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Meet the Spartans !

polycounter lvl 17


  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    No, it couldn't. It will be fucking shite.

  • danr
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    danr interpolator

    the really mindboggling/upsetting thing is that people actually DO go to the cinema to see these things. I think i'm right in saying that Epic Movie hit #1 in the US box office charts. ENNN-URRRRR. Joooeeey.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    any movie that kicks a Britney Spears look-a-like down a dark hole is a good movie.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    This is the type of movie that file sharing was made for. It's worth viewing for a couple giggles, but not worth more than a dollar of my money.
  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    I guess you guys never liked the old "Hot Shots" Movies either then.
    Sure it's nothing that is supposed to be super involved or sport an incredible story. It takes the piss out of a movie that took itself so very serious, that's what makes it fun - for me at least.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    WTF is that shit ? I hope that was only a fake thing for some comedy show.

    And I actually loved the HotShots movies, this thing is just badly done, from what the trailer shows.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    there's a big difference to the fresh and inventive movie spoofs like Airplane, the Big Bus, Top Secret (not so much Hot Shots, i thought that was pretty lame) to this sort of by-the-numbers quickly-churned-out-with-whatever-pop-references-are-on-the-front-page shite. A BIG bloody difference. Even the trailer made me do the opposite of a laugh (a grimace and a frantic stab to make the video go away), god only knows what the full movie would make me do ... probably hit a kid. In a wheelchair
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Don't forget to push him down some stairs.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Sheesh, you guys need hugs!

    This looks to be 2007 in comic review. I, for one, have loved these over the top idiotic spoofs. Naked Gun, Hot Shots, etc. Obviously these movies are just good for a laugh. Spending the cash to see it in the theater? Maybe...maybe not. Either way, there's no real reason to get all huffy puffy about a flick looking to make people laugh a bit. :]

    For the record...I've chuckled every single time Britney breaths on the baby's head and gets kicked down the pit. I will enjoy this flick, no doubt. :]
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    haven't watched the trailer yet, won't seem to load...

    do they make fun of tom cruise? only way i can like it if they make fun of tom cruise and is crazay religion. that would be comedy gold. man, i hope they do. tom cruise... he's so rich and wacky. laughing about it already! laugh.gif
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    300 jokes are even more played out than "The cake is a lie!"
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    2007 in review? A film version of Heat magazine?
  • Ozymandias
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    Ozymandias polycounter lvl 18
    this is a real movie, i was hoping it was a joke. This looks completely terrible.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    Hasn't this movie already been made like 500 times?
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    this looks like it will be better than the real 300...

    thats not saying that it looks good..
  • bounchfx
    I would never pay to see that movie
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    [ QUOTE ]
    Either way, there's no real reason to get all huffy puffy about a flick looking to make people laugh a bit. :]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yes there is. They're spending too much time making money out of stupid people, by feeding them the turds they enjoy eating for their dinner every night.

    What they should be doing is spending just as much time trying to make just as much money out of people who aren't stupid. It IS possible you know, just not as simple to pull off - so they don't bother and simply service the mouth-breathing turd-gobblers 4 times a year instead.
  • nacire
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    nacire polycounter lvl 17
    I like spoof movies well enough. I do agree about the difference between them though. Epic movie in particular just wasn't funny to me in the slightest. I'm not sure, but it seems that this movie may have been made by the same folks. One particular series most people probably think is shit that I love for some odd reason is the scary movie franchise. Sure most of them bleed together and are forgetful, but the first scary movie is one of my favorite spoofs of all times.

    "I got papers, blunts, blongs, blokes, anything to make a high nigga pie!"
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Either way, there's no real reason to get all huffy puffy about a flick looking to make people laugh a bit. :]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yes there is. They're spending too much time making money out of stupid people, by feeding them the turds they enjoy eating for their dinner every night.

    What they should be doing is spending just as much time trying to make just as much money out of people who aren't stupid. It IS possible you know, just not as simple to pull off - so they don't bother and simply service the mouth-breathing turd-gobblers 4 times a year instead.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    from a business standpoint this is ridiculous... there are way more stupid people than not.. making movies/media for them makes you rich, guaranteed.. why do you think halo is so popular?

    if i had the choice to make a dumb movie and send my kid to Harvard, or make a smart movie and send my kid to a community college, i would be making the dumb movie, and telling everyone to lick my balls, my kid goes to Harvard and i have a Ferrari, while on my yacht getting wasted on a bottle of something that costs more money than the smart movie generated at the box office.
  • nacire
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    nacire polycounter lvl 17
    Well if your in business to purely make money sure. If your in the business to push the envelope and find new ground then probably not. If you end up doing both, then your onto something. But in the end we are talking about spoof movies.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    thats the double edge sword, people that are in charge of green lighting movies are in it to make money.. the people that make the films are the ones that want to push the envelope.. its just like games.. i cant count how many huge tittied, big gunned, robot, space marine, alien, basketball players i have made.. if it were up to me i would be making teamfortress 2 all day long.. its not up to me and when you get into a field it takes a long time to really get into a position where you can make something you actually give a shit about.
  • Pedro Amorim
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Either way, there's no real reason to get all huffy puffy about a flick looking to make people laugh a bit. :]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yes there is. They're spending too much time making money out of stupid people, by feeding them the turds they enjoy eating for their dinner every night.

    What they should be doing is spending just as much time trying to make just as much money out of people who aren't stupid. It IS possible you know, just not as simple to pull off - so they don't bother and simply service the mouth-breathing turd-gobblers 4 times a year instead.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    from a business standpoint this is ridiculous... there are way more stupid people than not.. making movies/media for them makes you rich, guaranteed.. why do you think halo is so popular?

    if i had the choice to make a dumb movie and send my kid to Harvard, or make a smart movie and send my kid to a community college, i would be making the dumb movie, and telling everyone to lick my balls, my kid goes to Harvard and i have a Ferrari, while on my yacht getting wasted on a bottle of something that costs more money than the smart movie generated at the box office.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    You know, one could say the same about the Games Industry these days wink.gif.

    Once there's too much money to be made in a certain field, it gets overrun by people with Dollar-Signs in their Eyes, and stuff just spirals downward from there. Most great Games have already been made, now its usually just rehashing, mixing and matching of stuff that has worked in the past.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well if your in business to purely make money sure. If your in the business to push the envelope and find new ground then probably not. If you end up doing both, then your onto something. But in the end we are talking about spoof movies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So every movie ever made should be ground breaking or pushing the envelope? That's some stupid shit.

    Just to clear things up, it's often the movies (and games) that follow proven formulas pay for the movies that push the envelope.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    getting pissed at people getting pissed at people making bad movies.

  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Oh I'm not saying they should be making "smart" movies to make their money. If they did that, the cinemas would be littered with even more teeth-grindingly sincere, po-faced worthy cock than there is already (and there is too much, thankyou very much Mr Eastwood)

    I'm more thinking of things like jaws and lord of the rings ...proper, uncynical demographic-spanning cashcows that keep everyone happy.

    Or - get this - making a properly budgeted hollywood film with christopher lee as the top-billed star. An honest to goodness Christopher lee filn. EVERYONE would go to see that, from your kids to your granparents. No, fuck off, they would. True star power is present in only one man
  • nacire
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    nacire polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well if your in business to purely make money sure. If your in the business to push the envelope and find new ground then probably not. If you end up doing both, then your onto something. But in the end we are talking about spoof movies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So every movie ever made should be ground breaking or pushing the envelope? That's some stupid shit.

    Just to clear things up, it's often the movies (and games) that follow proven formulas pay for the movies that push the envelope.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just meant that the people really concerned with pushing the envelope aren't necessarily concerned with the money as the end result. Although it's a welcomed result. It wasn't meant to be a black and white blanket statement.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Either way, there's no real reason to get all huffy puffy about a flick looking to make people laugh a bit. :]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yes there is. They're spending too much time making money out of stupid people, by feeding them the turds they enjoy eating for their dinner every night.

    What they should be doing is spending just as much time trying to make just as much money out of people who aren't stupid. It IS possible you know, just not as simple to pull off - so they don't bother and simply service the mouth-breathing turd-gobblers 4 times a year instead.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know about that. I consider myself to be a fairly intelligent person. I'm certainly not a "mouth-breathing turd-gobbler". I plan on seeing this movie, probably just as a rental.

    What's the issue with a studio making a movie in a genre that people obviously enjoy? Don't get me wrong, I like a good "ground breaking" film as much as the next guy, but come on...it's a satire flick. Doesn't mean I like ALL spoofs...Epic Movie especially was an Epic pile of shit. Besides, if all of the films out there were "serious"...who would we have to make fun of them? :]

    ...I still want to hug you danr. crazy.gif
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    can't be worse than date movie. That lasted 10 mins in the dvd player.
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    i dont want to ruin anyones high hopes for this movie, but it's written and directed by the same guys who did epic movie and date movie, one of which's wiki reads:

    Aaron Seltzer: He is a talentless hack. He is known for making horrible movies that attempt to pass themselves off as "spoofs" when in reality all they do is appeal to young pre-adolescents who think that simply having a movie referenced that they recognize equals hilarity. He and his partner Jason Friedberg must be stopped.

    jason friedberg is the other writer/director
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    ...it's written and directed by the same guys who did epic movie and date movie...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh god...I wish I could erase date movie from my memory. I definitely won't even be downloading this one.

    Hot Shots 1&2, Not Another Teen Movie, the first Scary Movie, all brilliant and hilarious, but Date Movie...jesus...jesus fucking christ....
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    aye, that's sad that it was created by the same people that horribly forced epic movie and date movie upon us. still though....maybe it will be funny. I still may rent it after reading a few reviews.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    [ QUOTE ]
    I guess you guys never liked the old "Hot Shots" Movies either then.
    Sure it's nothing that is supposed to be super involved or sport an incredible story. It takes the piss out of a movie that took itself so very serious, that's what makes it fun - for me at least.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I liked Hot Shots. It also made fun of one type of movie. Unfortunately the writers of this one can't find any more than 1 joke for each movie. So they string ..300.. of them together to try to make a buck. (Movies like this make me wish the writers stay on strike permanently)

    The Wayans family had nothing to do with Meet the Spartans but I curse them for starting a neverending string of bad spoof comedies when they released Scary Movie. (While I'm at it I'll curse the producers of the American Pie franchise too)
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I rented Epic movie and fell asleep 20 minutes into it. One of the least funny pieces of shite movies I've seen in a while.. This one looks even worse.

    Although, I do love seeing britney spears plummeting down an abyss.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    But it has Kevin Sorbo! That means it must be great!
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Trailer doesn't even load....{Turns away}
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Number 1 at the box office.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Every time I see the commercial for this movie I lose a little faith in humanity. Then I punch the closest 10-14 year old and I feel better.

    The only good spoof movie I have ever seen was Not Another Teen Movie. Pumpkin-tits is the the best phrase ever.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    WOW! Just... WOW! EPIC FAIL!

  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    I had to go see this movie on opening night with my dad since it was his birthday and he wanted to see it, I literally HURT inside thinking about this movie over and over

    a quick run down

    made fun of:

    American Idol
    britney spears
    Some stupid wanna be break dancing movie (stomp the yard or something? Fuck go see BREAKING 1 & 2 and then come back to me with break dancing hollywood!)
    American Idol
    American Idol
    American Idol
    American Idol
    American Idol
    American Idol
    American Idol
    American Idol
    britney spears

    You guys and gals geting the hint with the american idol jokes? Fucking LAME

    oh yea and man,girl on youtube crying about britney let us not forget
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Correction: "Its a tranny on YouTube"
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    WOW! Just... WOW! EPIC FAIL!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    see above Rick comment. It's number one in the US of A
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    WOW! Just... WOW! EPIC FAIL!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    see above Rick comment. It's number one in the US of A

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep..people in this country are fucking retards. They should shoot everyone in the face who buys a ticket to this movie.

    Unfortunately the American people have made it ok for the studios to produce a sequel to this movie.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Oh no, it beat Rambo, what a death blow to intelligent cinema.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    [ QUOTE ]

    They should shoot everyone in the face who buys a ticket to this movie.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    cracking idea that. They could run a warning flag next to the MPAA certificate - a skull or something. "You have been warned". You'd cut right down on the cretin-knacker factor that's quickly ruining the planet.

    I'd run it on a lot more than lazy unfunny comedies though.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    WOW! Just... WOW! EPIC FAIL!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    see above Rick comment. It's number one in the US of A

    [/ QUOTE ]
    HAHA! I read that as a sarcastic comment, but its actually true. confused.gif

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