... Bad or good experience with this society, I'll be glad to read it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've been with HSBC for 6-7 years and they've been really good, no problems for me.
I hope everything goes well for you
hope the move goes well,
Go out as much as you can, drink as much as possible. You'll become a native speaker in no time.
Wanna drink a beer on Leeds? I actually need some bubles...
Already 2 month I did this relocation... and I'll surely move again for Japan in coming month... then before I leave I'd like meet some people from Polycount!!
But i don;t have enough money for a moving-house.
Then if some people a living in England and are interested about somethings...
Look at the list! : http://www.samavan.com/Shop/
Please don't hesitate to send the link to your friend living in UK because this is actually a big problem for me.... And I sell a piano too...
Thanks by advance!!
but why japan?
Because I want to live with my friend
I just try to obtain the visa working holidays (possibility to stay in Japan one year)....
My friend is waiting for me in Japan we'd like to live together while one year. She said to stop her work and speaks japanese everyday with me and try to find a job in 6 month... Because english is not very usefull in Japan, a lot of people already said that to me.
My first 3 years in game industry are not really good remembers, then I stop eveything while 6 month or one years, time for me to find a new job in Japan... and if I find nothing i don't know what happened after that, I prefer to not speak about that.
I just want to be happy with my 3D and if I can't sucess to do that, I prefer to do a stupid job and practice my 3d the evening. Because for now, all the 3d I do the day just break my motivation a little more day after day.
I want my motivation back and pleasure of work too.
For now my next job in Japan is to wash dishes in a restaurant, some hours per weeks. and all the pleasure si for me, I really think that.
Rick Stirling : really?
God that's crazy O-o ... you right... my books